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Everything posted by zippy
  1. aaaahh so refreshing to see that the USA has not cornered the market on crazies.
  2. Best time of year is either when you have the money, or the significant other gives permission.
  3. I have been married for 24 yrs and have 3 kids, been so long, I don't even know what sex is anymore.
  4. Yeah, because we are not buddies. It's a mutually agreed upon situation. Kinda like sex
  5. Just at the occasional trial?
  6. Hell, I do that in the sections, so there really is no difference for me when parking the bike. OK so the small percentage of people that ride the SSDT would probably find a use for one. Or just lean it against your buddies bike who has a kickstand. Done that a couple of times too.
  7. I remove the sidestand from every trials bike I buy. They tend to stick down too low and tip me to one side when on a log, rock etc.. I have not had a problem finding alternative "kickstands" when out riding.
  8. Replace the HT lead. Melted area is bad, but I am thinking that as the bike heats up. The HT lead will heat up with more electricity flowing through it. Heat makes things expand, so if there is a small break in the HT lead, when cold could be making contact, but when warmed up it doesn't make consistent contact due to expansion from heat causing the break point to separate. Just a thought. Might not be the issue, but it needs to be replaced anyway due to melted spot.
  9. Have you tried listening to the banjo bolt when she speaks. What she says doesn't always mean exactly what she says. She might just want to spend time with you, she wants to be your number 1 priority.
  10. Yep, I can watch 7 different riders ride the same tight turn and enjoy each one because the line is totally different. even if it is just different by mere inches of tire placement. My wife just sees 7 guys ride the same turn exactly the same way.........
  11. Yeah Yeah yeah, I saw that. I think we are in agreement............. sort of. I do see the point about the rear axle being past the tape, therefore outside the boundaries of the section. I was just commenting on what I saw how the observer was scoring the section at that particular moment. But definitely bad form for the rider to respond is that way.
  12. Is he the one that was coming down a stack of spools (about 3 high I think, stacked so as to ride the round parts), and the front wheel tucked under and he basically went over the bars and landed on the cement both hands flat to catch himself?
  13. From what I saw the observer was allowing the backing up and dislodging of the tape on the rear wheel, the 5 was given when the minder went over and used his foot to move the tape out farther to keep it from getting in the rider's wheel again. Tampering with the section boundaries.
  14. Welcome to the weird world of trials. I doesn't matter what bike you ride just as long as you ride. (although it is good to have a decent sense of humor because there is some good natured "brand bashing" that goes on)
  15. They are fun little bikes, very nimble, excellent to run through the trails for a relaxing ride and if need be can be run to the market to get beer. But they are terrible as a stock bike for riding trials. and horrible on the road for anything more than 4 blocks. Did he fit the correct color power bands? The yellow ones do not fit/work on a Honda
  16. I believe what happens is this. Motion from 1pm to 11pm the "Bart Simpson" gear is travelling outward on the kickstarter shaft to engage the idler gear. 11pm to 8pm the "Bart" gear is engaged and spinning the idle gear which is spinning the clutch basket which spins the gear on the crank. Making piston go etc. etc. etc. boom fire bike runs. 8pm to 7pm the "Bart" gear disengages from the idle gear allowing the idle gear to spin free away from the "Bart" gear. My opinion is the damage that usually happens to these gears occurs when releasing the kickstart and the "Bart" gear is traveling back to its original position. The same basic principal applied to the 2000 Sherco I had, except it had a full gear on the starter shaft that did not disengage at the end of the kick. But it had angle teeth engagement on the starter shaft that allowed the full gear to spin on the starter shaft when the idle gear was spinning. It just made a buzzing noise while it spun until the kickstarter was released and the starter gear traveled back to original position.
  17. I have gotten really sick of winter. I want summer weather to arrive so that I can complain about how hot it is instead of complaining about how cold it is..............
  18. Hey Hey My son had a band concert that he performed in, I was not going to miss watching him beat things with sticks. (He's a percussionist) but yeah, it was effin' cold and I would have wimped out anyway. So carry on.
  19. My general advice on torque is twofold: 1. Tighten until you get that weird tingly feeling in your stomach that makes you think the bolt is going to either break or strip. 2. Factory torque or cross-threaded, tight is tight.
  20. "Cable clutch is just as easy to pull as a hydraulic clutch"
  21. Team WGASA refers to it as "Balls to the tank" Keeps the weight low and applied to the rear tire while also keeping the front end down. If it doesn't feel weird you are not low enough. 3rd was probably good if you have a 5 speed gearbox, if you have a 6 speed gearbox you may want to experiment with 4th. Throttle control and slipping the clutch are very helpful as well.
  22. Anthrax enjoyed Sam Kinison as well. Here he is at the very beginning of "I'm the Man"
  23. I went back a couple pages in this thread and I don't think I posted a "proper" picture of the Old BAGG (Old Bad Ass GasGas) 2003 300 Pro. Here she is just a few weeks ago having some annual maintenance done (crankseals this time) Engine receiving said seals and here she is all back together and running just fine. She ain't pretty, but she is a fun ride.
  24. 2003 GasGas 300 Pro (Old BAGG). 80:1 with 110 octane race gas. (leaded, NO ethanol) (previous owner was running 90:1 same fuel) We do have 93 octane "off road recreational" fuel available locally, basically all gasoline no ethanol. Not sure if it is leaded or not, did not look that closely. Not sure how well that will perform in the GasGas. but I think I am going to start using in Big tiTTy (86 TT350)
  25. while I suspect it is an ignition/grounding issue one other quick one to check: Is it getting enough air? have you recently cleaned and oiled the air filter? too much oil = not enough air flow or sucks in more oil than fuel and can cause poor running condition. easy check, fire it up for a few seconds with the air box disconnected.
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