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Posts posted by zippy
  1. In my own little world the two things that I believe to be the most important after balance is THROTTLE AND CLUTCH control.

    When balancing try letting the clutch out just a bit and get a feel for when it "bites", of course at some point you may need to give it a small amount of gas to keep the engine from stalling.

    For throttle control alone, a good muddy or slippy spot is good place to practice, try making it through the "section" without spinning the rear tire.

    hope some of this helps, welcome to the best sport on the planet, (no matter what part of the planet)

    Or I may be a complete blithering idiot, don't ask my wife she will say yes.

  2. Yes Yes I am henpecked. My wife runs the house and I just do as I am told.

    biffsgasgas Posted Today, 03:03 PM

    I am trying to pry zippy away from his wife

    But she is such a wonderful, understanding, lovely and kind lady why would I want to spend more than a few moments away from her? Is she out of the room now?

    OK OK public humiliation does work........I am going November 4th. There ya happy? I know I am.

  3. Thanks Biff,

    I thought I saw "Gifts to" but I am so blind I couldn't see the rest. I have heard of many of the broken parts, and seen some of the quick fixes until the proper parts arrive so you could ride the next weekend. My favourite is still the threaded rod through the headstock to hold that shaft together. I gotta say you are very inventive and the best part is it works.

    Fastest Indian was a great movie. Only one thing I don't understand what does "Bobs your uncle" mean or where did the phrase originate from.

  4. I don't know of any practice areas in the Detroit, Troy area but if she wanted to ride in some trials events she should check out http://www.motatrials.org/ and click on the next event tab at the top. This is the website for the Michigan Ontario Trials Association. We have six clubs in the association and each club puts on two events for the year. Hope this helps.

    on edit: yep Biff would definately know.

  5. Andy,

    My "Doh!" response was meant only as a reference to the television show that your avatar comes from. I was not inteding to hassle you about the deletion.

    I also think that text talk is just laziness.

    Andy Posted Yesterday, 02:43 PM Well if he hadn't posted bleedin' text-talk I'd have had no reason to go near the topic, would I...

    You mean to say you don't spend all your free time reading what all us highly intelligent web users are posting. yep I actually typed that with a straight face.

    EDIT: How do you get the quote(zippy@oct 17 ...... ) in the red part of the quote box?

  6. Andy Posted Today, 03:34 AM

    QUOTE(hop blip and a jump @ Oct 16 2006, 09:52 PM)

    perhaps somebody stole it?????????

    No. I went to delete your reply as it contained text talk which, as you know, is not allowed on the forums. I accidently deleted the entire topic instead.


  7. This is merely an observation, and I could be way wrong.

    It seems as though over in Europe the riders tend to like the 250cc machines over the 270 and 300, and it is the exact opposite here in the states.

    The previous statement is based solely on what I have read on trials central and again with the disclaimer I could be wrong.

    If this is true, why? Do the Europeon riders in general prefer technique over power and the US riders like the power?

    Sorry to kinda hijack the thread.

    I agree with PHB the best thing to do is see if you can get a test ride on a 300. I think that your riding style would have alot to do with it to. For example: do you ride smooth and fluid through the section without stopping, or do you stop, gauge the obstacle and blast over it and stop on the other side gauge the next obstacle and then ggggoooooooo!!! I think the latter of the two styles needs higher power output in a minimum amount of time. Or there's my style of riding, "I can't ride over that" Biff'sgasgas replies "yes you can." I reply "oh look at the time I best be going."

  8. biffsgasgas Posted Today, 02:44 PM

    Zippy you take hugs in my absence.

    :D But I wanted hugs from you :D

    anyway onto more important matters. Were you able to retrieve the bicycle? how broke is it can it be fixed? Come on man these are important things don't just leave us hanging!!!!!!

    I am not invited to the help groups, I am beyond help.

    See ya'll in a couple weeks.

  9. My previous post was an opinion of how I think observed trials should be marked for penalties. I think I misinterpreted the direction of the post.

