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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Or they will think "why buy a new bike when I can go ride the trails and not stop on my existing off road bike" or " I may as well go ride Endurocross, already got an off road bike, just need to throw a couple obstacles in the way"
  2. Last Sunday I was able to take the Old B.A.G.G. out for a ride. There is a bit of a write up about it here, with video! (not exactly good video mind you ) http://wgasa.motatrials.com/ We don't take ourselves very seriously.
  3. Hey StevieGasGas, Welcome to trials and to Trials Central. Yep the fan should cycle on and off periodically, if the fan stays on or stays off then you will have a problem. Sounds like if you give the HT lead a little squeeze with some pliers it should tighten up the end of the lead onto the sparkplug. Ride it and have fun!!
  4. zippy


    That's cool you got more info to make life easier. About the Paoli forks.......They go up and down
  5. zippy

    Lance Armstrong?

    NOBODY SHOULD BE USING DHMO!!! IT IS DANGEROUS!!!!! See this website for irrefutable proof! http://www.dhmo.org/ Or jump straight to the facts portion of the site http://www.dhmo.org/facts.html Cope you should be very relieved that there is not much DHMO where you live. Scary times in places where it is abundant!
  6. Maybe a Triumph Cub instead...........Wanna start out slow
  7. I can't remember when GasGas brought out the "PRO" engine.......2002?
  8. I also RODE my GasGas today !!!! I am really liking this bike. Did some indoor practice and felt great.
  9. Be careful on the choice of sealant. I used Threebond 1194 (I think that is what it was, grey and supposedly the same as yamabond) on my clutch cover gasket once. I put a thin film on each side of the gasket, waited the appropriate amount of time. Put it all back together and the gasket slid around and leaked. The 3Bond 1194 is a flexible sealant and never truly "dries" so the gasket was allowed to move around. But when I used the 3Bond 1194 all by itself with no gasket on the Crank Cases of a TY80 I rebuilt it worked wonderfully. Did exactly as it was supposed to do. So I guess right product for the right job. I am not suggesting that you do not use a sealant on your gasket.... just suggesting you get the right one and save some more headache.
  10. I have had the vasectomy. was back on my trials bike 6 days later. was thinking maybe the extra movement allowed by not being attached at all points would be benificial on unicycle. Besides I am married, so technically neutered anyways. On the bright side she tells me I am a happily married man. You been talking to OTF too much.
  11. quite often I have good luck using a air compressor. stick the air nozzle between grip and bar and it "inflates" the grip enough to move it around, relatively easy. But on occasion I have used on the bars as a lube: Gasoline, brake cleaner, alcohol ,,,,,, oh wait that was for me.
  12. Nice demo. All riders looked good, Thought the inclusion of a twinshock was pretty cool. Saw that mandatory Tim Horton's product placement. Those Canadians love the Tim Horton's.
  13. Is it possible that the clutch cover has a crack in it or a nick in the sealing surface of either the cover or the case? I know nawt about the washer thing
  14. He is just an all around great guy, helpful and really cares about people and pretty good on a trials motorcycle. Rides Expert level on modern bikes. Missed him riding last year. But he did show up for a couple of events on a TLR200 and looked good on that too. About the nut flattening...............if one has had a vasectomy does that make it easier to ride unicycle??
  15. Man, that is very impressive. Everytime I see that stuff I can't help but think you would need to have really good knees for that. Fellow Team WGASA member on a unicycle
  16. Lews Sport in the USA has many manuals. http://www.lewisportusa.com/manuals.htm 2003 TXT Edition may be tough to find, Did it have the same motor as the "Pro" models? There are parts lists for the pro engine and chassis http://www.lewisportusa.com/manuals/gasgaspartsman/03partsengine.pdf http://www.lewisportusa.com/manuals/gasgaspartsman/03partschassis.pdf
  17. You gave it the "Evil Eye" and told it to shape up and fly right! You must have a formidable "Look"
