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Posts posted by zippy
  1. On the topic of confidence: As you mentioned, It really does help to have a good friend as a spotter.

    1. They will be more willing to risk life and limb to save your bike than somebody that barely knows you

    2. They will give you the appropriate harassment to get you to do the obstacle.


    Last event there was a 4 foot tall splatter stump with a small rock for the kicker placed 3 feet away, I was concerned if I would make it. Just having Biffsgasgas standing next to the stump, ready to catch my bike (Old B.A.G.G.) was a big confidence booster. I made the stump all 5 loops.

  2. I think trials is a spectator sport , but it's a dying one. Trials is like a teenager growing up with no boundaries in life. It's done what its wanted all these years with no supervision .It's been hitting the booze hard and smoking .

    Don't be taking away the booze and smoking..............we will lose the rest of the riders, observers and spectators.

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  3. I love that, Sherconoob! :rotfl::thumbup:

    To that end, I've always admired this guy here:


    He doesn't seem to concerned about what shape he's in (basically, "round" is his shape, much like myself), and looks like he could survive most anything short of an atomic blast.....


    I give you the following hypothetical scenario:

    Who would win in a fight to the death...........Michelin Man or........


    • Like 1
  4. "If we had a decent pair of gonads, we would try this sh** on the dirt bikes right away"

    "If we manage to grow a pair..........."


    Thought you guys were doing pretty good myself, but then again I don't ride anything but a trials bike.

    Trials is the only sport I know of that the average participant does not try to make themselves sound like the greatest at their sport. I like that, keeps things in focus.

  5. I am 41, been riding for more than 10 years this time around (rode from age 6 to about 16 and got out for a bit).

    I usually try to practice a bit of everything, but what I tend to do is find a new obstacle and ride it with plenty of run up and run out. Then after that is comfortable I will start closing up my approach (run up) and my exit (run out). Or I will put in a tight turn before or after the obstacle. Or I will string a couple of obstacles together, etc.... you get the idea.

    But most important I try to ride with friends because that is the most fun!

    • Like 1
  6. my experience was the opposite.

    Growing up I used the brakes on a motorcycle before having a bicycle with hand brakes. So I was used to the front brake on the right. All my bicycles have been/are set up that way.

    For some reason I don't have a problem switching between left hand for clutch and left hand for rear brake, but I have extreme difficulty with switching right hand for front brake and right hand for rear brake.

    This may be a bit extreme, but have you considered swapping the hoses for front brake and clutch on the motorcycle? This would place the front brake to the hand you are used to.

  7. Check out the foot pegs - There are teeth in the usual places but there are also teeth on the front portion of the hinge area at the foot peg bracket. Interesting. I had heard complaints about the bracket "feeling" weird under foot and the foot sliding a bit because of that. Maybe the new footpeg design will get rid of that.

  8. I buy more rum..........and beer. gotta continue the good time well into the night.

    I hardly practice, don't have the time for it. Wife, kids, job, insert 100 other lame excuses here.

    I definitely notice a difference when I do have time to practice.

    But I would suggest not overdoing it. You don't want to be exhausted and sore when you arrive to set up camp. You're weekend will be miserable if you are already physically wiped out before starting the national.

  9. Zippy,

    Good article! I tried the shorts for home practice and to stop exhaust burn potential on my golf ball knees I removed the header pipe!!! NO knee/leg burn but the neighbours were looking at me with scowls of distain!!!


    Love your all leather option! A set of those and I'm up for 1 or 2 sections of bedroom trials. You could market then under the brand "TarzanLUVJane".



    The neighbors giving you looks of disdain only matters if you like your neighbors............ :D


    The leather riding apparel option has two other potential markets as well. Just make 2 more brand names.

    "TarzanLUVJohn" &


    And you could even have a spin-off for the more humorous bunch:

    "The George of the Jungle Collection"

    • Like 1
  10. I ....uhh......

    I'm not sure how you get to the point of owning a pair of shiny tights...

    My girl has them and I'm pretty happy when they are in use but (pardon the pun)

    Not judging but wow do I ever NOT want to be in cue behind you :)

    Hey Zippy...lets combine your shorts with my man tights.....cycling shorts! Hows that for a good idea :)

    It would drive 0007 wild, hes already picturing me from the rear in a lineup..... :)

    OH YES! but to achieve the desired reaction from 0007 you would also need the WGASA riding thong! :D

    Nobody wants to see panty lines with cycling shorts.

    I have achieved the desired reaction! :barf:

    This year I am considering wearing a trials thong.



    • Like 2
  11. I must be a horrible Trials bike owner.

    Ride it, put it away.

    Ride it, put it away.

    Ride it, got really muddy, put it away, wash next day with power washer, put it away.

    You get the idea, I don't spend a huge amount of time on cleaning my bike. (2003 so it is not exactly Show room condition), but if something breaks I fix it. Wash air filter a few times a season (3 or so). Lube chain just before every ride (Bel-Rey Super Clean)

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