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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Cynical Posted Today, 08:55 AM

    Don't want to get all "Top Geary" over this, but one of the more bewildering observations, 2 identical (Euro) motors, one in US and one in UK, the UK MPG is around 50% more efficient ? What's all that about ... Conspiracy Theory !!! Oil is King

    Is it possible that there are different emission standards?

  2. Hey Cope,

    Biff can back me up on this, The WGASA Ford extended cab 8 ft bed has had 4 bikes, 4 riders, 4 full sets of gear, 2 gas cans, Tool box, and 4 changes of clothes. For a 1 day 220 miles (one way) trip to ride at a TI event. What a beauty of a day that was.

    Side note one of the bikes was a cub, another was a TLR200 Reflex (full lights)

    You can fit much more in that Dodge, just get creative. :rolleyes:

  3. I consider myself an expert on trials bikes.

    I own a 2000 Sherco 2.9 (which I am currently putting way too much money into for a rebuild and taking care of things that were negleted by previous owner and then me.)

    I have ridden 1 04? Scorpa 250

    I have ridden 1 04 GasGas 300

    I have ridden 1 02? montesa (2stroke)

    I have looked at a Beta ride by.

    The ones I have ridden have been for about 10 mins each.

    With my vast amount of experience, Oh who am I kidding, I don't know crap. The preceding was done as an example of the background that some responders would have with various bikes. And usually that explains why they recommend the one they ride cuz that is the one they actually know.

    The best advice is to try all that you are considering, if it is possible to get a ride on them. One thing to consider is the mounting tabs for the skid plate, I am not sure how strong they are on the newer bikes or other makes, but my 2000 Sherco has a bad habit of breaking the mounts near the swing arm.

    My personal biased opinion, I like my Sherco, probably will like it much more after the rebuild. But am definately considering the 300 GG for my next bike. If my wifey ever says I can buy a new bike.

  4. MadAlec Posted Yesterday, 08:46 PM

    Awesome photos and I would guess it would have been an awesome experience riding amongst the wildlife

    I tried to do the same thing here in the USA. Unfortunately the ZOO director just did not understand. As I was being bodily thrown from the zoo, all I could do was yell out, "Don't you understand, you have the best sections around!!"

    OK the preceding is a load of crap, but I thought it was funny. :wacko:

  5. HAM2 Posted Today, 08:27 AM

    I am not making any excuses for the French audience here( because they got it wrong.. period) ...but..this question could be perceived as a little ambiguous.

    The British version of WWTBAM often states :- ''there are no trick questions on Millionaire'' but for the Froggies, from a nerdy point of view, doesn't the planet Mars rotate around us? since it's orbit around the Sun is outside our orbit around the Sun?

    Call me picky (and dull) wacko.gif

    OK "HAM2 is now known as picky (and dull)"


    Hey you asked I delivered.

  6. HEY maybe I should give that a try when I flip my rear tire around for the Sherco. ROFLMAO!!

    Saw something similiar on Discovery channel (I think) group of explorers in the artic with big 4 wheel drive vehicle running about 4-8 pounds of pressure had a tire fall off the rim when they hit an out cropping of ice. They used ether (spelling?) and big ball of fire and tire was on rim. Looked cool but not real safe.

  7. Yea what he said.

    OK I have nothing to add or offer to this thread I just wanted to be included. Also know nothing about Beta other than 2 things. They got this weird no dog bone rear shock, also is off set to one side on later models, And the exhaust does this crazy crossover thing, starts on one side and ends on the other. I really wish it would make up its mind where it wants to be. :banana2:

    Although I have heard that they are very good machines.

  8. Flipping the rear is easy,

    I can break the bead with home made bead breaker, just goes pop.

    Remove tire with tire irons, flip and reinstall with tire irons.

    Now here comes the special handy dandy technique--------------------------------------

    Place tire in rear of truck. Very important, if this step is skipped then nothing will go right.

    Drive said truck and tire to local bike shop. Have really nice guy pop the bead on for me, pay a couple bucks for his time and air pressure. Place tire in rear of truck and drive home.

    See all very easy. :banana2:

  9. HAM2 Posted Yesterday, 05:03 AM

    Well done that man..seriously.......how long do you have to wait for a proper test ride?

