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Everything posted by zippy
  1. zippy

    I'm Back

    Man Ringo you really gotta be feeling low, This whole thread was originally about you and out of nowhere Icee comes along and highjacks the whole thing and makes it all about him/her (heck I don't know, don't care either). YOU GONNA STAND FOR THAT?
  2. I did change............alot and I do mean alot.........of diapers. She didn't change..........still puts her own gas in the mini-van.
  3. Well, I have had my 2000 Sherco 2.9 for about 3 or 4 years (poor memory) and this winter it will get: rings crank bearings crank seals all new gaskets (of course) reed petals front brake line Thermostat and housing (had to go with in-line) wrist pin wrist pin bearing. Those are the bits that I have received still to order: throttle assembly throttle cable clutch master rebuild kit if brake line don't fix front brake I may order a 4-piston caliper and pads as well Geez, Maybe I should have ordered a new bike.
  4. Dude, You could do like I/we did: When me and the most wonderful woman in the world got married we had an ultra cheap set of rings. 11 yrs later she found this really nice and very expensive ring she liked. She got the ring she wanted I got a much cheaper but very nice matching ring and my Sherco. Hold out man and maybe you get a new 4-stroke gasser out of it and a nice looking ring. Just a thought.
  5. aaawww man I got it too! Get it off Get it off. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! It burns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. AAhh I see my ignorance is showing. Now I have more information Thanks TooFastTim
  7. Just gonna do a little picking here. The 15 day thing. The kids named the bear not the teacher. if 15 days is just for allowing kids to name the bear......Than what is the just punishment for the parents of these children for failing to instruct them in the importance of the name Mohammed (hope I spelled it right) and it's proper usage and respect. Jesus if I have my information correct is believed to be the Son of God, not a prophet. I am not trying to push any religion just trying to look at the facts and beliefs of those represented. Believe what you wish don't make no never mind to me.
  8. I have tried them both and I must say you gentlemen are evil. I ride those courses just like in real life..........Lots of 5's. Good courses guys
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY!!! I hope you enjoy this because well.......this is all you are gonna get from me. Partly cuz I am in the states and never met you but mostly because I am a cheap B*******. Well, Happy Birthday anyways.
  10. Yep saw the same documentary, that is what Evel said. Mike Metzger jumped the fountains with a backflip and if I remember correctly wearing the red white and blue as a tribute to Evel.
  11. This is the way I have always done the rimlocks. inflate tire to around 25psi or whenever the bolt of the rimlock stops pushing out as air goes into tire. In my mind this means it is as close to tire/rim connection as it can get and will be holding just the bead against the rim. once there tighten the hell out of it! Make it tight and then 1/2 turn more. Hope this helps or at least give Copie some fuel for comments about us rednecks.
  12. Andy.T OK quick answer, If you are CORGI qualified and doing Corgi work, then yes I believe you should be compensated accordingly. Ex. your qualified and doing 4 different types of work, Dude next to you is qualified and doing 3 different types. You should be on a higher pay scale to compensate for job being done. I think I just agreed with you. But I still stand by the statement: "If it sucks....get new job"
  13. I personally am tired of individuals in the service industry believing that they are automatically entitled to a tip. I am also apalled at the requirement that it is a percentage of the bill. I will tip if the service warrents it. I tip what I feel is appropriate. Service industry people are already recieving a wage to do their job. A tip is something extra given by the customer in appreciation for excellent service. But (for example) a waitperson should do their job professionally and to the best of their ability and not expect that they will recieve a percentage of the bill just because they did what they are already paid to do. If the customer appreciates the service they will tip accordingly. As far as estimating a person will recieve x amount in tips and using that to calculate salary and taxes. That is just a fundamentally flawed system in the industry. Not my fault. If you don't like it get a new job. You made the choice to do that type of work, don't like it make a choice and change careers. Signed, Scrooge. (Cheap *******)
  14. Ridgrunr, Congrats on finding a bike , good to see you are excited about a bike again. When I was younger I had a TY80 and TY175 and I tried like hell to break the motors in those bikes and just couldn't do it. Have fun when it arrives.
