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  1. Couldn't agree more about this. These people are very dangerous people. We need to start to stick together on these matters. Your vote DOES count because all the time that WE ALLOW these tree huggers to get away with these demands, they think ' this is easy, these noisy scramble racers don't put up much of a fight, now I'm retired and got nothing to do I'll take on anybody because I am right and you are wrong '. We need to be united on this and include all disciplines, including the four wheel drive lads and lasses, I think the ACU and the RAC should get involved a lot more and make it known that some retired tree hugger cannot just decide on the spur of the moment, to ban all motors away from somewhere because they feel like it. If you see another petition about a piece of land or some other bit of unfair jurisdiction, get it signed without question because next time it could involve your club land and you might need a helping hand. Stick together, it' s the only way !! Rant Over Phil
  2. Have to agree !! These are brilliant . Phil
  3. That is the wrong thing to do !! The way it was explained to me is , if you put to much two stroke oil in the mix , you are not getting enough fuel in the mix therefore the engine will run weak ( lean ). I run mine at 60 to 1 on super unleaded and she runs as sweet . I did change the pilot jet to a 45 jet after advice from a friend when I first got the bike because it was running rich at first . The carb is otherwise standard other than that. Phil
  4. Brilliant !! Funniest thing I've seen in ages !! Phil
  5. I need to change the fork seals on my 2010 evo. In the past I have always had them done at the local shop but times are hard and I was thinking of doing them myself instead. I know my around my tool box reasonably well so I am not a total novice in that respect, its just I have never done fork seals before so if anybody can give me a step by step guide it would be appreciated. Thanks Phil
  6. Did I see you and your mate at Warmden on Sunday ? Phil
  7. I also did this on my 2001 250 Sherco . It is really straight forward and made a hell of a difference !! Phil
  8. This a good club and not to far from you http://www.darwentrialsclub.co.uk There is a trial this weekend at Warmden Quarry which is on the road from the M65 towards Haslingden ( A56 ? ) Come along and have alook .
  9. Red Right Blue Left Easy enough really !
  10. Apparently the Beta has been claimed , it was stolen from a burglary in Leeds. Don't know if it's anybody off here though. Phil
  11. Don't know if this is the right forum but Greater Manchester Police at Radcliffe have found at least three trials bikes and it looks like two/three motocross bikes. One evo , what looks like a Sherco and I think a very distinctive green trials bike with green anodised wheel hubs ( possibly Gas Gas ) . Hope this helps somebody get their baby back and they can be found on twitter , @gmpradcliffe. Sorry I can't do the link thingy but hopefully this might help . Phil
  12. Good result !! Just out of interest , whereabouts in Gtr Manchester was it found ? Just in case it's on my doorstep !! Phil
  13. Brilliant , I love it . Now everythings sorted , it is pretty much like a new bike !! Phil
  14. When I got my 2010 evo, as has been mentioned previously , the suspension linkage bearings were knackered and they were indeed about £60 ish . Also the swing arm bearings were also goosed , so another £ 60 ish . The suspension squeeked when moving so it gave an indication before I took it apart !! And then the usual chain , sprockets , tyres etc. All in all about £ 300 ish and everythings been done . Phil
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