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Posts posted by zippy
  1. KICKSTART101 Posted Oct 19 2007, 02:18 PM

    It will take place on the 24th November in Cordoba, Spain,

    got the info from the F.I.M website so guess its gonna be correct.

    Think we all know who's going to win it though dont we.

    UMMMM! THE U.S. !!!!!! yep that's who.

    wait a minute are we even attending the indoor?

    is it a totally different invitation system for th indoor than the outdoor?

    Say what you like and I know there are much better riders out there but I am very pleased with how the U.S. finished in this years outdoor.

    OH and the previous questions are serious, if anyone has the answers please share.

  2. That Montesa is now refered to as "Nibbler"

    I still think we should get a graphic of Nibbler from Futurama and put it on for him.

    Wonder if he would appreciate that.

    OK back to disc stuff.

    Grib Posted Today, 09:56 AM


    In theory a disc with no holes should perform better because there is more surface area for the pads to grip to,

    Read this

    Now that has me confused. (easy enough to do)

    If I remove my 2 piston caliper and put on a 4 piston caliper this would increase area. according to the article I also need to increase force in order to keep the pressure the same in order to increase friction. Does this mean my current master cylinder is not sufficient in force to create an increase in friction.

    Or and this is a popular thought with those that know me:

    I ain't got a clue about anything and should just shut up stop trying to understand it and just put on the 4 piston caliper, new brake line and go riding.

  3. OK I gonna stick my neck out on this one, (remember I am from the States and may not be familiar with other cultures)

    What is wrong with stopping and balancing?

    Why is that so bad?

    Isn't Observed Trials main concern is control of the motorcyle?

    What better control can one have than to stop, balance and make the motorcycle do exactly what you want?

    Now Don't get all upset and traditional on me.

    Personally I believe that being able to pick your line and be able to execute that line smoothly without stopping is a great skill and control of the machine, But on the reverse being able to stop, hop the tires sideways and bounce around like a pogo stick is also great skill and control of the machine. I am not trying to push one "style" of riding over the other, I just want to know what is so evil about stopping that it must be penalized.

    On a side note: here is food for thought. Stopping is allowed as balance is control, but if one stops and places a foot on the ground it is a 5. Reason: your leg is now just a kickstand and the only control you have of the machine is keeping it vertical which can be accomplished with the afformentioned kickstand.

  4. barrybaines Posted Today, 11:21 AM

    Think he means get it real hot then chuck loads of cold water on it but I would check that first!

    OH that, yep did that already, Twice.

    The first time I was running around the back yard with the front brake dragging for a bit and wanted to know if the disk got hot yet, all I did was swipe my finger across the disk. Did not grab or hold the finger on it just swiped. Yep it was HOT!!!!!! finger quit being sore a day or two later. I am such a doofus sometimes.


  5. OK maybe I should have explained this first off,


    I have an alergy to my footpegs OK, I am looking into medication for this, I think a beer a lap has been suggested. :guinness:

    As far as the attraction to trees, ground, mud, and rocks.....what can I say nature just loves me. :D

    as far as my front brake goes, I am looking for better braking performance.

    I have done the following to the brake:

    new pads

    took apart caliper and pistons cleaned everything

    bled brakes well

    rebuilt master cylinder

    My problem is that I pull in front brake lever and get pressure on disk, and it is progressive to a point. pull lever = more pressure but at about half way pull lever more = same pressure and it is just not enough. Biff has ridden my bike and he can back me up on the performance of my front brake. On the flip side Biff's bike I can use 1 finger going down hill and stop on a dime, my bike 2 fingers and sqeeze hell out of it and still bypass the stupid marker on the tree that I am supposed to turn around and collect my 5 (again)

    I have decided to do the following:

    buy a 4-piston caliper (more disk area being squeezed and more pressure?)

    buy new brake line (possible weak spot in old one)

  6. I had at one time seen a web site that explained in great detail how to drill holes in the brake discs for a 2000 Sherco.

    After much google searching I am unable to find it. I think it may have been an Australian site. If anyone knows the site I am looking for any info would be greatly appreciated.


  7. copemech Posted Yesterday, 10:52 PM

    Tell Zipper if he hurries up and gets those split crotch panties on the UPS truck I'll still get Pat to autograph them for him. I'll just tell him they are a helmet cover(he is still a minor you know)!!!!!!

    You should receive your order in a few days, we had a little trouble filling the order at first due to the large volume that you ordered.

    I hope the ouchy is not near the area where you wear the split crotch panties, that could be right tender thar.

  8. duct tape, bailing twine, electrical tape, and zip ties. and 1 BFH

    Seriously many wrenches, sockets, pliers, allen wrenches, valve stem core remover, and the above already mentioned. I don't have a trials specific toolbox so I take my all purpose everything tool box, either I am getting older or the darn thing is getting heavier.

    Hey cope don't pick on us late maintenence guys, Just this season I have rebuilt my front brake master and changed handlebars just before the start of a trial. Two seperate events. Maybe I will change rings at the first event of next season. :D

  9. I find it much easier to get the tire on the rim, then climb in truck take rim and tire to bike shop, couple bucks and bike shop owner saying a few choice words later, and I go home put whole thing back on bike.

    Biggest problem is while the owner is seating the tire I spend time picking up a few essential items, oil, chain lube, boots, helmet, etc. etc...


  10. matt Today, 8:16am

    under the same set off rules you have just quoted from :

    Failure: when the rider intentionally moves either wheel to the side without maintaining forward motion. this rule clearly doesnt apply to the world championship nor the british championship so how can the balancing on the sump be accurate info if quoted from these rules. the question was asked specifically about these types of trials?

