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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Man, I remember the swim, still hilarious....

    Kinda like this "Hey ya'll watch this. SPLASH!!"

    I don't know if I could even keep up with you, you is a mad man!!! HAHAHAHAHA



    How would I explain to my sponsor (the wife) either A) bringing home a GasGas to put in the too full garage. or :blink: That I now need to buy a 2007 Sherco.

    Actually, that sounds like it would put some pressure on the participants to try some crazy stuff in order to win and keep their bikes. Might be good TV for a bit.

  2. Yep Biff, I did forget the nasty crash off the big roll from the Sheffield indoor.......Man that had to hurt.

    After some thought (this usually take alot of time and smoke out the ears), seeing some of the replies, and talking to the wifey about it, (Don't tell her she was right).

    I think I was uhhhhhhmmmmm wrong.

    Trials would do well in the X games, if as some of the other posts stated it was done indoor style, with races, maybe the splatter wall competition, and such. Kinda like thinking outside the box. When I posted the first time I was thinking of the more "normal" events like a club level, national and even the WTC, with section start and finish only one rider at a time, long trail ride loop. I have to adjust that things change.

    As for my opinion of the "masters of champions".....The skills those guys have are fabulous, the exposure got alot of people talking about trials, I did like the camera angle that was off the helmet and showed exactly how skinny the landing spot was on top of the dresser (I think it was). What I didn't like was the "cheesiness" of riding on furniture, (but it made for good tv) and the whole flat tire thing, seemed a little scripted to me.

    No TV does not do it justice trials is something best seen in person, or better yet participated in.

    The golf thing I don't know you got me. I tried golf once played like crap, realized there is alot more to it than just slapping the ball with a stick and hoping it finds the hole. (but that's the way I played it) It was alot more challenging than I thought it would be.

    Sorry that's enough ramblin' and too many topics in one post.

  3. I agree that trials would be a good addition to the X games but..........the average american wants spectacluar, possible death, huge air stuff. Let's face it Observed trials is the most awesome motorcycle sport for control and skill with the machine, but unfortunately rather boring to watch unless you are a participant and know what to look for.

    Check here on another thread.


    I think the key is where the person states that the rider was balancing so long that the watcher was able to get a cup of tea and come back and the rider is in the same spot. Although an awesome feat of balance and of great interest to myself and other trials riders it is very boring for the average american.

    If we can get more people to actually try riding trials and find out that it is enjoyable only then will the sport grow. Observed trials is a participant based sport not spectator. We set up sections (club level any way) for the enjoyment and challenge of the rider not for what "looks cool" or may kill somebody.

    Definition of crash (i saw something like this on the TC postings can't remember who or where but I liked it) "A crash is when parts of the machine are broke and/or a trip to the local hospital."

    NASCAR big----go fast, turn left, crash.

    MotoX (super and arena) big ------go fast big jumps crash.

    Drag racing mid size----- go really fast, some crashes.

    Freestyle MotoX big-------Huge jumps crazy stunts, big crashes

    Supermoto getting big------it's different, go fast, jumps, crashes.

    Trials-----small go slow, big steps, balance, control few crashes (most are unplanned dismounts)

    I see a pattern the average American wants speed and high danger

  4. Ok first off I agree that starting with a 125cc and getting the technique down is great and then move up to bigger machines.

    My questions are this:

    How many "Yanks" are actually interested in contesting the WTC series?

    How many american youngsters are interested in contesting the 125cc world title?

    How many of these youngsters are interested in progressing far enough in the sport to contest the WTC series?

    I think these are important questions because if the answer to all three is none, then there is no point debating over the 125cc class in the US, and there is no point debating how we can get an American on the podium for WTC events.

  5. How about we eliminate skill level as a criteria and just have one line that everyone rides. This is supposed to be the best of the best right? Then we can have a 125 and 250 and 270 class and the various age classes. And how about a open modified machine class that the "pros" can compete in. All with 18 foot splatters.

