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Everything posted by zippy
  1. zippy


    Hey dadof2 OK you made your point that you don't like GasGas. And you don't like new technology
  2. There is video somewhere of a section being ridden where they had to time it just right so the incoming waves did not wash them away
  3. Forum software not heavy enough to be reliable.
  4. zippy

    Vertigo Launch

    Just to touch on price for new bikes, number of trials bike built/sold is low compared to motocross bikes. A quick look at this site for new price of 2014 model motocross bikes shows that brand new trials bikes are priced pretty close to motocross bikes. (and Honda, Kawasaki etc.. make and sell a boat load more bikes than trials manufacturers) http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/2/2014/Buyers-Guide-Group/2014-Dirt-Bike-Buyers-Guide.aspx the range is $7,000 - $9,000 (approx). so with trials bikes being lower number of sales prices should be North of $10,000???? (which is why my bike is 11 yrs old)
  5. When I was a youngen, we would practice and hold events on a very nice gentleman's dairy farm. The cows roamed free but twice a day they came up to the Milking barn. We just kept a bit of distance between us and them and there were no problems. One benefit to riding on a dairy farm was the game of "spray the guy behind you with a cowpie". Whack the throttle when rear tire is going through the cow pie and guy behind you gets a facefull. (obviously the fresher the better)
  6. Actually I think the question is "How long must this have taken to take apart?"
  7. zippy

    Vertigo Launch

    Team WGASA would be more than happy to provide our "testing" services for this new machine. All we would require would be 5 bikes provided at no charge and free replacement of any broken parts during the 5 year testing period. (If I gonna dream, then dream big)
  8. I did a google search and clicked on trialstribulations.net and went to a "test page" saying the site was under maintenance. but back at the google search there were sub links so I clicked on "about us" and it went to a good page, from there I clicked "home" and went to a good page.
  9. sometimes land availability has no bearing on whether or not one can practice...................pesky things called responsibilities, and wife and children and the biggest pain in the a***....work.
  10. Looks like it will be a bit sore for a while. I had to learn that the header pipe is hot against the exposed skin on my legs...................3 times. I think it may have sunk in now
  11. In my neck of the woods in the States: We ride trials bikes mostly on private land, for public/State land takes spark arrestor and Off Road Vehicle sticker at minimum. My current Club/practice ground is 30 mins away. Land owner is a motorcyclist and all around cool guy. costs $0 to join the club, just have to work 2 trials events / season. MOTA holds 12 -14 events/ year All the events (except the 2 I work) are a minimum of 1.5 hours drive one way (3 hr round) most average 2 hr drive (4 hr round) and one is 4.5 hr drive (9 hr round, but is a 2 day event) AND WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES! from what I understand the rest of the country has average travel times of 3.5 -4 hrs one way (7 -8 hr round) So similar to Australia. Just more people to hear complain about motorcycles.
  12. Hey Ted, Ian is the gent you told "Come ride trials, it's fun" and he promptly ended up on his backside, right? Sounds like he is keeping up traditions. Life is good, unfortunately the MOTA season is over. One of the highlights was watching Biffsgasgas ride over a log, sit on his skidplate, roll over the other side and promptly go over the handlebars. So I thought, "I don't want to do that, I will do a zap, get on top of log on my rear wheel, hold pressure and wheelie off the other side" What I did was: gave it more throttle than Biffsgasgas did, but not enough to get on rear wheel and I still went over the bars...........but faster!
  13. zippy

    Pop Up Ads

    Some of us combine the two passions and look at both at the same time...............
  14. zippy

    What Is This?

    Is that the infamous "invisible wheeled conveyance"?
  15. Congratulations on the new bike!!!! I look forward to seeing the bike and you take first place in Advanced this weekend!!!!! (sounds like the Ossa fits you better for riding so better move up a class or two )
  16. Maybe you should check with Marvin
  17. I had issues with my 2003 GasGas rear brake. Just lost rear brake all of a sudden. Rebuild master cylinder and all was good for a while, then lost rear brake. I ended up buying a new rear master cylinder. The bore was worn enough to cause problems. Also try raising the front of the bike and bleed the master cylinder at the banjo bolt the attaches the rear brake line to the master cylinder. There is a spot where air can get trapped at the top of the master cylinder
  18. V-mar has good bar risers. That is what I have on my Old BAGG http://www.vmar.com/barmounts.html Not sure if they will fit the Ossa, but they do come with longer bolts. just bolt right on. And because they go under the bar clamps they look like they should be there.
  19. Possible thermostat (thermoswitch) going bad, is the fan running? If not try attaching the wires together that go to the thermostat. basically it by passes the thermo and the fan runs constant. OK to do for an event but not a permanent fix. If fan runs check coolant level.
  20. I think we may see it next event................
  21. Bigmark, I could help you out with that chunk of bone. I am pretty handy with a knife and 4" grinder.................... Hope the pain is not too much, but if you show up at next event and are unable to ride I am sure we could find someone willing to take your Ossa around to show it the event and keep it entertained.................
  22. Hope you enjoy the new bike! sucks about the surgery......................park the Ossa in your living room, so you can at least look at it during your post op recovery
  23. zippy


    It would seem as though GasGas PRO kickstarting gears have some issues. Proper starting technique will generally alleviate the problem. Do not "stab" at the kickstart. Take up the slack in the kicker slowly with your foot and then use a firm, swift downward kick. Some do not recommend this: My kicker has been moved forward one spline on the shaft. This allows just a little more spin for easier starting. I am the second owner and the first owner had done this starting when new in 2003. No problems as of yet to be attributed to moving the kicker forward.
  24. Only watch for the purposes of learning proper technique........ After many adjustments the "Trials Face" will be made, followed by a nap. Some of us have smaller equipment than others.....Observer may not even notice if it being adjusted.
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