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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Don't matter to me whether it's a 2005 4 stroke mont or sherco or any of the 2005 2 strokes they all to expensive for me. If someone can afford a 2005 than go for it. I ride for fun not how I look. (which is good cuz I don't look that good when I ride.)

    I think in order to find out how good the 4 strokes are going to be we will need to wait about a year. By then the pros and the general public will have beaten the snot out of the bikes and one or all will be very reliable. Or it may boil down to brand preference.

  2. OW!! My brain is starting to hurt from too much thinking. (this should be no surprise to any who know me.) I have a quick comment: I just like to ride trials, I am somewhat obssessed. At least that is what my wife says.

    We mention alot about the family atmosphere of trials, one of the many reasons I ride. But alot has been said about giving away prize money, do we really want to "bribe" people into riding. If we make the sport pay out in a monatary way people will stop helping other riders get better, there will no longer be a couple of riders discussing the best way to attempt a section. But my biggest fear is that with money involved riders will stop applauding a well done ride just for the sake of it being a well done ride. The riders will now be concerned with how the other rider is doing so well that it will cut back the chance of the rider to make money. Greed is a powerful thing and changes people.

    But this is only my opnion and I may be wrong I have been in the past and probably will be again in the future.

  3. Tommi,

    My boys and I got to see your show in Michigan. We were very impressed. I was most impressed at how personable you are and willing to discuss trials at length with anyone interested.

    Congrats on moving forward with your goals in life, but I must say the states will be losing a very nice man to help promote trials.

  4. Biff,

    You got somebody elses brand new helmet all stinky, boy that guy was really nice.

    Anyway all the events that I go to are of the same wonderful caliber that every else has experienced. I have loaned tools and rode away confident that they will find their way back to my tool box. I have seen people give away tubes, patch kits, fuel, spark plugs, etc.. I smashed the clutch cover on my bike and lost all my transmission fluid on the ground. Biff (the wonderful guy that he is) gave me a quart so that I could finish the event.

    I guess all I am saying is that trials people are some of the best people on earth.

  5. I agree that we should have some continuity throught the country on what classes are called and some standards as to the difficulties levels associated with said class. With some of the sports channels showing some observed trials stories (a couple times a year) I have started running into people that actually understand what I mean when I say observed trials. Media coverage is where it is at if you want to get recognized, but I don't think we want to get too big. That seems to bring about a whole new set of problems.

    I would like to have a mid-level series that involved, as a suggestion, four or five states that are next door to each other. I have never been to a national but from what I understand they are very difficult. I love to ride but don't like getting hurt.

    I think there are 2 reasons trials has not "taken off" in North America:

    1. It is slow speed and very technical. (no backflips)

    2. no prize money (at least where I am)

    But I think that these are the reasons that trials is so wonderful.

  6. Thank you to every one for your great ideas. I think I will try the 1/4x28 bolt first, (it just sounds easier to me) and then probably the thread making stuff. The stud being JB welded in place and then using a nut sounds really good, but I have not had very good luck with JB weld in the past. I think it is probably the way I used it, not necessarily the product.

  7. VETO!!

    The skid plate may make that noise. I have noticed a "scraping, Clunking" type noise if I am sitting on the skid plate on a log or rock and rocking back and forth. I may take you up on the offer to weld the mounting point for the skid plate, and the skid plate has a small crack. But gotta wait at least 2 weeks then the season is done.

  8. Thank you for your advice, I am going to think on whether to use the helicoil or the glue type stuff. Maybe I can convince my bank account that I just gotta have a whole new set of forks. Yea that'll never happen.

    "whoever set up this section obviously thinks I ride better than I really do."

  9. I recently purchased a 2000 Sherco 2.9. I love the bike but have to fix a couple of things. One of the holes for the front axle pinch bolts is stripped out. Has anyone tried to drill and tap one of these holes in the forks, or should I use a helicoil?

    The weld on the rear skid plate mount on the left side of the bike is cracked, and the skid plate has a small crack near the radius of the plate. How common are these cracks?

    "obviously whoevever set up these sections thinks I ride better than I do." :rolleyes:

  10. I am new to the forum and would like to say HI. I am somewhat of a large guy (230 pounds) and I have a 95 Fantic section that I used to ride before getting the much better 2000 Sherco 2.9. The preload spring was set right up to the top of the threads. It seems to be performing just fine.

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