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Everything posted by zippy
  1. I was just sittin' here thinking earlier that it is pretty easy (once the fear is put aside) from a skill point of view to just pin the throttle and fly off the jump into the wild blue yonder. The really skillful part is landing without mangling yourself. We have a gentleman who is an excellent rider that sharpens his foot pegs to a point. This of course keeps his boots on the pegs REAL well. Unfortunately at a section that I was observing he went up a fairly steep hill with a log at the top that was hanging over the edge, nicely undercut. His foot came off the peg and the peg scraped upwards on his shin. The part where his boot was did not have any damage but he got a really nasty cut or two between the boot and his knee, I may be wrong but I believe it required stitches. He is a tough one though didn't say a word at the time and finished the event. My hat's off to him. but of course those super grippy pedals and the sharp pegs are worth it, you just gotta remember how many times it kept your foot on so there was no dab and a lower score!!
  2. I have come to a conclusion......... with my limited time on a MX bike (one time out) and watching many YouTube videos also lots of shows about "amazing things caught on tape". Jumping and tricks are easy (relatively) but that landing has got to be the hardest thing to pull off. oops this was suppose to be in "anything goes" sorry Thanks Andy
  3. Well, if the limelight makes you uncomfortable than by all means avoid it. But Thanks for the site, even for us cheap b@#$!#ds. That's FUNNY! as for the question, sadly yes I have seen an entire restaurant go silent and everbody stare at us. This always seems to happen when me and the missus take our 3 boys out with us to the restaurant. Man, I gotta say kids are a blast.
  4. Why won't I sign up as a Supporter? Call me cheap, lazy, paranoid.........whatever I don't care. I just have no ambition or gumption to do so. What REALLY bothers me is that the Site Supporters get this huge logo under their avatar but the SITE OWNER has just 2 small, little words under his avatar telling us who he is. Remember, this is the guy that gives up spare time, uses vacations to report on trials, deals with scammers and spammers just to bring us this wonderfull site, one would think he should be just a tad flashier. Andy I really enjoy the Belching Barnery avatar, and my four year old sees me on here and tells me "make him burp".
  5. Yep, seen more racing quads and utility quads for that matter. I guess it would take a promoter that was willing to take the risk of holding a single event (Endurocross) to get it started and then make a series. Maybe get RedBull to throw some money at it, they are into sponsoring or advertising at "extreme" sports events. Maybe nobody sees it as a money making venture. That would be ALL the trials bikes in the US plus the few hundred that got sold just before the event to fill the entries.
  6. Well, apparently a "tongue in cheek" comment about agreeing with someone I normally don't agree with is wasted on you. back on topic: Would there be funds available or "thrown around" to pay the "pro" trials riders if the AMA spent more time and money on advertising the sport and generating interest? Or maybe we need the AMA, NATC, USMTA, Sponsors, or some other organization to create a pro series similiar to the schedule/format of Supercross. It may require that the series be indoor events, and really would that be that terrible if it was?
  7. Yep, if I remember correctly Sam you started a similiar thread not long ago. And besides a dead horse can't fight back.
  8. At the risk of going off topic. Yes Lane you do have some good points to be made, and other points I may not see eye to eye with you on. I guess for what I don't agree with is your presentation of the ideas, unfortunately it is difficult to describe or pin down any one item or style. Let's just say that we have a clash of personalities, and that we may still be able to agree on a few things. On topic: If it is called "PRO" then there should be some monatary compensation. Whether it is trials or competative basket weaving it don't matter.
  9. Well, mark this on the calendar I agree with him.
  10. I gotta write that on the calender somebody agreed with me!! I should have been more specific in my original post. Sorry. OK in the club that I ride in we have six separate classes/lines within the same section. Which makes section marking difficult to say the least. So the outside boundaries are marked off with tape and inside is a mess of signs. I will try to use my earlier example. Technically the rider has not left the section and returned but has turned to the right between the trees and then made a wide left to line up straight for the log and then go back through the trees and go over the log. Without crossing their path. Although the intended or correct path would have been the 90 degree left and then over the log. This will probably start some discussion in itself. Agreed that the rules is the rules, and that everyone should be made aware of the rules before competing. Arguing with the observer will get you no where. And a shouting match and physical aggression should be punishable with removal from the event. If a rider is that unhappy about their score they need to see the clerk of the course and then accept the clerks judgement. Which should be in favor of the observer. I like the hop and bop stuff like Barry mentioned, I too would like to be able to ride like that but also can see how some one just getting started would be discouraged by it. And I mentioned OldTrialsFanatic because I knew he would respond and very eloquently.
