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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Lol.....zippy, you are one sharp dude :)

    Back to trials: I am soooo looking forward to sundays trial in Magaliesburg. I have put in the peg time and trained fairly hard since my first and feel that ive made some progress. I can turn a bit tighter, balance a bit longer and generally feel a bit more comfortable on the bike. Realistically, im not expecting to win my class, but I am hoping to place a little higher on the grid. Guess time will tell if ive been practicing the right stuff.

    Today and tomorrow im just gonna practice the basics then friday and saturday will be travelling (800km round trip just to ride in the event :()and making sure my bikes in tip top condition for sunday.

    I don't think "sharp" is generally used when describing my mental factulties. Now smarta*** that I have heard many times. :thumbup:

    Good luck at the trial, have FUN!!!! (does always seem more fun if riding "well")

    Thank You for noticing!!! :icon_salut::hyper:


    I only notice because I also am Boorish and Rude!!!!! (just try to cover it up) :thumbup::icon_salut::boobies: :boobies:

  2. The drugs, oh the drugs they gave me to take. I feel like superman when I take the pain killers and could tackle any big rocks on these things LOL I hope they are not addictive............ :wall:

    I was given muscle relaxers once, the doc said I should be able to go to work while on them. The prescription was twice a day. I took one pill and felt myself melt into my chair. 12 hours later I woke up. hmmm don't think I would be able to work or do anything if I took those every 12 hours.

  3. Zippy, right you are.....she is a she......how did you know?

    Ummmm I had a good guess.......... :D

    Fact: females have a smaller head, 90 degree angle from top of head down to trunk, weigh 3500kgs, have tits between the front legs (not like a cow at the back, at the front like a wife :D) and have a attitude similar to satan.

    Bits in front and an attitude like a wife............ :o

    Boy elephant: huge head, 27 kg penis when fully erect, 5-6000 kg, very chilled unless they in must (ie: extra boost of testosterone uesefull for...........skrew it........they are horney).

    Well that was a repetitious statement............ ;)

    Yip I get paid to tell people irrelevant stuff like that.

    Some of those tourists you could probably tell them the elephants can fly!!!!

  4. Betaboy: a new thread was started recently with advice on training in a small garden. Have a look. Itll help you, even doing fig 8s. Even the big boys still do them. Apparently a obnoxious user named Zippy does figure 69s blindfolded with his clutch hand in the back pocket of his shorts :P

    And my throttle hand in the front pocket of my shorts!!!

  5. Biffsgasgas installed his in the stock location, left side next to clutch master cylinder, and wears the strap on his wrist.

    A fun trick is to take the magnet attached to the lanyard and bring it sideways to the magnet on the handlebar. When you get close the magnet will circle the one on the handlebar. Simple things amuse me.

    • Like 1
  6. Jimmie,

    Great!! that you're back to riding.

    You will LOVE that V-Mar carb adapter. I got one a few weeks ago and it makes airbox re-install SO much easier, makes such a more positive connection, I wish the bikes came with those things stock. I was able to install the adapter on the carb with the carb on the bike, but it would have been easier with the carb off. There are 3 small set screws that hold the adapter on, if you orient them just right you can get an allen wrench in there to tighten them.

    Function over Fashion everytime, actually the plastic welding doesn't look bad. There is only so much that can be done and will never look like new..........unless you spend the $$$ on new.

    • Like 1
  7. NO WAY!!! If my brand new 2-wheeled-girlfriend falls in between those logs and scratches id have a heart attack!!!

    HAHAHA yep motorcycle is best girlfriend......you can ride it anytime you want...................... :wub:

    Spectators here is not a problem... Backfliping is all about balls... I know its a stunt ill never perform, unless i set my mind to it really hard...A foampit would be really helpful....


    Foam pit only helps if you land IN the foam pit. (Nitro Circus - he turned right, don't go right)

  8. depending on ability,

    just riding figure 8's tighter and tighter and slower and slower can be very helpful for balance and control.

    Logs if you can get them and have room to set up.

    take a piece of 2x4 lumber and ride the length of it, this will help with balance and maintaining a straight line.

    Nose wheelies------because they are fun and look cool. also when you go over the bars it helps you "crash correctly".

    Let your imagination run wild.

    • Like 2
  9. Nope no ribs, I know guys that have twisted Knees, shredded ACL, broken cheek bones, I twisted my ankle, .....Oh wait a second, there was one guy that tried to convince his bike to go to the top of the hill. His bike had other plans, and rolled over him on it's way back down the hill. Broke a couple ribs, broken nose and a punctured lung.

    And I keep telling the Wifey that Trials is a safe motorsport.

  10. Obstacles like you describe: 2 logs spaced wheel base apart.

    both techniques work, but the wheelie and more throttle/aggressive works better on average to small logs with lots of run out after the logs.

    But bigger logs with a tight turn directly after would require more precision. Possibly even more throttle but a more precise control of it.

    Hope that makes sense.

    • Like 1
  11. If I had money! That JTG looks the Sh!!!T!

    I am surprised more Gasser riders have not converted, looks the ultimate Gasser to me!

    Biffsgasgas was able to get a ride on a JotaGas, and he told me it was really nice, somewhat like having a GasGas engine in a Beta frame.

  12. Your neck doesn't look too bad, hand is worse. but again you got very lucky. I burned my hand with some 200 C glue. Was only on my hand less than 10 seconds (probably less than 5) but it pealed a few layers off. I used a product called Silverdene, basically an antibiotic creme with silver in it, not sure what you have available over there. I used it daily like the doctor said, kept everything clean and my hand healed up damn near perfect. Only small scar, but I have 100% mobility. No "shrunken" skin anywhere to make it "tight" to move.

    So after all that, my advice is do the right thing to heal up all the way, your clutch use will be better off for with.

    Looks like you have a few blisters at the base of your thumb, don't be surprised if they pop and the skin peals off.

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