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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Ok in response to the first post concerning the exchange rate of Euro to US Dollar. Please keep in mind the following is meant mostly in jest, but think about it, it might work. OK, Way back before the Euro was adopted as common currency in Europe the US Dollar was the standard that all money was compared to. (well, this may be a stretch but just go with it for a moment). The Euro is used in most European countries, correct? I propose that a new form of currency is adopted for the North and South Americas, call it the "AMERO" Canada, U.S., Mexico, Peru, Etc..... could all band together and use this new currency. Larger economic base to support the currency therefore stronger money. Hey why not it worked in Europe.....
  2. zippy

    Trials Quiz

    Scorpa--------------Yamaha engines montesa------------Honda owns them. Beta Alp -----I did not know that Suzuki provided the engine for this bike. Learn something new everyday.
  3. I have been using Golden Spectro gear lube in my bike. (my Dad swore by the stuff, he gave me a bunch when he quit riding.) When that runs out I will probably check into Amsoil for gear lube (not sure what they got). I like their 2 stroke oil. Just my personal opinion that ATF is for Automatic Transmissions, My bike is manual gears hence I go with a motorcycle specific wet clutch Gear lube. When I get an auto trans trials bike I will put ATF in it. Stick with the PJ1.
  4. zippy

    Trials Quiz

    Why is there a lack of a seat on a modern trials bike? Which ones of the major motorcycle manufacturers still have a hand in trials bike manufacture?
  6. Just for clarification Micheal did state in an earlier post that he wears trials boots when riding trials but the rest is his normal MX gear. OK not to be a jerk (although I can be good at it) There has been much mention of "trials specific" gear. What gear is out there that is trials specific? All I know of are Helmets Boots Gloves, (I use some MX gloves that work really nice and hold up well) I suppose those tight spandex type pants could be counted as trials specific but I don't see any protection factor to them and there are very few of us that can successfully wear them without looking goofy. Just wanting to know what is out there.
  7. zippy

    Trials Quiz

    Usually that is what I end up with at the end of the day. I once got a trophy for having the highest score at the entire event. 166 pts. I guess I came out of it with a few of those infinite number of dabs 3's.
  8. Holy cow Majestyman340, this is turning into a skill bashing instead of what type of protection do you wear? Geez, so what if Micheal chooses to wear more gear than most, is it that horrible to know that some one wears more than you do to ride trials. Are you going to tell me that wearing swim shorts is too much coverage and I should go to the beach in Speedos (please don't it is not a pretty picture) Let it go man, At least Micheal has the decency to say that others should wear what they choose, I may not agree with him on the amount of gear to wear when riding but at least he is being a gentleman in expressing his views.
  9. 2 yrs ago I dropped my Sherco in the creek. That day I pulled the plug, turn it upside down and kick it over like mad for a while, cleaned my air filter with some 2-stroke premix gas and drain carb. Got it to fire up, finished the trial. (last place as per my norm.) And continued to ride for that season and next. This past winter I did an almost total rebuild, the only thing not changed piston, rod, crankshaft and big end bearing. Upon taking it apart I discovered a thick crust of dirt and silt on the reed cage and in the intake tract of the cases. I think I found out what killed my main bearings and my rings. Mains were so bad if standing with engine off and hitting the end of the handlebar you could hear the crankshaft clunking from side to side. When I tore it down before splitting the cases, I could move the crankshaft approx. 1/8 inch or more side to side. But it all better now, wish it was clear water though.
  10. I know of 2 people that did get the flashing lights ride to the hospital. The following will probably be an excellent argument FOR the extra gear. First gentleman tried telling his bike it needed to go up the hill to the top, his bike disagreed and rolled down the hill over top of him. The bike broke his nose, broke some ribs and punctured a lung. Gentleman 2 somehow got his face stuck between the bike's frame and a rather large and immobile rock, the result was a crushed cheek bone. but again somebody said something to the effect of wear what makes sense and is comfortable for you. Decide the amount of risk you are willing to take.
  11. What a coincidence I got a big numb spot on top of my neck. My post was not directed specifically at anyone individual, I was merely offering an explanation as to why some riders wear extra protection. And that it takes a special individual to ride trials starting out way down there even though we are good at some other motor sport and still go home with a smile and want to do it again next week. You made a very good point a few posts ago that what protection you choose to wear does not affect others and what they choose to wear or not wear does not affect you. continue wearing what is comfy for you. I will stick with my trials helmet, gloves, boots (used given to me by really nice man), ankle braces (messed up an ankle in a crash, coincidentally I was given the boots shortly after hmmmm) and my baggy MX pants zipped off to make shorts. Yes shorts, very comfy and easy to move in. So maybe I will be like that bloody and dazed guy some day. (again)
  12. AAAHHH you need a better story. Maybe something that involves an 8 foot step, 4th gear and full throttle. Just a thought.
  13. Please note that the following is a generalization and not directed at any particular individual. Nope, there are many levels of riding available, (Beginner=ultra easy to Expert=huge steps and drop offs) but there is a bit of a reluctance by the US riders that are coming from other forms of motorcycle sport to start at Beginner and develop skills specific to trials before moving up into the more difficult classes. The basic ego thing is: "I ride xxxxx class in xxxxxx competition, so I am good rider. There is no way I am going to start at the bottom of this trials thing." So to compensate for lack of ability to give them confidence they put on all the "go-fast" gear that they are used to riding with and just don't realize how much easier it would be to ride trials without the bulky gear getting in the way.
  14. Well, we know that one has never seen the inside of a section just the trail leading to it. OK enough stupidity, Alot of how well the bike works or handles for you is how comfortable you feel on it, not just how the machine performs. If your body position is just not quite right with one of the three but seems better with another one than you want what is comfy. A large part of confidence to get over an obstacle is being comfortable on the bike.
  15. Majestyman340, He already answered that one, page 4 post #50 Hey Jay, I will send you pics of my "Highway pegs" when I get them done. They are not a requirement for competition so they are just being picked at when I get a few minutes here and there.
  16. I find the lack of protective devices other than helmet, boots and gloves are an excellent motivator to make sure you make it up that rock, step, hill, etc..etc...
  17. Nice TV spot. That is what we need more of for this sport------Advertising!! But the cost of TV time is probably way out of reach for local clubs..But what about Nationals?
  18. Hey Jay, Yep that's a good enough reason if I ever heard one.
  19. zippy