  15. Hey Fozza you thinking what I'm thinking? Maybe Lane is back as Andy.T HAHAHAHAHAHA No seriously I have have been "middle management" before (assistant Foreman) which basically meant I was on the production floor with the rest of the guys and had to deal one on one with upper management. The big benefit was both sides hated me. Upper management would say "we need more production per day" I would say "We are maxed out as it is, the guys ain't gonna be happy" Management says "So, make it happen." I go tell guys "We need to produce more each day" The guys would say "@#$%^&*!@#$%^ OFF YOU #$%^&@#$%!" So basically I had all the responsibility and none of the control. I got out of that position and will have nothing to do with management again. I am quite happy to be a "shop rat" and make product. Now if given training I take it because it will help me move into a different position within the same company. If I don't like some aspect of my current position, I do something about it to get a new position. Somewhere somebody said something and I think it is roughly the same as this: Great engineers or Great production people don't necessarilly make good managers. A manager manages people so they need the skills to do so. Just because this Engineer is really good at engineering does not mean he can manage people. But as others have stated "I have seen it happen"
  16. Yea sure make fun of me being blind......I couldn't look if I wanted to.
  17. Oh for God's sake man if your Employer sucks.................. GET A NEW JOB!!! Quit whinin' about it on a world wide forum, quit being a pansy and do something about it. The rest of us don't care.
  18. Any new modern trials bike will hold up in accordance to 2 things: 1. How well preventative maintenence is done. IE cleaning, greasing, lubing, etc. etc. 2. How much abuse is given to it. This is mildly subjective due to some totaly nutty riders (this is a good thing) For this example classes are from easiest to hardest...........Novice...Intermediate....Expert. For example: Rider A is riding the Intermediate class, has exactly the ability needed to be in the top three week after week. Does not crash often and when Rider A does it is only minor. Rider A is not "pushing" themselves. Rider B is riding Expert class but has the ability for Novice, this guy is a total nutter. Throws himself and bike at everything. Really "pushing" himself, huge crashes. Now no matter what brand of bike I guarentee that Rider A will have a bike that lasts alot longer than Rider B. In short if you have access to try all the brands, try them out and buy the one that fits your style of riding and budget. My 2 cents
  19. Well that got addictive and annoying all at the same time. Excellent find!!!!
  20. That was cool. The music eeeeehhhhhh! All the vids I have seen of Japanese riders have shown me that they are very gutsy and talented. With that statement in mind..................bigger crashes and better music
  21. WOOHOO! My very own class that means I go home with 1st place. OK I know it's not true probably would get 3rd out of 1 rider anyways. so basically the classes are like this: A---really fast, excellent riders B---Not as fast, good riders C---Slower, good enough riders Z---Wimpy scaredy cat rider Scott rode B class and would have won cuz he is good. So by that theory I think C would be a good place to start. Unless there is a JR class and I could get my butt wooped by some 11 yr olds. Is it like Trials where you can walk the course but not ride it, or is there a practice session prior to the races? I am not sure about the banquet yet.
  22. Kjax, Have you got a class for the "New to Endurocross, very slow, scared to get hurt, scared to break the bike, not very good rider"? Does sound like fun I will keep it in mind and see about schedule, money, wife's permission. Yada yada yada.
  23. It is on the left side of the engine (Flywheel side). It is a bolt that does double duty of drain plug and case bolt. This bolt is located at the bottom roughly in the center. On mine the rubber that is between the engine and skid plate is right underneath it. on edit: AAAhh I see Mr. Dave got to it before me.
  24. There is no need to collect. only one will power an entire fleet of bikes.
  25. My wonderful wife makes sure that the furnace in the garage is turned up to a very comfortable temperature when I wish to work on my bikes. This keeps me and the bike parts in the garage and not on the kitchen table or living room carpet. She either really loves me or really loves the table and carpet. A neighbor I once had rebuilt a V-8 in his living room. with complete use of an engine stand. Funniest thing I ever saw. Have known some people that have stored motorcycles in the den and living room also. I am kinda jealous actually.
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