    Read the original post again.

    I know i will be probably opening a big can of worms and lots have been said on the subject but i am wondering how many people actually know the rules of observing !!!! or should i say the rules of trials I consider myself to be reasonably good at observing and have observed at the 3 hawkstone rounds and various other high level trials and have been surprised at the questions being asked regarding what is a 5!!! this is not just about observing at world round level but includes all levels of competion,

    Notice the part about "this is not just about observing at world round level but includes ALL levels of competition."

    matt Today, 08:16 AM

    under the same set off rules you have just quoted from :

    Failure: when the rider intentionally moves either wheel to the side without maintaining forward motion. this rule clearly doesnt apply to the world championship nor the british championship so how can the balancing on the sump be accurate info if quoted from these rules. the question was asked specifically about these types of trials?

    The rules I posted are only a couple out of our rule book it would be silly to post the entire contents, but in response we are allowed to stop with the engine running (and a foot on the ground for a score of 1 dab). Forward motion must be maintained only if engine has stalled. It is up to the observer as to what they would consider stopping. I.E. 1 second pause or more etc...

    again I was only showing that rules are different everywhere you go. Know what rules you are riding under. I.E. stop or no stop

  11. aaaahhhh rules are different depending on location, country, state, city, etc....

    I believe that any observer should be given a rule book for the event and or club that they are observing for. That way they have access to documented rules. Of course there is always times where intrepretation will come into play. A rule book should also be available for all riders in the trial to have access to in order to check rules. Possibly a couple copies at the sign up table. And like it or not the observer has the final say. But in general the benefit of the doubt usually goes to the rider.

    on the topic of sumped out on a rock:

    Excerpt from the 2007 MOTA trials handbook

    "Stalled engine: a stalled engine in a section shall not be considered a failure as long as the rider remains in balance or the bike maintains forward motion. Restarting the engine while stopped with support other than the tires shall be scored a failure. A rider may use a hand to reposition the kick-starter as long as balance is maintained."

    "Pushing the bike out of the section, as long as both feet are not on the same side of center of the motorcycle and forward motion is maintained, shall be scored according to the number of dabs taken."

    Max number of penalty points for dabs are 3.

    So using these two rules in the case of sumped out on a rock and stalling.

    If rider stops and restarts bike it is a 5. He is being supported by the skid plate on the rock not just the tires.

    If rider stalls and pushes bike off rock maintaining forward motion and proceeds to push bike out of the section maintaining forward motion and obeying all markers for his class he will receive a 3.

    I am not voicing an opinion on these rules just posting them to show that there are differences depending on location and club. All riders and observers need to know what rules the trial is operating under. That is what makes the event fair and an even test of all riders involved.

  12. Thanks for the replies, sounds like I will have to break down and actually purchase (man that hurts to say) a new proper tubless tire that will bead out on my rim.

    copemech Posted Yesterday, 09:59 PM

    Shhhhhhhhhh! I been waiting for him to try putting 150 psi in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I gotta get a bigger air compresser, and if I don't try it at home that only leaves out in public where I would look really stupid in front of people, I like to save that for when I ride a trials. :P

  13. First the big debate was "stop or no stop", and hopping is evil. Now we have moved on to "toes or no toes" :(

    as many have already said if he scored all the same and did not misinterpret the rules as written then he was fair.

    I had a similiar decision by an observer, I was stuck on a rock, and I will admit to using my toes of both feet, while the arch of my feet were still on the pegs, to leverage myself forward enough to get the rest of the way over the rock. I was given a 2, can't remember if I put my foot down again somewhere else or not. But I believe he scored all riders the same, harsh but fair. And I thanked him at the end of the day for volunteering to stand in the woods all day and watch me make a fool of myself.

  14. I did fill it out, I did mail it, only problem it is late. I mailed it today. Hope it not too late, but on a happy note I really enjoyed the Ohio rounds that I rode. First time ever riding a national and thouroughly ejoyed myself.

  15. OK I am too lazy to do the search TC thing.

    I am trying to put a used Michilin trials tire onto the rear rim of my 1986 TLR 200 Reflex. This is my problem: the bead of the tire will not seat. It is a tubeless tire, the rim is for a tubed tire, and I have a brand new tube in said tire. Is the rim designed in such a way that is preventing the tubelss tire to seat on the rim? Or do I need more than 95 PSI to make it go "pop"

  16. Sam,

    I had heard that the property in Rose City is awesome! I am assuming (never a good thing) that the loop will be a good length, due to enduros, dual sports, and such being run on the property. If they continue the nautical theme, I would suggest a set of Scuba gear and a long snorkel for the bikes intake and exhaust. Propably gonna ride over a submarine next. It would be like a large log. :(

  17. Yep that boat was great,

    For the Advanced class side of the boat the Metro club had sprayed some sticky, bumpy, grippy type paint at the front part of the boat so we could get some traction to get on, but at the other end no spray stuff, and it was slick to try and raise the front wheel just a little before coming off the boat. I watched a couple Experts just slide and spin on their side of the boat, it was very slick. Gotta agree though good event as always.

    125 points out of a max 200

    is that good?

    I had a blast though.

  18. copemech Posted Yesterday, 10:44 PM

    Zipper, if you will put the proper plastic cover over that thing that goes round-n-round, it will lessen the mud thrown up between the legs and into the crotch and eyes. It is not your old Mustang minibike

    Well now what would the fun be in that?? The muddier I am the harder I must be riding right?

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