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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Thanks Brian for that bit of MOTA history. I even know 2 of the riders that are listed in the results. Mr. DeBolt still rides. And MOTA still makes tight, technical, difficult sections.
  2. OK first off OUCH!!!! and I hope you heal quickly and that all is well when it is all done. Second: you have got to come up with a better story than tripping over the hoover cord. How are you going to wow and impress anyone that way. (It may be the truth but it is a bit dull) May I suggest something that starts "And so there I was....just me my bike and the 8 foot wall..........."
  3. We had an event near Halloween and my 2 riding buddies showed up as a King and Ceaser. So I did the only thing possible in that situation, I rolled out the red carpet for the King to walk each section, and yelled "Hail Ceaser" when Ceaser rode a section. Apparently riding in a toga is very difficult. but when you ride like we do ya need to make it fun.
  4. Sure was nice to see all those names from MI in the early and mid 70's. Would be even better if we could get some MI names on the list again soon.
  5. For some reason I have always enjoyed mine being stretched Hey ShercoSam, Glad it fixed now you have more time to practice trials. Kinda amazing you found the spacer.
  6. " It is always easier to ask for forgiveness that permission" I gues that don't work either. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH
  7. With my limited knowledge of 4 stroke engines, I burned an exhaust valve on my 250 ninja, it no run at all, had a small chunk out of valve. This may be a dumb question: but is the other rocker arm loose enough to cause noise? Is the noise like a ticky ticky ticky noise?
  8. Think I got it fixed. (good enough for me anyways) I set it up to open pdf files in a new Adobe window instead of in the browser. Seems to be working fine. Thanks for the ideas.
  9. WOO HOO!!!!!! I got 3rd!!!! (okay there was only 3 of us in my class) BUT I GOT 3RD!!!!!!! Had a great time, The Ontario club always puts on a good event. Tight, technical sections, no rain. although it was really hot and humid.
  10. empty temp folder------------no go update adobe------------------no go update IE7----------------------no go Thanks for the replies though.
  11. I have Adobe 7.0 I cannot view .pdf files in Explorer. for example I go to the NATC website and click on the results for Round 5. At the bottom of my browser it states that it is downloading the file, But all I get is a blank web page. If I save the exact same file to my computer and then open Adobe I can view the file and see my name in glorious black and white down near the bottom of my class. How do I get adobe and exploder to work together? It just one day they didn't like to talk to each other any more. Thanks zippy
  12. 42 is the ANSWER TO LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, AND EVERYTHING. From the trilogy of 5 books "The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" Excellent series of books too. And I have had close to that number of 5's I also once got a trophy for have the highest score at the trials, not just my class, the highest score out of everybody. Well, off for a Pangalactic Gargleblaster!!
  13. First off all the Pro riders are excellent. Second we are all human and have bad days. I find it irritating that if an athlete has been doing excellent all season and then has that "off" day that everybody has, all of a sudden it has to be suggested that there is alterier motives at work. That's just crap. In a close class such as the Pro one five could move a rider from first to fourth, or it can also happen that somebody gets a five and is shaken or frazzled a bit for the next couple sections and is just not quite up the normal confidence that these riders must have to get low scores. I guess my parting comments are that all the Pro riders are good and give their best effort, I have yet to see somebody "lose" first place. I have seen people give it their best and earn 1st, 2nd, 3rd......
  14. zippy

    Diagnosis Please :)

    A friend of mine broke the steering head bolt on his gas gas. It goes between the fork clamps and through the stearing head. (I know really technical description) from what he told me it sounds similar to the symptoms you describe. His still turned fine and smooth with it broken, but made funny clanging noises. Hope this helps.
  15. Welcome to the sport, You have made a good choice to give trials a go. My bike is a 2000 sherco 2.9 as far as maintenence, the basics lube everything keep it clean and fix what breaks. I have owned it 3 or 4 years (memory not so good) I have done fork seals, a couple rear tires, various bits that I have broken, and brake pads. I am considering an entire engine rebuild but I also took it for a "swim" last summer. (Silly bike just did not want to make water combust...go figure) So I would say that maintenance cost should be much less than MX. Just my opinion, but from what I have seen the gassers are good bikes, took a buddies 2004 300cc for a ride and I think I am convinced that will be my next bike. When and if I get a different bike.
  16. zippy


    What the heck is THAT????? ITSA trials bike...... OK poor attmept at humor but I liked it.
  17. zippy


    Not to be a total idiot, (but I am close somedays) What does ITSA stand for?
  18. zippy


    Thanks for the reply, I was only curious. Will not get rid of bike, was my dad's and I like the bike too much. It is an interesting machine.
  19. zippy


    Some what related Question: Would a 1986 TLR200 Reflex (full lights) qualify as able to participate in an AHRMA trials event? Biff would refer to this particular machine as the "Repsol Reflex" Hey Biff what class should I ride if said machine qualifies? Thanks
  20. I agree!!!! It's even a blast if it rains. great group of people. We need more attendance at the Windsor event. But how about we keep the ADVANCED class to 3 riders or less, that's the only way I can go home with a medal. And I can tell the missus what an awesome rider I am.
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