    That being said, I have another opinion.

    If the rules state that a stop is penalised with a 5 or with a 1 does not matter for this example.

    In the case of a trial with no stop rules I personally would believe that a rider that takes a momentary pause with both feet on the pegs that does not get a penalty for stopping would have an unfair advantage over a rider that has the same length of pause with a foot on the ground. If I understand it correctly, with no stop rules a stop is penalised so.... a stop is a stop is a stop. And the observers should score accordingly and fairly. Also would like to thank all the volunteers that do observe so that this sport is possible.

    Or I am completely off my rocker and don't know anything. (this is possible)

  10. R2W GREAT VIDS Thanks for having those available. But I did notice that the link for Milan routes me to the Gerona link. So basically there are 2 Gerona links. Is there a Milan video? Or am I just being really picky about free trials vids.

    Once again great vids and I loved the Kickstart stuff from 85 and 86. I was a youngen' then and just trying to keep the rubber down on the ground, but those guys are way better on those older bikes than I ever could be!!

  11. OK my 2 cents (probably not worth that much)

    Observed trials is about control of the motorcycle. If you can stop and balance without putting a foot down than you are in control of the bike: = No penalty.

    If you stop and place foot down you are no longer in control of the bike. This is unfortunately where it get kinda subjective.

    If the foot is dabbed and then placed back on the footpeg and the rider is balancing, this should be a penalty of 1.

    If the rider stops and dabs and pushes with foot causing forward motion this should also be a penalty of 1.

    If the rider stops and places foot on ground and surveys the section or discusses the section with someone else or is just taking a rest. This should be a penalty of 5. Reason: The rider is in no more control of the bike than the kickstand would be. At this point the rider's leg is basically a kickstand.

    Just my opinion, I am not aware of anywhere that this is actually written down as a rule.

  12. I being from the states don't know if you have some of the same problems I am about to complain about but I think the general idea will be easily seen.

    Trials bikes make a bit of noise, okay not a large amount.

    My 2000 Sherco is quieter than my riding lawn mower. (I guess I can't mow my lawn anymore)

    We have these things called "boom cars" cars with loud bass pumping radios. Very annoying in my opinion.

    The neighbors is out enjoying the yard and the sunshine with radio blasting Tom Jones. Very annoying.

    My favourite: Someone buys a house near an off-road park Totally legal to ride and use 4x4 trucks, Then they proceed to complain about noise and dust. The park was there first and the new resident should have realised that it would make noise and dust.

    OK LOUD pipes on street bikes don't help us any either.

    The neighbor kids are outside making a bunch of racket, of course this happens when I am working 3rd shift and trying to sleep during the day.

    I guess here is my point: There are alot of people in a small amount of space, too many people believe they are the most important in the world. If these people want to do their noisy activities then they need to put up with my noisey activity, fair is fair. Also just because the majority likes the sounds of the crowd at an american football game friday night under the lights does not mean that they can dictate if we can ride our trials bikes on sunday in the middle of the day. (even if I am trying to take a nap) Noise happens deal with it. (slight disclaimer: obviously there are instances where too much is too much.)

    Ok sorry too much caffiene in the coffee, I am going to go load up and go crash....I mean practice on the sherco.

  13. It's probably just the after-effect of all the water you took in on Sunday!

    Ain't nothin' better than Canadian creek water to cool the inside of a Sherco engine.

    That's what I get for goofing around on the trial it's not like I even did it in a section. DOH!!

  14. Whoa slow down here.

    Are we talking internet web site stuff or the programmable ignition mapping of the Montesa 4RT!! I'm having enough trouble understanding my 2000 sherco 2.9 2 stroke. I must be stuck in the dark ages when atari ruled the gaming universe.

  15. biffsgasgas Posted Today, 10:38 AM

    Dont worry i would give the sherco back.....

    I dont need another project bike....


    I believe the key word is "another" to go along with the gasser. LOL

    When you gonna quit breaking your toys young man.

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