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  1. Alright Chaps, My mate has just recently aquired what i belive to be a late 80's aprillia 280 (air cooled). as i am not familiar with these bike's myself could any of you knowledgable guys tell me what you use in yours. This may sound dumb but i am pretty new to the scene and a little rusty on this area myself all i know is what quantity to put into my montesa so if you could advise on ratio and how much oil that equates to per litre of fuel it would be much appreciated. Kind Regards, Ben Mallinson.
  2. Hello guys, One of my workmates sons is looking to purchase a motocross/enduro bike for passing abit of time and having abit of fun but nothing to serious however from what he is telling me he is struggling to find anywhere where he can ride in the northamptonshire area (Kettering to be precise). As far as i undersand he is will to pay for being able to ride, any chance any of you knowledgable lot could give some suggestions of places within northamptonshire or close by? Many thanks in advance, beer-smiley.gif Ben.
  3. Cheers fella, the guidance is much appreciated. When i was looking for a bike i came accross a lot of adverts stating that the gearbox oil had been change after every second outing!! I thought this seemed abit excessive but seeing so many adverts stating this it made me wonder, is doing it at such regular intervals recommended?
  4. Hello guys, One of my workmates sons is looking to purchase a motocross bike for passing abit of time and having abit of fun but nothing to serious however from what he is telling me he is struggling to find anywhere where he can ride in the northamptonshire area (Kettering to be precise). As far as i undersand he is will to pay for being able to ride, any chance any of you knowledgable lot could give some suggestions of places within northamptonshire or close by? Many thanks in advance, Ben.
  5. Cheers fella, will check it out... you in the are yourself??
  6. Alright folks, Just wondering if any of you could suggest any places for riding around North Lincolnshire, i am located in the little village of Winterton which is roughly 3.5 miles north east of S*unthorpe. sorry but it will not allow me to write it properly as it contains that terrible 'C' word!! Regards, Ben
  7. Cheers for that lads much appreciated Regards, Ben
  8. Thanks for that much appreciated, will keep an eye on them. What sort of intervals should i be looking at doing oil and filters??
  9. Haha, being new to the scene and just having had a few rides out on my recently purchased '02 315R i have also noticed this rather annoying little rattle. Top tips guys!! Many thanks, Ben.
  10. Hello, Just wondering having read the post a little further down with regards to this subject. I have an '02 Montesa 315R and when i purchased the bike i was advised to use 25ml of oil to every Liter of fuel... Does this sound about right for you guys out their that are also running similar bikes?? I seem to remember seeing something in the manual about the fuel mixture but i'm currently offshore on the rigs and don't have access to it until i get home... Regards, Ben. P.S Sorry if i seem to be posting alot but i'm new to the scene and am quite excited / enthralled in my recent adventure into riding.
  11. Hello chaps, If you haven't already seen my introductory post i'm ben. I'm new to the trials scene and have recently purchased an '02 315R. I am wondering if any of you guys could give me a little bit of guidany on maintenance routines that you carry out and the sort of frequency that these should be done. Any guidance will be much appreciated. Kind Regards, Ben.
  12. Hello, Just wondering having read the post a little further down with regards to this subject. I have an '02 Montesa 315R and when i purchased the bike i was advised to use 25ml of oil to every Liter of fuel... Does this sound about right for you guys out their that are also running similar bikes?? I seem to remember seeing something in the manual about the fuel mixture but i'm currently offshore on the rigs and don't have access to it until i get home... Regards, Ben. P.S Sorry if i seem to be posting alot but i'm new to the scene and am quite excited / enthralled in my recent adventure into riding.
  13. Hello chaps, If you haven't already seen my introductory post i'm ben. I'm new to the trials scene and have recently purchased an '02 315R. I am wondering if any of you guys could give me a little bit of guidany on maintenance routines that you carry out and the sort of frequency that these should be done. Any guidance will be much appreciated. Kind Regards, Ben.
  14. Hello, I'm Ben, i'm new to this website and also fairly new to the trials scene. I've recently purchased an '02 Montesa 315R and now starting to find my feet with it. Love the bike and the whole concept of trials riding. Hopefully will carry on building my confidence the way i am doing just now and become a much better / more tallented rider. Who knows maybe even get to the stage where i could compete one day!! As i am fairly new to trials riding any guidance that any of you may be able to give me along my way would be much appreciated. I am hoping to service and carry out work on the bike myself as i am quite good with hands on stuff like that and of coarse it is also much cheaper. If any of you chaps have a similar machine and can advise on maintenance routines / frequences that you carry out this would be very much appreciated. I am currently using the local mines just outside S****horpe and hopefully fairly soon the South Ferriby chalk pits for riding however if any of you guys are aware of any places that are around the North Lincolnshire area that i can get out to and use the machine this would also be much appreciated. Well i wil get on and explore a little further and look forward to hopefully talking to some of you along the way. Ben.
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