    Thanks HAM2

    I need to finish a few hundred other things before I can test ride.

    Frame mods for skid plate mounts

    new thermo

    Lube dog bones and swing arm bearings

    Lube head stock bearings

    Make front brake work

    Flip rear tire around

    Clean carb

    Rebuild clutch master cylinder

    Yada Yada Yada

    You get the idea.

    Right now the frame is completely stripped. With commitments with family and work I think it will be about a month and a half yet before done. But when it is that 2000 is gonna kick A**. (probably my A** but that is what it is for, right?) :banana2:

  10. OOOHHHH! With the article stating that the US market would like to see Ducati add the off road range of bikes to Ducati's offerings, does this mean that I could go to a Ducati dealer here in the US and physically see and purchase a new GasGas trials bike? Also would they carry parts? I could just stop by my local Ducati dealer. walk in and purchase the bits I broke the day before and take them home and intsall on bike that day?

    Would be more convenient for average Joe trialer but would be disasterous for our current small time "dealer" network.

  11. With a high of 14 F (-10 C) today there is no possibility of rain. Sure glad my Sherco is in many many parts on the work bench, gives a good excuse that I can stay inside where warm. It was only 3 F (-16 C) last night at 10 PM. ;)

  12. City Trials Posted Yesterday, 03:15 PM

    New EnduroCross rules.

    Trialcross: Any size Trials motorcycle or any motorcycle with a wheelbase under 55 inches. Bikes like the Honda CRF150 will be allowed. Trials tires are allowed on any motorcycle in this class. Must be 16 years of age as of race date. Maximum of 20 race entries.

    Expert Class: Any production motorcycle with a wheel base over 55 inches. Trials motorcycles are not allowed. Trials Tires are NOT allowed. Must be 16 years of age as of race date. Maximum of 80 race entries.

    For the first round of 2008 these riders will be the top ten finishers in the 2007 series and get byes: David Knight, Damon Huffman, Nick Brozovich, Taddy Blazusiak, Keith Wineland, Mika Ahola, Mike Lafferty, Colton Haaker, David Pearson and Geoff Aaron.

  13. r2wtrials Posted Jan 9 2008, 11:10 AM

    Fur traders....

    surely it should be.... "Eager Beavers"

    Nope that title has been taken, and a fine series of films they are :rolleyes: ...........at least that is what I have been told.

  14. I should mention that I purchased all my bits through a local dealer that works with RYP or I get direct from RYP.

    OH my Cope I did not realize that I had caused you to get in trouble with the wifey, please tell her that you have done a great service for a fellow trials rider and saved this individual from catastrophically ruining his bike. :rolleyes: (Is that piling it on a bit thick?)

    Yea, my wifey just don't understand how I can go out into the garage at 8 am to do a quick 5 min job on a bike and come back in the house around 10 pm asking when is lunch? I seem to lose track of all time when I get out there.

    Thanks again and have a good evening, morning, night whatever time it is when you read this.

  15. copemech Posted Today, 07:13 PM

    QUOTE (ZIPPY @ Jan 10 2008, 09:03 PM)

    AAAHHHHH that Howard.

    Sent Email to RYP and Torque specs is correct.

    Great people at RYP!

    That's great, unfortunatly I will have to tell them to ban you untill you buy some parts!

    Have already bought many many parts my 2000 is going to run just like ...........well, a rebuilt 2000. :rolleyes:

    I never knew you were high enough in the organization to have such a great amount of power.

  16. Hey thanks Copie knew you would have it. Just out of curiosity where were you able to find said info? There probably more good stuff there that I may want to know in the future.

    Ft/lb and in/lb is just fine thanks.

    Water pump is ok.

    not gonna call RYP, already got the parts and installed, just gotta slap it together. (plus I think they sick of me calling :thumbup: )

    You almost sounded annoyed, come on admit it you enjoy this kinda crap.

    Seriously, Thanks Neo and Copemech I will be more comfortable with the numbers than just "Did I get it tight enough.... oh just one more turn.....SNAP! @%^!%!$!^!" Maybe it's an OCD thing who knows.

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