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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Floater turns should be on the list as well.

    And as a general rule "clutch control" is HUGE for good riding. need to practice "slipping" the clutch. nice for slow riding up a hillside turning super tight. not an on/off switch.

    Best thing you can do is get used to the bike and what it does when you give it certain inputs..............of course that comes with riding and practice.

    I guess what I am saying is being on the bike eventually should come as natural to you as walking.

    When doing the more advanced techniques there is no time to think "ok now I let out the clutch, give just a little throttle, and push down with my heals" It happens like this " Oh Crap!" wow I pulled it off! or That hurt!.

    I think practicing the "flat ground" technical stuff before the big obstacle stuff has a lot of merit to be able to control the bike once on top of the obstacle. (I.E. get on top of the big tire, stop, balance, choose your landing spot, do slight wheelie off tire and land on rear wheel.)

    Just my opinions and like they say Opinions are like A**holes.........everbody has one. :D

    • Like 1
  2. Good idea to help out those that are in need.

    will the supplies be primarily transported via backpack? or are there ideas for "higher volume" options?

    Quite a bit of Meds can fit in a backpack, but curious about larger items such as bottled water, food etc.

    Maybe this will be the start of a new way to get emergency supplies to other remote places in future disasters, etc..

  3. My Opinion,

    Wheelie front tire into the obstacle, (Do the next bit simultaniously) when front tire hits obstacle pull in the clutch, bend your legs and push on the pegs to compress both ends of suspension, give more throttle. Then pop the clutch and with your legs jump up onto the top of the obstacle.

    Try to overexaggerate the movement. it will help you feel what you should be doing. There is a lot dependant on using your legs to make the bike do what you want.

    Again just my opinion, there may be better techniques.

    • Like 1
  4. When I was a lad back in the glorious days of the late 70's early 80's my pops made "automatic" kill switches with a set of points mounted on the handlebars and a strip of non-conductive material with a string going to the wrist.

    Pull out the strip from between the points and connection made to ground and bike goes kaput.

    So if you want to save $$ and don't care what it looks like, you can make your own very cheaply. (just pop the points off your buddy's twinshocker...........)

    • Like 3
  5. Good job healing up!

    Great news that you should have the bike soon.

    You may not want to get barbed wire just yet......................... all those pallets, spools etc... can get heavy for those of us that are advancing in age. If there are young energetic people willing to move them around for you there may be some bonus to you to have them come around now and then and assist you. Saving your energy for riding. ;)

  6. Good on Bou I say, lets hope he does another 3 in a row however how many years do raga fuji and cabestany have left? who is coming up to push any of the top 6 at the moment? Nobody.

    So when the top 3-6 superhuman riders retire/move on to Extreme Enduro then the World Trials can return to a more "human" difficulty that would appear that anyone has a chance to ride the sections and would make many bench racers happy.

    • Like 1
  7. Jimmie,

    You have no idea how glad I am that you have somebody else to blame for the Zippy-Ties advice, (The friend from work) :D

    It does sound like you are not too upset about it, and just trying to help others remember to use "size appropriate" Zippy-Ties. I guess it is like using Loc-Tite, Blue = tight pain in the butt to remove bolt, but it will come out .... eventually, Red = never gonna get that $%^&&* ing bolt out, might as well have welded that %$%^^%$ ing thing.

    If I ever get to have the time and $$ for a trip out that way I will take you up on the offer of beer and riding (riding was implied/assumed). You are welcome to join us at any of the MOTA events we have. (there is a 2 day in Indiana, would be a little closer :D )

    About the :beer: I understand the reasoning for Foster's Large can = more beer. I use a similiar method of purchase. Miller Genuine Draft 20 pack bottles, just a hair more $$ than the 12 pack. I get more beer cheaper and I get to have the feeling of holding and lifting multiple bottles.

    But my ALL TIME FAVORITE BEER IS: ................... FREE!!! :irish:

    OK back to doing stuff to GasGas bikes.

  8. Mr Neutron,

    We here at Zippy-Ties incorporated (not a real company) are saddened to hear about the damage that occurred to your property. Although this was an unfortunate event maybe some good can come of it. We at Zippy-Ties Inc. are launching a new advertising campaign in Spring of 2014: "Our plastic binding strips are strong as Steel!" And we would like to use your story as one of the events to support our campaign. In return for using your story/photos we at Zippy-Ties Inc. are prepared to offer compensation in the form of not one but at least TWO beers. (In the event that beer is not acceptable we will offer a replacement payment of two soda pops or "Gatorade") This compensation will be paid at some future time when/if we meet you in person at an outdoor off-road amateur motorcycle event. (Again, this is not a real company, this is for entertainment purposes only)


    I don't know for sure if I was the " well meaning friend" but I know I have touted the use of zip-ties for holding rear fenders, on this site and in regular life. The zip-ties have always broken first for me instead of the fender/air box. I probably would have done the same as you with drilling holes and adding more zip-ties after that little lip started to come off. Maybe I have been just lucky so far, but I will remember to use/recommend small zip-ties. Even though this next statement will do nothing for your air box/fender or your time and effort in it's repair I feel I must type this: "I am sorry if my advice may have in any way had a hand in your airbox breakage." :( And the offer of 2 beers will stand if I meet you at an event or such outing.

    • Like 1
  9. No problem. Only thing that's not allowed is spamming dealers trying to tout their wares for free. You know who you are...

    Ok Andy, i see Nigel has done it already, thanks.

    So Nigel has posted a link or spamming dealer trying to tout his wares for free?


  10. Very Cool, Mokwepa!!! Looks like a nice event, and that was well done vid! And you guys have some good riders in that group!

    Zippy, are you sure the ratio of WGASA consumed beer-to-Bouncy House time would be a good idea???? :beer::hyper:


    That was a good vid with some good riders.

    OK on the beer to bouncy house ratio. The key is to stop bouncing just prior to the hurling.

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