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Everything posted by zippy
  1. OH sure give me a way to do it without copious amounts of swearing
  2. My opinion: smaller front sprocket = more direct placement of torque to the rear wheel. This makes every gear "hit" harder at the rear wheel That is why in muddy sections you select a higher gear to reduce rear wheel spin. The 2000 Sherco I used to have, when I got it felt like the gears were a half a selection off, had a "useable" first gear and second was a hillside gear and third was almost unusable. So I went with a smaller front sprocket (needed to use a half link though) This made first a tractor gear that was good for tight flat land sections with many turns, second was good for a bit more open sections and some hills and third was great for the bigger and longer hillclimbs. etc. and with Sherco's 4th and 5th are always trail gears.
  3. That sounds good............I actually would prefer a MotoTrials only specific park. But that's the sport I like and it would be much more low key than an all inclusive "off road" park. Good Luck, I hope it is a success
  4. YAY!!!! we need more areas to ride. We need more places that are set up for trials with bike rental so that people can test it out. And if Enduro rides are also an option that will open up exposure to more people that bring their own Enduro bike out for a ride and maybe gets the itch to try trials. Hey Biffsgasgas, Road Trip destination for Team WGASA????
  5. I just want to know how long it took for the trials riders turned Enduro riders to realize that they do not get penalized for putting their feet down......
  6. I just throw mine in the corner...........if it crawls back out on it's own then it is time to buy new trials clothes. Actually Mrs. Zippy does the washing of my riding gear. So I put in laudry room and when it is clean she tells me to get it out of there. I don't have to deal with it so I don't worry if some colors are faded etc.. Most I have done is when really muddy sprayed off with the hose then handed over to Mrs. Zippy. This mainly stems from early in our marriage I was banned from doing laundry. My method was there are 2 categories of clothes: Dirty and Clean. It only took a short while for all my clothes to become a dirty shade of grey. According to Mrs. Zippy there are more than 2 categories of clothes.
  7. I have the same thing with my right elbow. this is the second time around. First time I did a drop off and "jarred" my elbow on the landing. Took 6 months to heal up. This time around I gave bike a little "extra" throttle and it tried to rip my arms off. This time took almost a year to heal and it still not 100%. But I am not smart enough to rest it or ice it.. I kept riding the same as before and kept my work the same as before............I really believe this slowed down my recovery.
  8. Ain't nothing better than being able to share your hobby with your children.......and have them enjoy it just as much as you do.
  9. zippy

    Best Bike

    He was doing great off the top of the hill.....................until his tires touched the dirt.
  10. Is this because his work and the custom headers are so awesome that they cost big $$$ or is it because he makes header pipes like I do and they are an abomination to nature.... (I would tell people the first one!)
  11. I have had riders that have recently moved up a class tell me after the event "That (insert crazyish obstacle here) in that section was gnarly, but I never would have thought I could ride that if it wasn't put in a section"
  12. OH CRAP!! I just agreed with parts of the post from OTF!!! What is the world coming too????? Also OTF at this point in my trials riding I fall into the category of "I ride expert class" As in when someone says "oh, you're an Expert rider?!" I reply "Well, I ride the Expert class. That does not necessarily mean I AM an Expert" Sounds like common theme is make the sections for the middle of the pack and hope the top three move up a class in a year or two. on edit: I am thinking that if top rider takes less than 15 pts either the event was too easy or that rider should move up a class
  13. In MOTA we have minimum 40 section attempts (usually 8 sections x 5 loops or 10 sections x 4 loops) As far as severity goes (and this is just a generalization) Beginner = In the start and find their way to the end, usually a turn or two (class is for learning section markers, etc..) Novice = couple of turns and a small log or two, all can be ridden without touching the clutch Intermediate = medium logs, tighter turns, some clutch control needed, turns on hill Sportsman = most difficult half of Int. and easiest half of Adv. sections Advanced = Big obstacles with plenty of run up/out and places to put feet, tight turns (hopping not necessary but makes it easier), steep hill climbs, etc.. Expert = Big obstacles hardly any run up/out with less spots to foot, tight and super tight turns, and a couple of sections that are "Screw em they are the top guys and can't get any higher in class" make it hard! We do try to set the event for the middle of the pack for each class, while trying to maintain somewhat of a standard of difficulty in each class. Middle of pack should be able to get 2 or 3 pts on the section first loop and then progressively improve as the day goes on with cleaning most sections for the last 2 loops or so. We want the good riders to move up a class and keep the lower riders from dropping out/getting hurt. It does not really help the newly moved up riders if the sections are adjusted too much so that basically the Advanced lines are just Intermediate lines that year because a large group of riders moved up a class, they moved up for more of a challenge....... I hope that makes sense. Of course factoring in weather conditions, available traction, etc... you want to have a challenging and fun yet safe event. I just moved up to Expert class an event or so ago, Now my goal when riding is to finish the event with less than 200 points (200 is maximum available for those keeping track) Until I get better at riding I will have absolutely no problem with requesting a 5 if a section scares me. If that did bother me I would stay riding in Advanced. I have been told by Biffsgasgas that his experience in an event in Europe was a great and fun time but the club level sections are set a bit harder than he has ridden in the States, so there is some "cultural differences" there.
  14. Any picture with my feet up is a good picture!!
  15. But they looked BAD ASS as they continued to roll into the intersection.
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