    Importer Direct

    possibly it was more than you expected but a good read with many good points.
  20. That thar is some nice work. Them bikes look nice. I see you got a thing for Hodaka. Any particular reason or is it you just like them?
  21. Nope we don't, but the stamp on the tire keeps someone with a dual-sport from running trials tires on the road. Also gives the authorities one other thing to use against the guy that runs his off-road bike down the road. As far as the speed rating and durability for road use: I don't know and it really don't matter much to me personally just know that according to rules here I can't use it on the road.
  22. I agree that quiter bikes would be good. I for one like the sound of a motorcycle exhaust, not the obnoxious straight pipes or the super loud "competition type" exhaust for off road. but the not so loud stock exhaust. But in an ever more crowding world quiter is the way to go. Now I am extremely tired of hearing about people that move to their new house within a mile of an existing Off Road Vehicle Park that has been in operation for over 30 yrs and a month later complaining about the noise and dust. And then getting restrictions in place for how much of this land can now be used and at what time of year. This has happened locally for me, well locally is about a 45 min drive. The other good example is the family that moves from the city out into the country for the "quiet country living" and they move next door to dairy farm, hog farm, cattle ranch, etc..... and begin to complain about the smell, and actually cause legal troubles for the Farmer. Do some research before you move into that new house!! But these are the same people that will sit out on their back deck blaring their radios while enjoying the relaxation of the outside or have very loud bass sound systems in their cars and heaven forbid you complain about their "right" to make that noise. My point is that in my opinion here in the states it is not actually a noise issue. It is more of a tolerence issue. Most people for some reason believe that they are so important that everyone else must not do anything that may upset or inconvenience these people. But these same people believe that they have the "right" to engage in their chosen recreational activity without hassle. Again, I agree that quieter bikes is in the best interest of all motorcycle enthusiasts, but I would also like to see quieter neighbors, less people worried about every little thing I do, quieter lawn mowers, quieter cars, quieter snowmobiles (I live a mile from the river and when they running the river you can hear them really well, don't bother me none just means somebody having fun with their toys.) OK rant over (for now)
  23. yep not for highway use in US, I also believe Canada is the same.
  24. HAHAHA I am a cheaper ******* than you are!! I turn mine so I can get 2 yrs out of one rear tire. 1yr one side next yr other side. my front has been on for 3or4 yrs can't remember which. Still looks good to me. Andy, We need a penny pinching smilie. HAHA
  25. zippy

    2.9 Torque Specs

    Well with mine being a Sherco of course it would be a blue skull, would match the blue bars, and with me being married it would match my blue.........
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