  11. Trials is about control, control of machine and body. AND FUN!!! if it ain't fun don't do it. I will offer my opinion, although it may not solve anything. Stop= 0 points Feet up still in control of the machine. Stop with foot down= 5 points Agreed the second one is subjective because if someone hits a rock with front tire and ceases forward motion, and then places foot on ground and pushes creating forward motion in my opinion that is ok, but the individual that is basically using their foot and leg as a kickstand so they can take a break or survey the next part of the section is just lazy and deserves the 5. With the advancment of technology and design of trials machines it is possible for tighter turns and higher steps. I think I am agreeing with Chader on this next bit. The lower classes need to be set up so that hopping front or rear wheels around is not necessary, the middle classes could be set up so that a turn is so tight that there is only one line through it that can be just ridden through the turn but the option of hopping front or rear wheel is there, but the hardest class in the event should be set up as tight as possible and still be able to be ridden, I.E. super tight turns, obstacles less than a bike length apart. These types of sections will test both rider and machine closer to the limit. I don't think that a rider should be penalized just for hopping, sideways, forward, whatever. I am more irritated by the riders that do not follow what the "intended line" of the section is, I have seen many riders basically back track,(not crossing their path though), or go between a tree and a marker that has just enough room for the bike to pass through twice so that re-entering they have a straight shot at the next log instead of a 90 degree left hand turn, like the rest of the riders in that class will have. Is this a problem anywhere else? I started riding in the late late 70's , early 80's the general riding style was "no-stop" at the time but stopping and hopping was being toyed with (that might have been mid 80's) Any how, I try to incorporate both styles in my riding although the hopping don't happen much. I will walk a section and decide on my line. When doing this I am also deciding where I will stop and balance to maybe start a full lock turn at just the right spot. Or where I will need to do a "floater" turn, the point is that I am choosing a line and sticking with it, I have just decided where key places I will use other techniques, (and probably take points). I have seen riders that do not plan any farther than the other side of the obstacle and I think that may be what bothers OTF about the hop and bop style. But I may be completly wrong.
  12. The tire was used and on the bike when I bought it. And technically I only used it for 2 1/2 years and one season I got injured and was out for 1/2 of the season so I guess really only 2 yrs of use for me and whatever use it had before I got it. But yea, it is a bit knackered, the nobs are almost totally round, I am not gonna know how to ride the bike now that it is gonna have traction. Yep I am cheap. I am considering studding my old tires for use on ice next winter.
  13. That's what the front brake is for, rear just drags anyhow mostly on or off like a light switch. I just like the barfy smilie!!
  14. I find that 2 stroke exhaust has a rather pleasent smell, but if you really want a buzz go with starter fluid!! Disclaimer: for those not intelligent enough to see the sarcasm and humor intended-- I am not advocating "huffing", but if you are one of those non-intelligent ones I speak of than you deserve what you get from "huffing" Enjoy!
  15. I already did that. I bought my bike used 3 yrs ago turned the tire once. I finally had to break down and buy a new one. Now if I can just find time to put it on. I am soooo cheap.
  16. Hey Sam you sayin' I should stop following so close to you when your walking a section. Hey Barry, Looks like the digit has healed nicely.
  17. 1973!!!! I was around then. Allbeit I was just gettin' around, that is year that I was brought into this world for the sole purpose of aggrevating my parents. Still doing it too. Ok I'll give it a go but in US $ 1. $8 2. $5 3. $2.50 4. $60 5. $120
  18. Not my first event, not even an event. a couple years agoish, the day prior to our clubs event we were doing set up. Of course the most important part of set up is riding the sections in. I got stupid I mean challenged myself with the class higher than my current class line. This was towards the end of the day just before heading home, I wanted to get in "one last ride", I had just got off the phone with the wifey and was in a rush. Boy, I can be stupid. The line was over a cement tube and then 90 degree left. After the left there was a 55 gallon drum on it's side. My front tire was pushed against the drum and I had dabbed. I was stopped, well just put foot back on peg, give gas, do all the right leg motions and get the skid plate to touch the drum and ever so gently fall to the right. I tried to step off the bike and ended up twisting my ankle pretty bad. OK big tough guy that I am first thing I did was scream like a little girl! After that my first thought was "There goes the season" next was "What do I tell the wife?" The club members are great 2 of them helped me to my truck and some how my bike and gear were magically loaded into my truck. My wife came to pick me up and Biff (great guy by the way thanks again) drove my truck. I really don't like remembering the screaming like a girl part. But trials riders are always helpful when someone is injured.
  19. zippy

    Urban Trials Bike

    If you want noise reduction just buy a silicone baking pan. check out this thread http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....mp;#entry114479
  20. The bike mania series is great and it is the only way I can do a really huge awesome splatter.
  21. Alice Cooper was once on the "Muppet Show" he performed "School's out". That was my favourite episode, well that and the one with Mark Hammil.
  22. I think it is. Because the East Side club has a new venue that was not used in 2006, and they are listed as tentative. But as usual I could be completely wrong. The schedule can be found at http://www.motatrials.org for anyone in the michigan area or will be visiting in 2007.
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