  18. Crashmonkey said "Bringing back a show like kickstart would do wonders." Using the work Like with the meaning similar to. In order to showcase the fun aspect of the sport He did not say "exactly" I also remember seeing a couple of spots where they did stop on kickstart. Inside a circle with stumps and they had to do this wierd floater turn thingy on the stumps they stopped and then began the floater turn thingy. AND Here's a good one they rode up onto an elevated platform and STOPPED AND BALANCED FOR A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME before being told they could move on. So yes stopping and balancing is a skill that was used, even in Kickstart. And yes the rules for kickstart were actually different than either stop allowed or no stop, it was a special "one off" type of event, being a timed run on the entire course with time penalties for failing an obstacle instead of points for foot down. But the great part was how much it showed how FUN trials can be. That is how we get participation. Not by demanding that every event runs to no stop rules. Keep your classic twin shock events and ride no stop and have fun. I will ride the modern events and stop, balance and even hop when I can and have fun.
  19. In the USA we tried No-Stop on modern bikes and it did not work, people hated it. Kids are the future of the sport! The next Generation likes the stop and hop that trials has progressed to. And let's face it Trials is about control of the motorcycle whether you are stopped or moving the key is control. (another plug for stop and balance = 0 stop and foot down = 5, make them control the bike) Why do classic twin shock no stop trials have such high participation? Easy answer, there are more riders of the older generation that have the available funds to participate in those events, and those are the events they like and have ridden for years. I don't know about across the pond but here you just don't see hardly any kids on "classic" twinshock bikes. yes there are a few that ride the TY80 but those are getting even fewer. Price of TY80 and a modern kids bikes are getting pretty close to each other, so may as well buy the modern version because the kids are going to want a modern bike when they move up a couple classes anyways. Why do we at club level spew forth our opinions? (well with da interwebs it's easy for us) Because those rules will trickle down to what we ride, the line of logic used is that we need to "prepare" our future riders for the top level of the sport. If we just "get behind the new rules and give it a try" then the FIM will figure it was a success and continue to do it, it will be even harder to get the rules changed later if it appears that we support it from the begining. If we do not give our opinions and feedback then the FIM will never know what we their "customers" think. I agree that we need to promote the fun of the sport, This is where Team WGASA, Tubby Trials Team, Team Escargot and the like come into play. Maybe the manufacturers should promote the club level of the sport. Bear with me on this. Manufacturers can continue to field a rider or two in the WTC, it may take a couple years for the manufacturers to see a return on this new "sponsorship" model to better fund the WTC team. Here is my idea, Take goofballs like Team WGASA, Tubby Trials Team, Team Escargot, etc.. and provide free OEM replacement parts for our current bikes (we don't need titanium and total trick bits, you want that, buy it yourself), fuel to travel to the national level events and entry fees to the events. I know I would be Happy with that. In return we will plaster our bikes with sponsors stickers, maybe even a sticker or two on our transport vehicle, we will answer questions and promote the sport to the best of our ability. Any riding videos we make will have our sponsors displayed. We will show the general rider how much fun you can have in this sport. Because the general rider is who we want to get into the sport and grow participation. And the main reason to do it is because it is fun. Just this goofball's opinion
  20. Only if he backflips in the same spot, if he continues "forward" motion in the section, then he's good????
  21. Breathing is over rated. I am living proof that a person can live 39 yrs without oxygen to the brain!
  22. b40rt, Ya beat me to it!!!!
  23. Welcome back to motorcycles, sounds like you are enjoying yourself. If you did not have fuel overflowing out the top of the fuel tank you did not overfill it. and if you did there is no big problem other than you have fuel all over your bike. There is no special level in the fuel tank, they are still just basic fuel holding tanks like years past. If the floats are stuck you may be able to tap the float bowl with the handle of a screw driver and "free" them up. The title of the thread reminded me of a fuel can I saw at an event that made me chuckle. On the side of the can it said "Gas Gas Gas"
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