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Posts posted by zippy
  1. I must be a horrible Trials bike owner.

    Ride it, put it away.

    Ride it, put it away.

    Ride it, got really muddy, put it away, wash next day with power washer, put it away.

    You get the idea, I don't spend a huge amount of time on cleaning my bike. (2003 so it is not exactly Show room condition), but if something breaks I fix it. Wash air filter a few times a season (3 or so). Lube chain just before every ride (Bel-Rey Super Clean)

    • Like 2
  2. Maybe not...

    Bike is broken again....

    Took it for a ride this evening ran like a top. Shut it off to take a small break kicked it over and it would not start.

    Took it in the building pulled the plug shut all the doors turned off the light kicked it over no spark.

    Changed the plug no spark

    disconnected kill switch no spark

    reset and re cleaned chassis ground no spark

    I'm digging deeper but it's not looking good.

    I am thinking this Sherco is going to be replaced with a

    Honda in short order if I keep dealing with this crap.


    Very frustrating...

    Well this sucks.....................

  3. I see no reason why Bou's bike would weigh an ounce/gram over the minimum weight limit.

    With the minimum weight limit being raised Bou's bike is probably spot on now..................

    And all the rest of the bike's have to add lead to the skid plate in order to meet the minimum.

    Post #268 from the "FIM Minimum Bike Weight Increase 2014? WHAT?"


    "Now that's just silly:


    • Like 1
  4. Zippy,

    Oh ok! So there are club thats actually do that… thats very cool! Not many people would enjoy coaching a beginner around… maybe a stunning 25 yr old blonde babe would get a line a helpers! Hehehehehe Especially with "no visible panty line" in her trials pants!

    One thing that I will always remember wherever my trials journey takes me in the future… I will never lose sight of beginners love encouragement and a little guidance.

    Now where is that babe! Excuse me Ma'am… you really should have a spotter for your first 40 sections!


    Not only would she need a spotter, but I am unfamiliar with the trail so could she please ride ahead of me and guide me through the trail to the next section?? :wub:

    • Like 1
  5. At MOTA riders meetings (well at least 95% of them) We ask "Are there any new riders?" No hands raised, we all go off and act like our goofy selves. If a hand is raised, then it is asked if they have someone to go around with them or if they need someone or if someone would ride around with them,..... etc...

    It seems to work.

  6. ( When you know that it is hissing down with rain so you go riding just to practice in the most slippy mud known to man.)

    In the dry southwest we bring 5 gallon buckets to carry our water to make the mud to compete back east!

    In the East they take heat guns and generators to dry up the mud, to practice competing out Southwest............... :D

  7. When I go practice riding on Mother's day. (wife didn't seem to mind either)

    When my Father's day present from wife and kids is to go riding.

    When my kids plan their birthday parties around my trials events.

    When I sell 3 motorcycles in order to buy a newer trials bike.

    When it is middle of winter and 10F (-12C) and all your riding buddies meet at a no-heat, windowless building to practice riding.

    • Like 1
  8. I went "none of the above"

    I would like to see a system with keeping what stop allowed already is with the following change.

    Stop and balance feet up, no other assistance = 0 (takes skill)

    Stop with foot down or other assistance = 5 (you are a kickstand, your bike can do that by itself)

    This would stop the "all day dab" and would not stop anyone from riding no stop if they so choose. (just choose an appropriate class for your abilities)

    When I set up sections for our club events I actually ride the "lower class" (we have 7 classes) sections no stop to keep them tame and doable.

    The upper 3 classes I set up more to stop allowed. The biggest difference is not just obstacle severity but the super tight turns that we give the upper classes prior to the obstacle in order to be able to take points. And this also allows us mere mortals to use a bit more of the abilities of these wonderful machines that have evolved into usable works of art.

    • Like 1
  9. No stop does a great job of keeping riders from moving up into higher classes. There was a video posted (I think in this thread) that showed two riders going through a section with many rocks, big and small. First rider rode excellent and cleaned it, second rider had difficulties and stopped with foot down. It was billed as showing how horrible stop allowed was. But what I saw was a good rider followed by a rider that has just moved up a class and was trying his best to finish the section. From what I saw he made all his markers, did not back up and basically finished the section with just putting his feet down and the occaisonal stop. for a score of 3. Now imagine if that event was run no-stop. Second rider would not try the harder class because they would already know that out of 40 section attempts they would have 40 fives for a maximun score of 200. If the rider can get through some of the sections with 3's they will be inclined to come back, keep trying and keep pushing themselves to ride higher class sections.

    Just my opinion

    but for what it is worth if we combine the two scoring systems like the ITSA does, it would be a decent compromise.

    Stop balance (feet up, No other assistance) = 0

    Stop foot down (you are a kickstand, bike can do this without you) = 5

  10. A gent at one of our trials had his Sherco running great the day before and he washed it. Then the day of event it would not run. We unbolted the bracket that holds the "magic box" up by the steering head and cleaned the part of the bracket that contacted the frame and the frame where the two met and it ran fine after that.

    A Sherco Flywheel puller can be purchased from Ryan Young Products. https://secure.rypusa.com/prodpage.cfm?cat_selected=175&product_selected=89&startrow=1

    If you have sheared a flywheel key.

    Flywheel key in packs of 25 (I believe this is right one, it's the link I saved from when I had a Sherco)


  11. You really got to know your bike that evening.

    I had a 2000 Sherco that had problems with the swing arm spindle nut periodically loosening up. I used a couple drops of lock tite BLUE to help hold it in place. Did not use red, I still wanted to be able to take it back off.

  12. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a section about Belgium:


    Less offensive words have been created in the many languages of the galaxy, such as joojooflop, swut and Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish.

    The reason the Earth has been shunned for so long is also due to a language problem. On Earth, Belgium refers to a small country. Throughout the rest of the galaxy, Belgium is the most unspeakably rude word there is. "

    Read more on the BBC site that I "lifted" the quote from.


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  13. Well we didn't have the 100+ we were hoping but 71 on the first day and 65 on the second wasn't too bad. We all seemed to have fun and the weather was great! Saturday night we had a alch.... ummm ice tea fueled hill climb which showed me that i need to loose a few pounds. WGASA jethro made it look easy with his raga then even easier with my ty175. The Howard clan got their hondamod up there and zippy's trials quad made it about 10 feet before it almost killed the crowd.

    Thanks for a great weekend all who helped! We had a blast.


    Side note: Zippy was not piloting said trials quad at the time. Team WGASA member Snickers was the "adventurous soul" for that. Zippy took the role of inebriated observer :beer::popcorn:

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