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Everything posted by zippy
  1. OTF, Talking Smak = It generally refers to the use of intentionally inflammatory language. "My money and gallons are real, yours are mini." OR translated "My lower body part is bigger than yours" 40-50 mpg and you're complaining about $9.80/ "real" gallon. So if you rode one of my "local" events. at 200 miles round trip (I am luckier than Chuck ours are closer) at average of 45mpg You would spend $43.56. My truck gets an average of 14 mpg. (just bike in back) at $3.79/ "mini" gallon I spend $54.14 so yours is still cheaper. And I believe (may be wrong) but for you to attend a local event you only drive a fraction of that mileage. Now why do I need a truck that only gets 14 mpg? I am not required to explain to anyone but I will. I routinely tow/haul logs/obstacles for events, firewood for family, haul tractors, backhoes etc... basically it is a work truck and I work it. but it is not what I do for work to make $$. It's a big truck with a big motor and big muscle. Also we can only choose from what is available We don't have vans that get 40-50mpg over here, and even though diesel motors are easier and simpler to produce than gasoline motors they add an addition $8,000 to the cost of a new truck, and used diesel trucks are still priced way out of reach at approx. $6,000 more than a gasoline counterpart Now factor in that many jobs have dropped wages over the last few years, (some production jobs as much as half), most companies eliminating overtime being worked, an increased cost in health care premiums/prices etc., I would LOVE to contest the entire NATC series (I rode one national and LOVED it) but I cannot afford to ride them, that's life. Let's talk about fuel prices: Europe taxes the heck out of the fuel, (not our fault) Other countries and the oil companies keep saying the US should be brought more "in-line" with the rest of the world for fuel prices. So they try to up the prices, but here's the thing, If the gas prices increase in the US to $9/ gal the oil companies will reap a HUGE profit / gal compared to $9/gal in the UK. So of course the oil companies want US prices to go up, and Europe wants US prices to go up because they are p****d off about paying more because their government taxes the hell out of it. Point of all this ranting and raving in a nutshell this: Economies suck all over the world right now. Disposable income for hobbies is way down for everyone. So choosing one part of the cost to compare without looking at the whole picture is nothing more than an exercise in argument baiting.
  2. It is a good feeling to show up with a 10 yr old bike, 5 yr old gear, and 15 yr old beer gut with no fanfare or big talking and soundly beat the pants off the arrogant big talker with the new bike and gear and boasting how "fast" they are. Of course I have never been able to pull this off, so no clue how that feels.
  3. I am not looking at my sprocket at the moment but I think each side of the sprocket is machined differently.
  4. Stick with it and follow your dreams. Only way to get there is to work for it. Chalk up the thinking before you speak as a lesson learned early in life that will benefit you later on. With learning that lesson you are already way ahead of many adults I know.
  5. Do you have the mineral oil clutch? That would be the biggest difference in terms of internal materials for the rebuild.
  6. A 300cc 2 stroke trials bike is quite a different animal than say a 300cc 2 stroke enduro or MotoX bike. Different set up, gearing, trials bike is much lighter, etc. Maybe you would enjoy a 270cc bike, (GasGas labels theirs as a 280, Sherco as a 2.9) bit more oomph than a 250 but not as much crazy as a 300. GasGas 280 in my opinion has better low end torque than the Sherco 2.9, but both will rev up quickly. Beta does have 300SS model (Super Smooth.........whatever the hell that means) also Beta has a 250 and 300 4 stroke models A couple of years of Beta there is a 290cc model.
  7. If you have an old front tire it will not grip very well. Many riders neglect the front tire. But there is a very noticeable difference with a new front tire. OK got that out of the way You may have too much air in the front tire, 6 psi is considered standard but sometimes less is better. When turning and the motor "surges" forward if there is too much air in the front tire the tire is somewhat rigid and will not absorb the forward force from the motor, and the whole tire unit will skid forward. At a lower pressure the knobs of the tire (footprint) will stay put and the sidewall flexes to absorb the forward motion from the motor. (I really hope that makes sense) technique: slip the clutch and moderate the throttle, also lean the bike the direction you wish to turn. wanna turn right, lean bike to the right. Now only lean the bike, keep your body straight up and down ( leaning slightly opposite direction)and your knees bowed out. That way you have more room between your legs to move the bike and can use your body/legs as counterbalances when the bike is leaned to the side a bit. Or just say to heck with it and do a nose wheelie and hop the rear end around
  8. yep getting to the older stage of life...........The reason I got the bad knees, bad back and bad wrists is because I still act like I am 18! Why would I want to have the front forks of my bicycle longer????
  9. Those things should be fitted as standard from the factory!
  10. I have no problem with hunting, I have no problem with a trophy being hung on the wall to commemorate the hunt. But the meat best damn well be used. You kill it, you grill it! (I think you and I basically agree on the hunting thing, except I am too lazy to do it ) ok enough personal opinion on political/hunting issues Tire = More throttle, perfect timing and more unweighting (bounce) of the rear suspension. Your riding experience will now be a million times better because you will be riding with your son. You will still ride just as crappy as always but you will be having more fun riding like crap because you can share it with your son. enjoy!
  11. Today I fitted: the V-mar carb adapter. made connecting the air box and the carb ten times easier and more secure. http://www.vmar.com/carb.html V-mar Plastic Chain guide/tensioner I just like them better than the standard rubber ones. V-mar 15mm bar risers. These made a big improvement on riding position, this made a great bike just a bit better. I took a quick buzz around the yard and over my logs. Just made it more comfortable/easier to ride for my back. (sorry if my post appears to be an advert for V-mar...............oh and speedy delivery as well 2 days.)
  12. Manly man. I tip my hat to you sir. I personally love the taste of venison (deer), but just can't be bothered to go out and get it. So I eat alot of beef and chicken. it comes so conveniently packaged.
  13. Welcome back, a friend of mine that started in bicycle trials has begun to ride moto trials. He has a 2000 GasGas txt 321, and he loves it. torquey little beasty and smooth to ride. Have fun! and keep your feet on the pegs.
  14. Do ya look for them through a rifle scope??
  15. makes a better seal that way! trimmed 3/16 off each end of the handlebars and installed new grips. Doesn't sound like much, but made a big difference in whether or not my wrists ache.
  16. Even if GasGas does Spec the bearings does not mean a batch may not have been made a little off spec and not noticed before shipping to GasGas. Hell, for an example (and frustration) just look at the auto industry and the numerous bad parts they receive/sell straight from new.
  17. sounds like some sort of blockage got flushed out. Glad it's all sorted
  18. I tip my hat to you for being honest that 3 have had problems. I tip my hat again to the fine service provided to have them repaired.
  19. Looks like the waves gave him a scare!! (p****d his shorts)
  20. Is the fan running? If not it could be the thermo switch (I believe the 2010 have it in the coolant line) If the fan is not running then to test the thermo switch just unplug the wires from it and take another length of wire to connect them directly to themselves. doing this should make the fan run constantly.
  21. I was working on a street bike and having a hell of a time getting the caps to pop loose. once I loosened the clamps and move the forks up so that the threaded part of the cap was out of the triple clamp, they popped loose easy as can be. So try that first to save hassle with heat and penetrating oil first.............not saying you won't need either of those techniques, just try easy stuff first.
  22. I can barely handle the one..........hammer..... I already have! Much respect to the man that can handle two!
  23. Maybe one of these could help? I am referring to the HAMMER.
  24. zippy

    Bou's Factory Bike

    Which could be a new anti-gravity clutch made from unobtainium and powered by a flux capacitor or...............the same old same old. guess we won't know until the super secret Montesa society makes the information public.
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