    OK enough stupidity :o from me hope you had a chuckle. :angry: :angry: :D:angry::D

  6. I must be totally demented I "see" sections on my way everywhere. Even on my way to work and I take the same route everyday for the last 7 yrs. I really drive my wife crazy whenever we drive somewhere together.

  7. Mich Lin Posted Yesterday, 07:35 PM

      Dman, not to be combative but 75% of the students in the LA school district are Mexican and have no interest in trials at all. Never will!

    Are you implying that because one is of Mexican heritage that they would not ever have an interest in our fine multiculteral sport.

  8. OK I will admit that the NATC should do more for supporting american trials riders and if the NATC adopted the same rules as the world rounds this would help our riders compete with the best in the world. We must also remember that it is the riders choice and/or personal drive whether or not to compete at the world level also. There are many factors involved.

    Mich, after all that about how it is the NATC's fault and how they drop the ball, you still did not answer my question. If it is so important to you what are you doing to assist our world champion caliber riders?

  9. Hey Mich...

    If you are so fired up that the "young tigers" get the support they need why are you waiting for somebody else to do it? As my opinion is, (yep, we all have one) The NATC is formed for US national events. If someone would like to compete in the world rounds then they need to find the avenues necessary to do so. (training, sponsorship, minder, etc..) Likewise it is not the resposibilty of a local club to train its riders for national competition, the NATC is not responsible to train our national champions for World competition.

    Would I like to see a US rider in World competition? Of course that would be great!

    Just some random thoughts that fell off the flat spot of my head.

  10. Winter fix?!  ......

    most the best trials are in the cold dark winter!! 

    Where I live I find it very difficult to ride a trial in 3 feet of snow. I know some places in the world have relatively mild winters and the weather is actually better for riding than in summer. But not here. Besides it give me some time to get reaquainted with my wife, now if I could only remember her name.

  11. I applaud R2W for stating what I was thinking after reading the first post. I just started reading this thread and was amazed at how long it took for somebody to suggest just asking the person nicely to shut the bike down.

    I agree we need to be respectfull and considerate of others that we compete with. Otherwise we lose the "friendly" part of friendly competition. But I don't think that making rules about common sense conduct while waiting at a section will solve anything. It's too close to "I'm gonna tell Mom on you!"

    Just my opinion

  12. What is the reasoning behind the rule of the B class riding only 125 CC machines? I am from the states (that could explain a few of my ideas). This basically pertains to youths correct. In my personal opinion (which my wife rarely agrees with any of them) if the youth can handle the weight and power of a larger machine and the parents/guardian of the youth feels that the youth can handle the larger machine than why not?

    I also agree that a youth can benefit greatly from the lower weight of the "smaller" machines, and that less power will emphasize technique more and make a better rider in the long run. But who am I to tell them what they can ride in competition.

  13. I realized I was beginning to get old when two things happened. Both of these happened at age 31. My sons friends called me MR. and I found out that national "senior" class starts at age 30. AAHHH but what a fun ride so far and hopefully many more.

  14. I have few thoughts about trials coaches (minders). Personally I would have a very tough time listening to someone standing on the ground telling me how to ride my bike. If that minder thinks he can do so much better, he can get on a bike and show me how it is done. But I am stuborn and pig headed, and believe the sport is 1 person and 1 bike conquering the section. (or in my case 1 person 1 bike and many foot prints)

    I do believe in asking other riders for opinions and techniques, but to have somebody yelling at me when in competition no thanks.

  15. Woody,

    My dad had an Ossa, and you are right about applying the brakes to gain speed. Which is why I found myself looking up at the clear blue sky at the bottom of a hill with the Ossa taking a "rest" next to me.

  16. Don't matter to me whether it's a 2005 4 stroke mont or sherco or any of the 2005 2 strokes they all to expensive for me. If someone can afford a 2005 than go for it. I ride for fun not how I look. (which is good cuz I don't look that good when I ride.)

    I think in order to find out how good the 4 strokes are going to be we will need to wait about a year. By then the pros and the general public will have beaten the snot out of the bikes and one or all will be very reliable. Or it may boil down to brand preference.

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