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Posts posted by zippy
  1. 29r

    post Yesterday, 10:27 PM

    If you would have been in attendance for Ryan Young last weekend , you would know ....


    Buy the Video . Take a school . Money well spent .

    Did not know about said Ryan Young School last weekend.

    Well, it's a better excuse than I am just too cheap to spend the money. :D

  2. Much about splatters here


    Plus this little gem from me:

    OK I will give it a go to try and explain the exceedily amature technique that I use. Bear in mind the tallest thing I have splatted is about 3.5 to 4 ft.

    good kicker is needed placed on ground same distance as obstacle is tall. (so I am told)

    first few times give yourself plenty of run at it. Not so much to build speed as just to feel comfortable,

    as you approach the kicker,

    rev the engine,

    compress the suspension (get down on it)

    as you bring your body up, this begins to "spring" the suspension up ---dump the clutch.

    The entire time you are doing this look at a point ABOVE the obstacle, do not look at the leading edge of it.

    when the rear tire hits the face of the obstacle absorb the impact with your legs, lean forward a tad, and pull in the clutch.

    At this point you will either "clean" the splatter and be on top of said obstacle or sitting on the skid pan. Either way you ain't falling back down.

    also good to have a catcher just in case you don't make it. And they can give you a hard time if you don't make it.

    If there are any more experienced with the splatter that can point out any problems with this explanation, don't be shy.

    If I am wrong, well then I am wrong.

  3. Had a good time but unfortunately a GASGAS had electrical problems and had to leave early.

    No big crashes, just a good time.

    If you would like to know more just PM me.

    I'll give a call for the next one. Maybe we will decide to go sooner than 5 minutes before we leave.

  4. Sure sounds like fun, Sherco would be best.

    Biff, Sam,

    You gonna ride?


    You're right would be a shame to hurt that pretty Honda.

    firstgear Posted Today, 02:26 PM

    you will end up on the Sherco. Plus hey if you break parts I need the business right..

    I knew you had an ulterior motive. Haven't I bought enough this season???? Oh wait still many events to go so probably not yet.

    Don't look to seriously for me to be there, I may have just been doing some wishful thinking.

  5. Sounds like water pump seal just "went bad" it happens.

    I use Coolanol in my 2000 2.9, but before that I was using pre-mixed 50/50 auto antifreeze.

    never had it overheat with either one so it must do the job. But I switched to the Coolanol based on a friend's recommendation. He made some persuasive arguments. Or I have been "duped" not sure but I am happy anyways.

  6. Hey KJAX,

    quick reference to other thread, Yep I had the witch doctor over at my section at 11:59 to put that Hex on it. B)

    OK real posting time,

    I am considering trying the Endurocross thing. Well really just thinking about it. Any ways here is my problem.........I don't have an MX bike or Enduro bike, So If I use my Sherco 2.9 and crash :D and break something (the way I ride high possibility) I am oh so screwed for riding the MOTA event on June 8th.

    I do have a 1986 Honda TLR200 Reflex. (with lights) first question, How would this bike fair on the E-Cross course?

    Second question, How would I fair riding this bike in the lowest skill level class?

  7. OK so they are as upset about dust as they are about carbon dioxide???????

    Ain't dust part of the earth and the earth is what we are trying to save right...........

    Maybe somebody should look at the manufacturing industry and reduce emissions from that, heck the government even gives out waivers so that some companies can dump more into the environment.

    I am all for reducing emissions in cars, trucks, recreational vehicles. but I am sick of all these Greenies trying to make me out to be the villain when we are only using what is available to us. Vehicle manufacturers need to reduce the emissions generated.

    Or I am just an idiot..............well depends on who you ask.

  8. 1st: of course infamous ed is being missed... as well as the rest of the MOTA-crew, especially the Team WGASA!

    2nd: sob, I want to ride the nice Windsor sections as well... and it's so relaxing, sign up and knowing I'll get a trophy wink.gif

    unfortunately I'm packed with events for the next couple of weeks, and then I'd get in trouble for shure if I'd have to steal a bike and then travel across the canadian border with it...

    And explain that to customs and border protection: "I have to cross the border 'cause I want to ride an awesome trials event with this ..uh stolen... bike" ph34r.gif shutup.gif rotfl.gif

    3rd: biff, no matter if joe's riding adv or Exp, the two of you have fun practicing! And I was able to show you lines, even though I'm riding two classes lower. But due to the lack of steep long downhill sections in MI, you never had the fun of me swearing 5 min in a section that I don't wanna go down there.. I'm afraiiiiid!!!! rolleyes.gif

    Aaahh but you have your monogrammed towel to remember us by.

    Yep I love it when I sign up and there are only 3 riders in my class, then I can say that my high score is from playing around and not how I really ride.

    Don't you remember that crossing the border with Team WGASA is smooth and easy. :shutup: And of course somebody would loan you a bike for the day, but there is only 1 other Scorpa in MOTA and I think he might be using it that day. :wall:

    Down hills are easy just point and let gravity take over! You will get to the bottom, hope fully with the rubber side down. :rotfl:

  9. Maybe you should try bending the knee. :wall:

    Just a quick guess that you are twisting your upper body one direction or the other and your lower leg is staying stationary.

    A bit more info. would be helpful as to what you were doing when twisting the knee.

    For example: I was doing a nose wheelie and trying to swing the rear end around.

  10. Got word from the "Infamous ED" He should be at the Windsor MOTA event. And he says it is nice to be missed. ;)

    Joe has the guts and the skills for Expert class. I think he might want to see how he can place for the year in Advanced before moving up. I understand that type of thinking. I moved up to Advanced only after I got my goal of first for the year in Sportsman.

    Hey When we gonna get a post on the next event........Windsor EH? :D

    What are our friends to the North planning for us?

    Hopefully the creek is staying shallow and not flooding the entire property.

  11. I broke the cast aluminum brake pedal on my 2000 Sherco 2.9. Found a new one through Ryan Young http://www.rypusa.com/ but I think you are "across the pond" so shipping may be high. It was not listed on the website so I had to call and speak with them directly. Also took my old one to a really good welder and had it repaired for a spare.

  12. And I had the best section of the day.

    I even had somebody tell me that. HAHAHAHAHA

    I am so bad at names and faces but there was this young gentleman (about 10 yrs old I think) in Novice class that tried and tried at my section and never gave up. Even got tangled with a tree but would not get off the bike. Unfortunately he fived my section the first 3 laps but on the last lap he gave it his all. He flew over the wheel base double log, made the turns on the hill and CLEANED the section.

    My hats off to the young man for never giving up and nailing it on the last lap.

  13. I had the same problem recently with my 2000 Sherco.

    Brakes would work to slow me down but would never lock up.

    I rebuilt master cylinder.

    bled brakes multiple times.

    new brake line

    new pads

    discovered a small leak where the bleeder threads into the banjo bolt. used a screw with correct threads with teflon tape on threads.

    Now works great. not sure which fixed it but would look for a small leak somewhere first.

  14. firstgear Posted Today, 04:05 PM


    Don't tell her your going...Just come up missing for 4 days....We will smack you around a little and do our part to make it look

    like you were held against your will.. Well it never worked for me but it may for you anyway???

    Maybe we should get Sam a parrot to keep him company? Just think of the words that parrot will know when he gets to Colorado?

    Sam, at least if the van breaks down you could pull the van and trailer with one of the Beta's.. :barf:


    My wifey would probably pay ya to take me out for a few days and smack me around.

    Hey Sam,

    Ya know Scott is right about those Beta's..........they are just a glorified tractor. :rolleyes:

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