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Posts posted by zippy
  1. I have only used one years ago while racing in grass track on my scrambler, home made with a bit of string attached to a small piece of plastic cut from the bottom of an early coke bottle in between a set of points riveted onto a jubilee clip.   


    When I was a youngen riding a TY80 doing shows and parades with my Dad and Brother we had the same type of set up.  This would kill the engine if we fell off, lessening the chance of a spectator being hit.  Dad also added an Emergency brake to his Reflex, not exactly sure how it work but there was an electric motor that would pull the rear drum brake arm engaging the rear brake.  I think he had a second set of points on the handlebars that would engage if he was separated from the bike.


    When riding I never even notice having that bit of string on my wrist.  (Left side)



    (Side note: We called ourselves Team Thud...........that sound that is made when the human body contacts the ground after falling off the bike)

    • Like 2


    Additionally GGs potential market share will have fallen due to introduction of Vertigo and TRS, which are newer and therefore presumably better designs.





     that newer and therefore better design would explain why the majority of the buying public is so extremely hesitant to purchase the first 2 years production of a new bike.     :unsure:

    • Like 1
  3. Proper bikes and proper no stop riding, makes you want a pre 65 / twin shock bike.



    Not quite proper no stop riding...........they were all covering the clutch.  :D


    Back when I was a youngen (late 70's early 80's) a surly older gentleman told me "get your fingers off that clutch, once you put it in gear you don't touch the clutch.  You just use the throttle"



    aaahh the good old days  :hyper:

    • Like 2
  4. Yea I know trimsaram, used to live in Llanelli which obviously isn't far away.

    I sold the sherco for 1000, would have put it up for a bit more but as I sold it to my father in law I had to knock a few quid off lol


    .Did he still not like the price?

    Looks like he decided not to buy the fuel cap to save some more money

    • Like 2
  5. Oh yea... I know Mrs. Zippy and how well you like spending money... I like how you haven't said when you would do this upgrading or buying of a new machine.


    So they emptied the factory.... where to?



    Yea Biff ya got me,  I will own a 2014 300 Pro.............It may end up being in 2024 when I buy it.


    anyway my main point that got lost in my horrible attempt at a tad bit of humor is:

    I am very happy with my GasGas and will not be selling it just because the brand is having some troubles.  

    Also if I had the funds and opportunity to purchase a newer GasGas I most definitely would buy one.  (2010 or newer has the new round tube frame right?)


    I too am curious where the contents of the factory have gone to...........

  6. ?????

    Zippy,old chap, you have a GasGas to sell so you're trapped in the relative value matrix :stupid: .




    Who said anything about selling?  You been talking to Mrs Zippy?  sounds like something she would say.

    Buy newer GasGas as main trials machine and keep the 2003 as a back up/get my friends interested machine.

    • Like 1
  7. Is it me, but there seem to be a lot more GasGas bikes for sale, over the last week?


    Seems like a lot are 'jumping ship' or is it just my imagination...............just get the 'feeling'


    Does this mean I might be able to upgrade from a 2003 to something much newer at a much lower price than a week ago???????

    • Like 1
  8. The 2000 Sherco I once owned the exhaust header pushed on the hose where it connected to water pump.  There was an actual flat spot on the hose.  Eventually the hose did fail but I believe it failed because of the pinching pressure and wear between the water pump and the header.

    heat may have been a factor but I don't think it was a major factor.


    In the pics it looks like your hose is just touching.  I think it will be fine.

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