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Everything posted by zippy
  1. zippy

    Tlr Prices

    Bender is the best!!!!!! I have an '86 tlr200 Reflex. I am in the US. I am currently using it as my commuter bike to work when the temp is 40 F or above. I didn't check the tightness of bolts and things and well let's just say they worked a little loose. I spent $50 for 2 engine mounting bolts, a spacer for upper engine mount, kickstarter arm stop, float, and a few nuts. I was actually quite surprised that it was this cheap. I am still waiting for the kickstarter arm stop it is on back order. This bike is basically all original or at least oem replacement parts. I think the tires might be original. Back in november I let Biffsgasgas use it in a trial, we just removed the rearview mirrors and left all the lights on it. He had a great time on it. I gotta hand it to Honda corporation, this is a 20 year old machine and I have yet to have problems getting parts for it, that's customer service in my book.
  2. Nature does have a way of weeding out the idiots. At least the "winner" was not from the US Although all the other candidates were. stupid meerkins
  3. And people say that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed... Sad thing that most ended in death, what a dumb way to go.
  4. You forgot the criteria I usually use.......CHEAP!!! HAHAHAH
  5. I saw the word Jig and thought somebody was dancing. on edit: I use a couple of 2x4 boards one pushing down on the bead and the other as a lever pushing on the first 2x4 with one end wedged under another short 2x4 attached to my work bench. Poor mans bead breaker.
  6. Yep, Those guys are really helping the image of motorcyclists, and keeping riding legal for the rest of us. NOT!!!!
  7. Frost, Very interesting bit of information, I never realized that somebody had actually tried trials with a Harley.
  8. Those that can do those "stunts and tricks" with all manner of street bikes are very talented and skilled. I admire their abilties and control of the machines. I just wish that all the ones that seem to get all the publicity were smart enough not to do these things in areas where innocent bystanders or drivers were not put in unnecessary risk. Very irresposible to be doing these things on public roadways and sidewalks within mere feet or inches of unsuspecting people. No matter how good you are there will eventually be that one time that something goes wrong and hopefull its not some little kid that gets a facefull of sportster or sport bike. Just the opinion of an over protective fuddy duddy father. But again dang those guys got some control of those machines.
  9. That was beautiful Mr Clean I got a tear in my eye. great stuff
  10. OK I will add my favourite crash story from when I was a kid. I was riding my TY80 on a gentle slope I am not sure if I was going up or down the slope but that don't really matter. The front tire went to full lock and the bike pitched me off the side. My face made contact with the dirt, there was dirt in my eyes and mouth. My brother helped me to the nearby milk house and hosed off my face. When we returned to the bike my dad was just a rolling with laughter. I looked at the ground and there plain as day were a perfect set of teeth marks where I took a bite out of the ground.
  11. when I was a kid we had a stocky strong little mutt of a dog named "Yammy" of course after Yamaha. My brother and I had TY175's and dad had a TY250 (but I think it was punched out to 300). This mutt broke every collar we put on him. So as a solution we put a motorcycle chain on for a collar. Now I don't want any animal rights people getting crazy it was sized properly for comfort not too tight, not too loose and no sharp edges. He never broke that one. That was one cool dog.
  12. I can/t believe I am about to do this, this must be a sign of the Apocolypse. I actually agree with one of Lane's statements. But remember that is all I agree with all the rest of his statements I think are totally, well I am not allowed to type that here. I think I would have truly enjoyed and benfited from riding with and learning from the fine young gentlemen, Sam, Alexz, Cody, and Patrick. It don't matter to me what country they are from just that I would have learned alot. As for a world contender from the US, my opinion is that it would have to be someone that is totally focused on trials, not any other aspect of life like a secondary education that would get in the way of training time. This person would also have to be willing to risk all financially and physically for it to happen. Do we have someone in the US that is willing to this? I don't know.
  13. looking closely under the "Submit Score" I see 6738
  14. Hey Kinell, Thanks very much that works pretty sweet.
  15. Thank you all for voting, I think the general thoughts are yes. :agree:
  16. This may work. http://fujigas.net/diary.html click on the second entry from the top.
  17. How would I get a screen shot? I tried to select all and copy then paste in a reply but I scrapped it cuz I don't think it worked.
  18. OOOOPPPPSSSS! I guess that would be a no.
  19. How about we be anti-idiot instead of anti-quad or anti-motorcycle or anti-chair. I will agree that it seems the undesirable acting individuals do seem to be drawn to the easier to use quad than the motorcycle. But as with anything if used responsibley they are ok. Quads are useful for hunters and ranchers as a quick and easy vehicle to move stuff around. Heck, you can even plow snow out of your driveway. oh and they can be fun too. I have buzzed around on my kids' quads and had a blast. The key is to be responsible, pick up after oneself, don't get stupid, use or provide trails specifically for certain machines. Unfortunately we can't make everyone behave although the goverment sure can give it a try and stop us all from using what we like. As far as goverment is concerned ATV, 4x4, motorcycle, OHV, are all in the same group, so what one sector does will affect the rest. As with any sport or recreational activity you get the the beer drinking, ice chest toting, no helmet wearing, brain-cell shortage goup. Look at hunting, fishing, boating, football, baseball, nascar and driving on the road, there is a multitude of that group in these activities. (In the US anyways) Nothing will get better until people stop being stupid. My 2 cents.
  20. I totally agree, Road riders are generally more aware of their surroundings and more vigilant. But I am wondering if even within the motorcycling community if the trials riders are better drivers due to the throttle control and traction skills that we have.
  21. The whole inspiration for this question came about a couple of days ago when here in Michigan we got our first "real"winter storm. There were a large amount of reports in local media of cars going off the road and getting into accidents. I am thinking that trials riders have a better understanding of traction and throttle control than non-trials riders, so the assumption is that we would be better drivers. Disclaimer: This is a broad generalization and I am not saying that a non-trials rider could not be a good driver. Also obviously the last 2 options are meant for humor.
  22. Most of us married guys don't get a shot to the dude eggs at any trials. We can't seem to get them out of the wife's purse...
  23. I had a Yamaha TY 175 as a kid and that thing would go anywhere, apparently Yamahas can also climb trees. Now that's funny!!!!!
  24. Sorry FanticMatze but we don't have any regularily scheduled events in the winter. There are a couple of people thinking about organizing a winter fun trial but I am unsure of what stage that is in or if it will happen. During the winter I forget what my bike looks like in one piece. For a couple months the swingarm is over there, the tires are against that wall, and tank is hiding under the bench, basically it's all over the garage, same as the other 3 bikes, hhhmmmm........I sense a pattern, guess I better get in gear and put something back together.
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