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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Front disc is lighter than water Rear disc is not.............. I shall go now................................................
  2. I figure you have 3 options: 1. fix it the right way, take it apart. locate bad bit and repair properly (could be just a bracket is bent and easy to bend back) 2. whack it real hard and see if you can push it back into position 3. ride it as is and tell everyone how much of a genius you are for modifying the muffler to eliminate the rear wheel rub. (and then wait to see how many people do the same to their bikes, and then chuckle quietly to yourself)
  3. Usually they get bent towards the tire, then rub, get hole in exhaust. I would chalk this up as a "performance modification". No rear wheel rub
  4. My clutch was slipping quite badly and we swapped it out while riding at TTC. I ran into a similar issue. We measured the pack and it was pretty close to center of the spec. Reassembled and the finger height was off.............. a lot. So take apart, and adjust with different thickness steel plates, check the finger height. Take apart and adjust with some old friction plates with some new friction plates, check finger height. Basically did this a bunch of times until the finger height was correct. Never checked the pack thickness after the first time. Assembled into bike and all works like it should. Good lever pull and no more slipping clutch. Factor in tolerances in manufacturing and normal use wear on the clutch basket and that is why the clutch pack thickness can be correct but the finger height is off. and we are talking mm here, don't take much to move it out/in a mm or two.
  5. So your argument is that "he paid his dues as an upcoming rider and now deserves special treatment"? BS. Rules should be applied fairly and consistently to all competitors regardless of time in the sport, notoriety, season standings etc... Agree, Here is what I posted on the Trial GP video thread. Personal opinion, Trials is about control and skill. Choosing a line and riding it non stop requires control of the motorcycle and skill Being able to stop and balance requires control of the motorcycle and skill Both are about control and skill, just different sets. BUT stopping with a foot down shows a lack of skill and requires little to no control because the bike's own kickstand can do that without you. So, I prefer when the rules are set that stop + foot down = 5. With that rule at club level both styles of riding can be done in the same sections. There is no need to make the sections increasingly harder, merely not allowing foot down while stopping increases the difficulty. Not exactly sure if that same rule would have the same impact at the world round level.
  6. well, full is a relative word. I had to have ice in there as well.
  7. Personal opinion, Trials is about control and skill. Choosing a line and riding it non stop requires control of the motorcycle and skill Being able to stop and balance requires control of the motorcycle and skill Both are about control and skill, just different sets. BUT stopping with a foot down shows a lack of skill and requires little to no control because the bike's own kickstand can do that without you. So, I prefer when the rules are set that stop + foot down = 5. With that rule at club level both styles of riding can be done in the same sections. There is no need to make the sections increasingly harder, merely not allowing foot down while stopping increases the difficulty. Not exactly sure if that same rule would have the same impact at the world round level. But back to my comment about trials at WTC level. Point I was trying to make is that if the rules are stop = 5 then they should be observing as such and sections should be set up for it. The current way it is done is a farce, and shows trials in a bad light. Sorry, hijacked thread, went on a rant. Back to the video. Like I said before, I enjoyed it but it needs more content, there were 15 sections I think and the video only covered a fraction. So much more to see and share. But if they have a limited budget that would make it difficult to get more in the video.
  8. I had a great time "working" the event as well........
  9. From all the videos I have seen, the WTC is still 'stop allowed'.
  10. I like the fact that he addressed what everyone watching was probably wondering about. "Trials is no stop, but it is a judged sport, so the riders do get away with pauses. But not sliding back down rock ledges" (or something like that, maybe not exact quote) For the sake of FIM reclaiming some dignity if for nothing else go back to stop allowed. This "Pause allowed" but call it no stop is just ridiculous.
  11. Ned Flanders inspired Band. From the comments: "Okilly Dokilly is the World's only Nedal Band. Lyrics: You only live once Ah hell, give me a white wine spritzer S10 E10 Ned"
  12. I practice on my own quite regularly, never said I took my own advice. and yes, "any practice is good practice" is a true statement. I wasn't trying to come off that you should have someone with you EVERY time you go ride, but more like when trying the big scary stuff. There is much benefit to just going out and riding to get away, work on the basics (basics is a relative term to your skill level, my basics and Toni Bou's basics are very different) OH HELL, just get out, throw a leg over the bike and go have some fun. We all recognize there is an acceptable level of danger, we accept it when we drive cars/trucks to get to anywhere we want to go. At least with trials it's fun.
  13. for me it is the usual banter that makes me practice and try things to better myself. Here is an example @biffsgasgas "Hey you can splatter that 6 foot rock" Me: "Oh no way, that is scary" biffsgasgas: "Don't be a pansy" Me: "ok" many revs and a bad thud and then "uuuunnnnnnggggghhhh" biffsgasgas: "You were so close, maybe a little more throttle next time" see, very helpful but I do believe if you are trying anything new, above your current skill level or just plain makes you nervous, you need to have others with you when you ride. They provide moral support, prodding, and can get you medical help if needed (and after the laughter dies down)
  14. And I am just throwing these in because they are so short. OK off to mow lawn now
  15. One last old skool cover And because of GWAR I must respond with a Goblin
  16. OK now that I got that annoying work thing out of the way. @biffsgasgas The street musician is truly talented, Gwar wayward son is also my favorite Gwar cover I like the bluegrass version of Rocket man better than the original. Steve n Seagulls just does great covers of anything they do. So we are in the realm of covers: one may say we are in the And my favorite cover of Pink Floyd's Time
  17. All right @biffsgasgas I will start us off. A little Sabaton to get things going. White Death is about a Finnish Sniper in the Winter War And they did an excellent cover of Amon Amarth's Twilight of the Thunder God, yep it's about Thor.
  18. I have always marveled at the power to weight ratio and how quickly the bike will launch from a dead stop. (ok it may not reach 100 MPH but you have an idea of what I mean)
  19. Challenge Accepted. Not sure of the definition of "family friendly" my family or a normal person's family?
  20. aaaahh so refreshing to see that the USA has not cornered the market on crazies.
  21. Best time of year is either when you have the money, or the significant other gives permission.
  22. I have been married for 24 yrs and have 3 kids, been so long, I don't even know what sex is anymore.
  23. Yeah, because we are not buddies. It's a mutually agreed upon situation. Kinda like sex
  24. Just at the occasional trial?
  25. Hell, I do that in the sections, so there really is no difference for me when parking the bike. OK so the small percentage of people that ride the SSDT would probably find a use for one. Or just lean it against your buddies bike who has a kickstand. Done that a couple of times too.
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