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Posts posted by zippy
  1. The other day I bled my rear brake for the umpteenth time, (had some other stuff I fixed) finally think I got it set. Biffsgasgas told me to raise the front end up to make the banjo bolt on the rear brake master the high point and bleed it right there first. Reason being the banjo bolt goes in just down a bit from the top of the master cylinder and air will get trapped above it, but by making banjo bolt high spot the air will go out there when bled.

    so far so good but I think I may have contaminated my pads with all that brake fluid floating around.

  2. Well today I decided to try a new approach to training......

    Previously I have been setting out sections waaaay too difficult for my skill level which ended up frustrating the kr@p out of me causing me to quit for the day after 30 minutes or so.

    Today I trained as above and stopped for a drinks break and thought about what I was doing and how frustrated I was.....I then immediately ripped up all the buntings that I laid out and decided to just play for a change. An hour and a half of continuous riding later, I (not the bike) overheated and called it a day. I finished playing feeling satisfied andproud of some of the things I had pulled off by just trying random exercises and obstacles.

    My problem is im VERY competitive and tend to take things too seriously. I think I should take a step back and just have fun and try new things with the bike and kind of let things just come together naturally for a while.

    Competitive is great when competing (but keep some fun in it also, I have changed my outlook some over the past few years. I like to win, but having fun is more important and I make sure to congratulate those that rode better than me). You have found the key though about practice being fun. Practice must also be fun in order to be effective. just banging your head against a rock just makes your head hurt, but goofing around is fun. And usually whatever you learned while having fun will stick with you for the next time you practice.

    Definitely!!! If it ain't fun, don't keep going at until you become even more frustrated. Figure out some way to make it fun, like you just did! Good Job, Buddy!

    And sometimes, a change of shorts helps also. I find that a pair of shorts with a lovely floral print makes my mood happier..... :chairfall: Or Yoga pants......

    Naww, actually, I think Zippy nailed it: It's them dang ribbons!!! WOO HOO!! I actually may have been right about something!! Wait a second, Nope, I checked with the wife and I am still wrong, I must have gotten that idea from a smarter man.


    Added in Edit: Bruno, thanks for posting with Mokwepa's videos embedded! :icon_salut: Again, the front wheel hop into the turn & hop over the barrel/tire looks good, Mokwepa!

    Ya know, I'm trying to learn ot hop, and for some reason, I can't get the bike to go to my right. Only to my left. Wonder why???

    Hopping the bike left or right : quite common to be able to do it one direction and then struggle with the other direction. We all have a "dominate" side of the body and usually this transfers into be able to do some things easier with that side or towards that side. (just my theory) I am better at swinging the rear toward the right.

    • Like 1
  3. Zippy, heres a blooper just for you :D. Excuse the language but I buggered my wrist up......I was a bit of a girl though :)

    Ps: check out my sexy denim shorts :P

    I usually watch the vids with sound off anyways..........but I am sure the language was not anything I haven't already said many times.

    I too am familiar with the "landing with wrist at odd angle on bars and twisting wrist". (it catches ya all unawares and surprising......and can hurt like heck for a bit)

    In that vid if you had a bit more throttle and more of a "hop" you would have cleared the gap.

    Think of the your legs as rear suspension and your rear suspension like your legs. With no bike and you wanted to hop on top of say the tire, first thing you naturally would do is "squat" down to get your legs ready to "spring" upwards, correct? Do the same thing with the bike, you need to compress the rear suspension to get ready to "spring" upwards. Now that I have typed all that, I would like to say that your riding is progressing very well and it looks in your vids that you are using your legs to get the lift for the bike.

    Your uncleanable section: seems most of the trouble is in the turns, try to use all the "real estate" available between the ribbons to make the turns easier. ( or remove the ribbons, I always ride like crap with those things in the way :D )

  4. I have all the time in the world... But they (Beta) insisted on assembling the bike at their shop... Hope they do it right!

    Even though I personally believe they will do it right, I would still check it over when you receive the bike. They are human after all and could miss something, also gets you acquainted with the machine.

    Then fire it up and crash the heck out of it...............I mean ride like a champion!

  5. Hello, Im in BC which is a shame :( I have a friend that also is a newbie to trials............... trying to get people interested when they ask us what kind of bikes are they :)

    "Where's the Seat?"

