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Posts posted by zippy
  1. After reading their brochure, I'm tempted by this "engine fun control sensor".

    If it's as I suspect, Fun is meant to read Fan, I'm going to be very disappointed!


    You like riding trials but are Having too much fun? Some days it is just more fun than you can handle? Or You are feeling down and need more fun as a pick me up?

    Well We at Vertigo Motors have your solution!!!! It is our very own patented, proprietary "ENGINE FUN CONTROL SENSOR"!

    This fun sensor will help you produce feelings of enjoyment all across the fun spectrum. Everything from :wall: to :angry: with a bit of :crying: all the way to the other end of the spectrum with :D going through :bouncy: and yes we can even provide :banana:

    And just to help sell this new technology we will throw in a couple :boobies: in our advert to get your attention.

    • Like 5
  2. I would not want to try to reverse that, the shorter the tow bar the quicker it will turn.

    Also if you had to push it back by hand it could tip up if one wheel hit a bump, very expensive if it was a road bike.

    Yea but what a ride if you continued to hold the tow bar as the trailer tipped up! :D

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  3. Self minding is hard cuz you have to hold one hand up in the air and count the dabs

    I always end in a 5 for some reason

    Twice I can remember going up a 3 foot (ish) step from dead stop very little run up, and for some reason my clutch hand released from the bars and was waving to the crowd...................yep ended up with a 5. :wall:<_<

  4. I usually watch videos with no sound.

    I attempted to watch this one when it was first posted and after about a minute I thought "oh another trail ride video" and stopped watching it.

    Now I come back and see the posts about the "music" being bad and just have the sound of the bike. So I watched it again and I was surprised that Fuel by Metallica was used! I always thought that was a great song for trials. So this time with the music I watched it all the way through and enjoyed it more because of the music.

    People make these videos because it is what they like or think is entertaining. If you don't like it, don't watch it or turn the sound off.


    You might like another petrol themed song for your next one.


  5. I always try to thank every observer on my last loop, If I forget it could upset the trials gods (and the observers too, don't want to make them angry then we would have to score ourselves and that would be like work.....eeewwww)

    It is true just a simple "Thank you for observing today" will go a long way to keep observers coming back.

    It let's them know you appreciate them standing around and watching YOU have FUN all day with no reward to the observers.

    • Like 4
  6. Merry Christmas Y'all :xmas::madnoel:

    Had some fun in 2014 tapping out nonsense on my keyboard to try and get a laugh.

    Had some fun reading and watching the banter.

    Yeah, happy christmas to everyone....... surely this thread can't end up in an argument

    Just wait for somebody to post "Happy Holidays" and somebody from the USA to read it and be offended because it's "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and that they are tired of this "War on Christmas" :wall:

    In conclusion, I wish everyone good times with family, good food, excellent drink (which may be needed to for the good times with family), good cheer and a Happy whatever you celebrate. Looking forward to a great 2015 trials season

    • Like 1
  7. OK so the stop + dab = 1 came about because some whiny little twit couldn't ride as good as the number 1 rider and felt he should have a medal for showing up?

    My problem with the "all day dab" is the rider is no longer in control, he is now a kickstand and your bike can do that without your input (after the kickstand is down or bike leaned on tree)

    Stop without support (engine running or dead) = balance and control = 0

    Stop WITH support (engine running or dead) = NO balance and NO control = 5

    (IDGAF about electric bikes because I have yet to see ANY ride local events, adjust rules if necessary when they FINALLY show up after I am long dead)

    Keep reverse motion = 5 (this will satisfy those that want only 1 attempt at an obstacle)

    All rules observation comes down to the observer, there will always be slight discrepancy and differing opinions, and benefit of the doubt goes to the rider. In this case "I was balanced but as my foot came down I gassed it and moved 6 inches and then put foot back on peg so I only get a one, because I was moving when I footed" IDGAF about these situations because they will be few and far between.

