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Everything posted by zippy
  1. All I know is with the 250 Ninja I used to own, I could turn the run/stop switch off, twist the throttle and turn the run/stop switch on would make it produce a really nice BANG! Sometimes I could time it just right so as I was exiting from under an overpass my buddy would be under the overpass when it would BANG! quite the echo it would have also. fun times
  2. oops may have been too much ....
  3. Direct quote from the liquidpiston.com website "LiquidPiston’s X Engine is a non-****el rotary embodiment of the company’s innovative High Efficiency Hybrid Cycle (HEHC). The X Engine has few parts and three combustion events per rotor revolution, resulting in tremendous power density." If you are a W@nker, this engine is not for you.......................
  4. Raga's Instagram states "New products soon" Maybe the all black bike is just a mock up bike for testing new products?
  5. It it the bikes or the people that die............... or both?
  6. zippy

    4Rt Copies?

    You know there is this little button "Quote" that will place a quote of the post you are referring to into your response to said post. It makes it much easier to convey the point you are trying to make about that post. That way the individual in which you wish to respond to will know easily that you are responding to that individual. And if you choose to respond to many posts, there is the option of the "MultiQuote" button that will allow you respond to multiple posts in the same manner.
  7. When I mentioned the noise of 4 strokes, I was speaking about motorcycling in general here in the USA. Not necessarily Trials. Back to topic, Does the weight limit really do any good if the riders are just adding weight in the spots they want it, while keeping the bike itself light?
  8. And now the 4 strokes are in danger because of noise ........................ ever feel like your damned if you do and damned if you don't?
  9. yep responses are swift and full of something.........
  10. It was riding day, you must ride something,...........it may be a bike.............or...........
  11. zippy

    Ty Brakes

    switch it over to hydraulic disc............ I hate drum brakes............ OK mr grumpy pants will go away now...........
  12. I believe that would be the salt truck for those of us in the States..........well the Northern States at least. Down South all they use Salt for is seasoning. So the Texans and Floridians might be wondering why the Northern States want their roads to taste better.
  13. Blue = stays put until you remove with proper tool and some muscle Red = stays put forever unless heat, muscle and a leverage assisting device is used.
  14. Biffsgasgas has a lanyard on his bike, He is good at planning ahead. He made up a spare lanyard for anyone that forgot to bring theirs............It had a pink, and girly lanyard made up to hold the magnet. It is named Nancy
  15. Well if that's what you're into, go ahead.........
  16. I am just impressed that your wife willingly showed an interest in trials and requested to see the videos...........I tell my wife to come watch this, and she says "not that trials stuff again" Maybe there is something to the suspension thing?
  17. At 2 day events free drink does sometimes occur.......... depends on how stupid your friends want you to act..............
  18. Also in practice many of us tend to "practice" the bits we enjoy and are good at. example: big hillclimb, big obstacle, etc.... But we tend to forget what caused us to take points at the last event. like that really stupid tight turn in the mud and my front tire washed out.............. So try to have 2 parts to your practice sessions. Really fun stuff to put a smile on your face Actual work on techniques that you need to master.
  19. zippy

    Gas Gas Future?

    yep I just watched "On any Sunday - The Next Chapter" Wonderful film does a great update to the first film. Many great stories and highlights the people involved. But failed greatly to bring up Trials. there was about 5-10 seconds of a Trials bike, no mention of what the bike was or even that trials is a sport. missed a great opportunity to showcase the skill involved and bring trials to more people.
  20. That is how I started riding, My dad would do wheelie turns in a circle with me on the bike in front of him. those were great days
  21. I usually look around with a confused look on my face until I realize they are talking to me...............
  22. Where was this pic? I didn't see this picture after clicking the link. I did see the pic of the but for some reason I stopped scrolling....
  23. I looked at the picture a bit closer and noticed the chain is not connected to anything at the back. So I wonder if this picture is of a work in progress or a mock up for humor sake.
  24. dan williams, Sounds like you need one of these
  25. zippy


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