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Posts posted by zippy
  1. looks to me as though it should have been welded in place. the hole it sits in looks like it has a ridge of weld there.

    Maybe figure out how far it needs to stick out of the silencer and get it welded up. A decent Ally welder should be able to do it pretty quick and easy. Would help the welder out a bunch if you cleaned up as much oil, grease, etc.. off the surfaces as you can.

    Just a thought.

  2. Did the lad survive bike siezing without injury?

    Did the lad survive telling dad about bike siezing? :D

    I had a couple 80cc quads that when my boys were small I was having them ride and begin learning throttle, respect for the machine etc.... My mistake was I told them for the first little while to only run in 1st gear. I didn't want them going too crazy at first...........well a new set of rings ended up being needed pretty soon after they got comfortable on the quads. My fault on that one. (also could have been worse)

  3. . I remember when I was motocrossing, the discs on my maico were only about 3 mm thick and full of slots. bent both front and rear in mud ruts at one meeting. How much better it would have been had they been 4.5mm thick like Hondas, they hardly ever got bent.

    Maybe you should have bought the Honda then....... and had more reliable parts.

    Same thing goes in trials, some brands seem to have more reliable parts than others. can't have super light and super reliable. buy the bike that fits what you want super reliable or super performance.

    • Like 1
  4. can find pics of just about every GasGas made here.


    This would be the 1998 page


    1998 250cc?? I think. The pic is a little small so hard for me to tell.


    I don't know much about GasGas Pre Pro engine days but my friend had a 2000 TXT 280 and it held up to much abuse and performed well.

  5. Canadians are exceptional trials riders

    It's just that we are so polite we let everyone else have the glory

    "Hey guys, sorry for that, il just put an apologetic foot down"

    All the Canadians that I see and hang out with at Michigan Ontario Trials Association (M.O.T.A.) events are great people, not just polite but infinitely helpful. Excellent Trials riders but......... they are a bit kooky I must say. (takes a kook to know one :D )

    OH and some interesting things mentioned in that original post.

  6. Dadof2. Well I guess I interpreted your post incorrectly.

    I don't agree with banning any of the space age expensive materials, you don't want magnesium cases or titanium exhaust, then don't buy the race or factory replica of brand XXXX bike. Buy the regular average Joe model that has alloy cases and steel exhaust. The people buy what they want.

    Yes NASCAR is highly regulated. It is a professional sport. Now if you are suggesting that the World Trials Competition be highly regulated in terms of equipment. That's fine, but I don't agree with that regulation coming down to club level riding. Cable clutches suck, heavy bikes suck. Those things would take the fun out of riding for us mere mortals and that is why we do it. Because it is fun.

    Yes I agree that trials manufacturers and the sport in general would benefit by selling cheaper entry level machines. But I highly doubt a repainted heavy twin shock from the 70's and 80's would attract anyone. Those coming from other motorcycle sports are already riding "top notch" bikes in their chosen sport. They will not be interested in a bike with 35 yr old technology. They would be enticed by something that at least seems like it is current and competitive technology at a lower price offered by an "established" manufacturer.

    just my opinions.

    • Like 1
  7. it looked like a "it's ok to pause as long as you try and look like your making an attempt" after a few moments of sitting still a 5 is tossed out. the rule i feel did what it might have intended to try and do, keep riders moving and not sitting still in sections all day.


    There was a 90 second time limit for the sections. So the riders would NOT be "sitting still in sections all day"

    If 90 seconds was too long then shorten it up to 75 seconds etc....

    • Like 1
  8. Ok im kinda getting it. What plays a bigger role in hight of the rear, the bounce/hop/suspension or the second blip of the throttle?


    but actually with the same amount of throttle but different amounts of "bounce" will give you different amounts of lift. Hope that makes sense.

    You could make it over the obstacle with little bounce but HUGE throttle and it will go over, or use half as much throttle and get the bounce technique correct and make it over the same obstacle with much less throttle.

    that help??

  9. Yes Zippy . just caught it in time by the looks of things .

    Yep sure did....................... but of course I would have waited until it was properly broken before repairing it (you know broken kickstart lever and shaft, cracked clutch cover, etc... That way I could spend more time and $$ on it to get it fixed. Wow I can be really stupid sometimes. :dunce:

  10. And the reason they do is that the sections they ride them on are the sort of sections that more and more people are realising are what they want from the sport of trials not splating themselves against some massive rock. Not that anybody on here will ever recognise that fact !

    Nope it's because they are old farts that can't ride stop and hop, still living in the "good old days" and have more disposable income than the parents with young kids that are trying to be able to afford clothes and food for the youngsters let alone a hobby.

    Dang, did I actually type that out loud......................


    • Like 1
  11. Different throttle tubes have different cam profiles where the throttle cable rides on the throttle tube, thus changing how much the carb slide is opened up in relation to the rotation of the throttle tube.

    black = slow = twist throttle more to open slide all the way

    white = fast = twist throttle less to open slide all the way

    alloy = HOLD ON!!! = OH crap my right hand twitched and now I am on my :moon:

    • Like 1
  12. I believe (I may and have been wrong before) that Sherco used the Bultaco name for just 1999 but had the thumbs up logo for a couple years after that. The 1999 model was a 2.5 (250cc) and had red plastics, the 2000 model brought out the 2.9 (272cc) with grey and blue plastic. 1999 and 2000 both had the "canister" type muffler, in either 2001 or 2002 sherco started using the "tucked up away curved" muffler.

    but this is all by memory so may be off a year or two on a couple of these

  13. Hi Zippy, maybe you missed the tag line that accompanied the video.

    Montesa Honda prepares the imminent launch of a completely revamped Montesa Cota 4RT at a highly competitive price. The series production model will be introduced next July 6 in Italy, coinciding with the Italian Trial of the World Championship.

    If people are excited and speculate about the possible new features of new trials bike I don't see the harm in that .

    The only physical clue I can see in the video is the new gas tank. We'll all just have to wait for the Italian GP on 7/6. All in all a new bike is coming and I think that's good. I guess it's all in how you look at things.


    very good! or am i not allowed to say that on this forum now?


    Yes I caught the tag line. Yes, I understand they are letting the buying public know that a new and improved model will be introduced at such and such a time. I just don't understand how people can get so hyped up about something that no "real" information has been provided. If you haven't guessed I am a bit of a pessimistic type of person, and I basically hate all advertising not just motorcycle related. Just my personal opinion, which brings me to.....


    Of course you can say positive things on here...........Hell, I get away with being negative so you can be positive, we will cancel each other out. :D

    • Like 1
  14. YOU CANT EVEN SEE the friggin bike in that vid. "cool" " very good" and "new engine"? What the hell?

    Hey, there is a picture of the 2015 model 4rt installed on your computer!!!!!!!!!! you wanna see it? (just turn your monitor screen off, you will see it).

    so there was no outline of a bike in that video? never seen a pre release picture or video yet that showed the actual thing

    yep there was an outline of a bike.............and that was all. It was the same general shape of all the modern bikes. I think Sting32's point was "How can anybody make an opinion that the bike is "cool", "very good" or comment on the "new engine" when all you see is the same general shape of all modern trials machines and some red plastic.........could have been a Gasser they use red also.

    Yes it is a teaser, a pre release media hype BS thing that apparently actually works to get potential buyers in a frenzy without actually knowing anything about the product.

    Oh how I hate advertising................................

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