    Most important would be consistent observing.

    If we changed to this system of rules it would once again force riders to learn to ride the damn bike.

    OK rant over

    • Like 2
  8. On a Sherco Biffsgasgas and I used a home powder coat system on the header pipe. Powder coat only came off when the pipe contacted something substantial.

    We also did the muffler and mid pipe, but my boots wore the powder coat off after a couple months riding

    Rest of the bike well......................that opens a thread arguing about reliability...... :stoned:

  9. There are exceptions, but it seems to me that most of the world champions in all the two wheeled sports are of a slender build. There's a reason it's called an athletic build. For your average riders, I would hazard a guess that skill and determination trump weight any day.

    Well I am totally screwed then...........got the weight, and no skill.............determination is dependent on how I feel about getting a 3 or a 5


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  10. #40

    I can to a considerable extent sympathise with your point of view. On my local news tonight there have been 2 cases of causing death by dangerous driving and the sentences were 2 and 5 years, I would have liked to see 10 at least.

    Yes our legal system has faults but on balance I think it is better leaving punishment to them rather than via an internet campaign.

    ​There are also some aspects of the CE case that do not look quite right, perhaps the commission that is reviewing the case will shed more light on this and may even overturn the original verdict.

    I wonder what our our American posters think of the protests there against a couple or recent legal decisions, rather than internet petitions they seem to favour riots and looting electrical goods, Is stealing a TV a legitimate form of protest?

    Hey all y'all arguing over using the internet to crucify an individual or political discussions


    and stop hijacking this one. Let those that wish to share their background, do so without having to filter through the other crap.

    • Like 4
  11. My NY resolution is to lose 35-40 lbs and I expect this to help me a bunch this season.

    Good luck, hope you are able to lose the weight, but don't just leave it laying around for me to find. I have enough of my own that I need to lose..........

    OK let's say equal skill level. we will go with same person, two versions. version one: healthy skinny 170 lbs. very flexible, nimble and able to move around the bike easily.

    version two: healthy, muscular 220 lbs. very strong, able to "make" bike go where they want it to.

    I guess you just need to ride according to you body style??

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  12. I am the proud owner of a 2003 GasGas 300 pro. I bought it from the original owner a couple years back. Just need to do maintenance on it, oil, lube, etc.. nothing lasts forever. I had more problems with the 2000 Sherco 2.9 I had before the Gasser. The GasGas is older, it is getting tired, but DAMN she runs good and has improved my riding greatly. If I could afford to I would buy a brand new GasGas 300.

    The Gasser has NOT had a gearbox failure, it is on it's second kick start lever, and clutch cover (which broke not because of kickstarting). If things are loose they break/wear. I refute the statements that GasGas are unreliable.

    All bikes have their faults, and you will have more if you disregard maintenance.

  13. A lot of people may go on about budget bikes, but as has already been said, when the crunch comes to the crunch, most don't buy them, because they don't meet their expectations of a bike. Unfortunately the number of Trials bike that are built, they will never be that cheap.

    Just to touch on price for new bikes, number of trials bike built/sold is low compared to motocross bikes. A quick look at this site for new price of 2014 model motocross bikes shows that brand new trials bikes are priced pretty close to motocross bikes. (and Honda, Kawasaki etc.. make and sell a boat load more bikes than trials manufacturers)


    the range is $7,000 - $9,000 (approx). so with trials bikes being lower number of sales prices should be North of $10,000????

    (which is why my bike is 11 yrs old)

  14. When I was a youngen, we would practice and hold events on a very nice gentleman's dairy farm. The cows roamed free but twice a day they came up to the Milking barn. We just kept a bit of distance between us and them and there were no problems.

    One benefit to riding on a dairy farm was the game of "spray the guy behind you with a cowpie". Whack the throttle when rear tire is going through the cow pie and guy behind you gets a facefull. (obviously the fresher the better)

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