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Posts posted by zippy
  1. I get my GasGas specific stuff from one dealer and my "universal" stuff from a different guy (usually cheaper) both are trials dealers. And I have found things like brake pads etc. at a local aftermarket motorcycle shop.

    And sometimes I may get stuff from Biffsgasgas and his "Bits Box".

    I don't order much on da interwebs from Europe, but I may be tempted to replace my NZI Trivent with one of the Helix Air Zone helmets.

  2. I'll have the answer by August. My kid will be riding his first year in the 125 expert class at the nationals on a Factory 125. I'm sure he'll be giving it a good workout!

    Kid + Nationals + Expert Class = One hell of a flogging on the bike! (and proud parents)

  3. Beta have done it & in doing so have created the best 4 stroke trials bike for the average rider. The only downside, it still depreciates like a 2 stroke.

    OK first off I just personally don't like Beta. But that is just my personal opinion. now short story time. (with generalizing descriptions)

    I was observing at our club's event a few years ago, an expert level rider had just recently purchased a new 4T Beta. (I think it was the Rev 4 but could have been early 4T EVO) Anyways, said rider asked me if I wanted to take it for a spin. Well, sure free ride on a new bike, of course. We have a steepish hill with a mid-size log in the middle of it, with my 2- stroke second gear is about perfect for it. I left it in first gear and zoomed up the hill, unweight over the log and shut the throttle off in mid-air. It got real quiet! I thought "OH Crap, it stalled". Bike landed and I instictively twisted the throttle and it responded immediately and it just powered up the rest of the hill.

    I still do not like Beta (just personal opinion) but I do have to say I was actully quite impressed with the performance of that particular 4T Beta motor.

    • Like 2
  4. Balderdash there Zippy, everyone knows Canada produces the finest of herbs :)

    Not sure Colorado produces all that pot..but they have most of the smokers for sure.

    I think they have a healthy import business going on..........................

  5. "people responsible for laying out sections are a cruel and sadistic mob" :rotfl: :rotfl:

    I am enjoying the series of videos. some good info there.

    Have you considered a video on proper crashing techniques?

    Seen far too many riders hold onto the bike for too long and end up in a bad situation, where as if they just chucked the bike away they would have been fine...........bike would be broke but rider would be ok.

  6. If you catch a bike from your mate, and he gets hurt enough so he can't ride it anymore, you get to keep the bike, so I'm told...

    OOOOOH I LIKE the sound of that. :thumbup: My buddy Biffsgasgas has a Gold frame Raga now.....

    Hey Biffsgasgas I think you should try an 8 ft step this summer..........I'll be your spotter!!!!!

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah I suppose, but even on the big obstacles I do I prefer not to use a spotter because they get in the way haha.

    When I am a spotter for my riding buddies, I stand just out of the way. I am there for "confidence boosting". Yelling things like "You can do it!" and "Really give it a GO!". And when they don't make it, I point and laugh. :rotfl:

    I have heard rumor that a spotter is supposed to "catch the bike", what is that all about???

    • Like 1
  8. But when I'm waiting in line at a non-stop, I would rather be behind a 4 stroke that runs on Alkylate fuel than an oil burning 2 stroke...

    I think environmental laws will, in the not so distant future, dictate the survival of the 2 stroke engine (Belgian government almost passed a law, banning all 2 stroke mopeds)

    I prefer the oil burning 2-stroke.........smells like heaven. :madnoel:

    • Like 2
  9. In MOTA we have a system set up that any one can ride the events and recieve an award for placing in the top 3 for that event.

    But If you want to be elligible for a year end Class Championship Award you would then need to complete the following criterea:

    1. Be a member of one of the MOTA Clubs (real easy ask "can I join _____ club?")

    2. must work a minimum of 2 events per season (observe, set up sections, "run the sign up table" etc..)

    This system seems to work pretty good because many riders see the hosting club members working the event and decide (or feel guilty) that they too want to give back to the sport to keep it running.

    All the riders have their own card that gets punched that they take around the course themselves

    Of course if the hosting club is low on members than there is a request for more observers and on occasion we have had the odd "self check" section with a punch hanging on a post at the end of the section.

    • Like 1
  10. Aren't you gonna ride the trial???? This will be a good one for starting out, provided the cows haven't eaten the course markers, ha ha....... Even then, the sections will get "re-marked" if that happens.....


    When I was younger we would practice/hold events on a dairy farm. One of the usual ways to pass the time while riding the trail was to "cowpie" the guy behind you.............of course the fresh ones worked best.

    • Like 1
  11. I did that on my 2003. I think the nut was loose and allowed too much movement when my fat :moon: landed after launching across a gap.

    Don't remember the cost of new one $40-60 US maybe. Needed a press to pop old one out and new one in. Actually not too bad to do, just finding a press was a little tough.

  12. Does the problem "go away" when warmed up?

    The Sherco I had when first started sometimes the clutch plates would stick together and with the clutch lever pulled in would still ride away. After a little bit of riding and pulling clutch lever in and out the plates would free up and everything would be fine from then on. From what I understand that was/is a common occurance.

  13. Can you please tell me what your ninth digit is and from what country you are from?

    Thanks Guys

    That would be my ring finger.......or as the wife calls it "Proof I own you finger"

    USA!! MURICA!! :D

  14. Hmmm. Maybe I can drag my Pom Poms & cheer outfit utta retirement..... Do you folks in Flint require shaven legs? :hyper:

    Actually, I envy y'all for havin' a nice setup like that. I too was outside in our paltry 4"-6" of snow we got last week. Actually used the bike to chase a cow down that had "escaped" from it's pasture, and gotten into my neighbor's property across the road. Fun trying to keep traction & momentum while cutting a scared/surly cow in the direction you'd like her to go..... :closedeyes: Any practice is better than none, tho, huh?


    Most women around these parts stop shavin their legs in November, about the time Deer Season opens up, some BS about not wearing shorts/being too cold. So you would fit in just fine. :barf::hyper:

    Snow riding is difficult but as you already know it does train you on how to ride in the mud.

  15. Awesome vids. Indoors would be nice, although I did go out last weekend in the backyard and practice some with weight transfer for traction in 20cm of snow. It was good for some fun!

    Great video from a $30 camera though!

    Gotta get out and ride a little bit when and where you can to stay loose on the bike. Sounds like you were practicing for mud the Team WGASA way. http://wgasa.motatrials.com/component/content/article/8-fluffy-kittens/74-mud-snow-practice

    • Like 1
  16. From the sales literature "2014 Montesa Honda Cota 4RT Repsol Edition"

    for some reason that makes me think of NASCAR drivers at the end of a race.

    "The 2014 Penzoil Monster Bell Limited Ricky Bobby JR edition Chevy Camaro Z785 performed perfectly today"

    But seriously this could be a great thing for trials. I personally don't like the Montesa, but with it being backed and advertised by Honda which is a very well known motorcycle name in the USA it will be noticed by more motorcycle riders and maybe bring more interest to the sport. Especially if the Montesa was sold in actual Honda dealerships displayed on the sales floor right next to the Motocross and road bikes.

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