    "How fast will it go?"

    are generally the most popular questions around here. :wall:

    Have fun and maybe you can find others to ride with? :thumbup:

  6. Agreed Chuck and Steve we all got into this because it was fun. I have always said about Trials that " there is no fame, money or women so it had better be fun"

    WHAT!!????? No Fame, Money, or :boobies: !!! I have been lied to! I want my dignity back!! I have been crashing and acting like a fool for free for too long! :chairfall::banana2::banana::bouncy:

    Actually keeping it fun is the key to keeping our sport alive. I have notice that (warning generalization coming) the Expert, Pro class riders tend to be a bit more serious about the competition part of it. They really try to place in the top 3, but even so they are still in it for the fun.

    Also, different people have a different idea of fun. Some riders just like to go hang out with other riders do some BS ing or razz each other about their riding. Other riders find it fun to challenge themselves and overcome their own "mental" obstacles as well as the terrain.

    So as hard as it is we who organize need to wrap all that up in a nice package for a days ride, and most of the time at club level we do a good job of it.

    We have all had a bad experience with 1 or 2 new riders over the years. Newbies that come in all confident, trash talking and get upset when teenager rides better than they do, or expecting someone to hold their hand and provide everything they may want with no effort on their part. But we can't let these very few bad experiences stop us from extending a hand to the next newbie, because they are not all like that. Most just want to have fun and hang out with other people that enjoy what they do too.

  7. Hello, Im new to trials bike riding....have a GasGas pro 300

    Welcome to trials. You got a good bike.

    Don't know what area of Canada you are in but if you are anywhere close (within 8 hour drive :D ) Of Windsor you may want to get involved with MOTA (Michigan Ontario Trials Association)

    website http://motatrials.com/

    The Ontario club desperately needs members, Also the last event was held in Wardsville, Ontario New property for this club and it was a great place to ride, Hills, stream, rocks and more logs than a community outhouse!

  8. another buddy had his kill switch close to grip, his hand actually hit switch in a certain position,

    I can just picture it: Oh man, I was riding so AWESOME. I attempted that huge step, I knew I could do it. But the weirdest thing happened. It was like the bike just said "No Way" and shut off!

  9. My 03 had already been switched to mineral oil clutch before I got it. I think the original clutch cover was still used and just the internal rubber bits were changed. ( I have not seen the inside of this Clutch/engine yet so not exactly sure what all is in there)

    My clutch pull is fairly light, but to be honest I don't know if that is because of the mineral oil, the spring or adjustment................. Ya know I am really not helping at all here............. :dunce:

  10. Jimmie,

    It sounds like he learned a bit of a lesson, if possible figure out some way that he won't have to sell his bike to fix yours.

    It is always different when loaning your stuff to your kids, I loan out a vehicle to other people and I get a bit nervous about how it will be returned, (drawback of owning a truck, everybody wants to borrow it). But when my older kids were learning to drive I just handed them the keys and said "drive it over there and don't hit anything". I figured eventually they would hit something but the train of thought I had was, it's just a truck and I can fix it and besides it already has a couple dents in it.

    With initial prices to replace/repair the bike I would have freaked out a bit as well. But sounds like things will be a bit more on the "cheaper" side than initially thought. :thumbup:

    And hopefully he will "get the trials bug" and the two of you can go riding in the future and have a good laugh about the "full rotation wheelie". :chairfall:

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  11. Mr Neutron,

    If you feel comfortable loaning out your bike, keep doing it. There's a couple guys that I ride with that are pretty free with their bikes, I have loaned a bike and parts of my bike in the past, but I am a little "picky" on who I loan to.

    But it would have been nice if the guy that borrowed yours would have at least offered to toss a bit of $$$ towards the repair.

    on the exhaust. The mid box does look a bit crinkled, but maybe (big maybe) it could be bodged out a bit to at least be useable until you save up/decide to buy a new one.

    The top mounting bracket being broke I am sure could be wiggled into a good shape and welded up. The mounting tab at the rear brake master could probably have something done to make it usable.

    • Like 2
  12. Which is a standard throttle? As I've only seem to of found fast or slow action. As I wanna change it as its got too much play in it due to the usual wear!


    If there is too much play (have to rotate throttle quite a bit before the slide in carb raises, thus "initiating" VRROOOM) You may want to try adjusting your throttle cable first before changing anything. Just use the adjuster on top of the carb. It may be that the cable has stretched a bit and that's all.

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