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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Probably something to do with the fluid returning to the master.

    Make sure there is just a bit of "play" between the pin and the piston. so that the piston returns to it's proper spot.

    Ah the benifits of twinshocks brakes always work. Dont slow you down much but they always work.

    UMMM in order for brakes to work, they must slow you down, or actually stop you. :P

    apparently sir, we have differing definitions of working brakes. :D

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  2. usually the Fuel tank will be like "The Who's" concert system (sorry obscure reference to a group that set decibel records back when, at concerts around the world) which highly amplifies sounds.

    That confirms why my Gasser does the "windmill", It is a fan of classic rock!!! :hyper:

  3. EXCELLENT win for Cody Webb!!!! That will really get his confidence up. Article states that Cody and Graham passed each other a few times, I imagine it was a pretty hard battle between the two.

    "7. Jack Field Gas Gas" Was this the guy shown in the video on the Gas Gas Pro trials bike? Or was he mounted on the Gas Gas Enduro bike

    Did dude on the trials bike have an extra fuel tank? 4 hrs is a long time to ride an off-road race a bike, especially one with no seat and hardly any fuel capacity.

  4. My 2003 300 pro is a "new to me" bike, so I have begun the task of checking it all out, changing fluids etc.. and setting it up to my own particular desired settings.

    Today I worked on the front end of the Old B.A.G.G. (Old Bad Ass Gas Gas).

    new front Wheel bearings

    New Front brake pads

    New tube

    Changed Fork Oil

    Zip Tied my Number plate on

    And of course I pumped my clutch lever ............ a couple times. :wub:

  5. Like OTF says find the best line for you, sometimes the slightly harder part of a step will make the next turn/obstacle 100s of times easier. Plan not just for the obstacle in front of you but also plan for the one that is next. even a couple inches to either side of the "common line" could make a big difference, especially if it is a muddy section and the line is getting a deep or slimy groove in it. 2-4 inches to the side could be the difference between a clean and a five.

    • Like 2
  6. buying on condition and looking at the owner are good things to remember when buying older Modern bikes. (does that even make sense??? Older Modern??)

    10yr old bike taken care of well that has been ridden by an intermediate class rider that gives the appearance of being tidy and meticulous in care of bike may have a lesser total cost to own than the same model that is only 5yr old ridden by an expert class rider that just rides it and puts it away, then rides again and barely tightens bolts if they need it.

    I just bought a 2003 Gas Gas 300 pro from an expert class rider. But I have know the fellow for many, many years. We rode together as kids also. I know how well he cares for his bikes, he is pretty particular in fluids he uses, makes sure everything is fixed and tidy. He also gave me a good deal as well. But it is a 10yr old bike and was ridden at a high level until 2yrs ago when he got a new bike, so with my riding ability (crash and bash) I may find little things later on that need attention. Those things may just be because of my riding.

    Basically it does help if you personally know the seller, and bear in mind the bike is used and in Trials we USE these bikes. So don't get too upset if after 3 months of riding something needs attention on a used bike, it was probably bound to happen anyway.

    Every brand has its own particular little things that "go bad"

    best advice is test ride as many as possible to see which brand "fits" you as far as riding position, motor characteristics, clutch etc....

    over here in the states most people at events will let you take a bike for a spin if you explain that you are interested in the sport and trying to figure out which bike to go after. Also helps if you have prior motorcycle experience.....at least then you know where the controls are. (that statement will make sense after you ride trials a couple times)

    Hope this clears anything up, or makes it clear as mud..... :D

  7. I'll be honest, I don't know all the magic tunings and performance greatness of motors. If it is set right then just Put gas in it and ride, I personally have not seen enough of a difference in performance for me to go through the trouble of changing fuel mixture due to changes in ambient temperature. Just make sure it is warmed up and go have fun. If it runs like ***** than maybe need to play with mixture.

    Like the others on here I would not be concerned about some snow hitting the motor/exhaust while riding, seems it would be similar to riding in a stream/puddle and getting splashed.

    Biggest problem of riding in 14F conditions is still being able to move after putting on all those cold weather clothes. (I found my fingers to freeze very quickly)


  8. I have a differing view on size of motor to go with. It depends on your riding style as to what size motor you want.

    125 = Rev the hell out of it and kinda go somewhere, requires perfect technique

    250 = Revs quick and launch, some bottom end torque for put-put

    280 = Still Revs quick with bigger launch, and a little more bottom end

    300 = Revs out nice and will put you on your ass if not ready for it, but has tremendous bottom end torque

    (someone will point out if I am wrong on those)

    On the bright side coming from MX you at least know where the controls are. Down side is for trials, all those controls are used differently than MX.

    • Like 3
  9. Go the lazy route and stick the new sticker over the old (if it is exactly the same)

    Trace the old sticker with hobby/craft knife and lift sticker and paint as one and the place new sticker in exact spot and nobody will see the missing paint. (again only if new is exactly the same as old)

    Or use one of the more sensible suggestions the other guys gave you

  10. I'm just gonna ride whenever - wherever I can , compete when I can , And have FUN !!!! :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: :banana2: ;)


    Yep me too I don't have to come in the top 3 to have fun (Although this year I have a goal).........................................But I still like to bitch now and then. :D

  11. As it is a non issue at the moment, why are we worried?

    We wish to make our opinions known before it becomes an issue. As many club level organizations tend to follow with "most" of the same rules as the NATC.

    (Also gives me a platform to bitch. I am only happy if I have something to complain about :dummyspit: )

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  12. not hard to run time in a section, its already done at the national level, 2 checker at each section, as soon as axle is in, time starts, axel out, time ends.

    you dont get out before the time is up...5.

    2 checkers at each section is why I figured it would be difficult at club level. because it can be hard to even find enough checkers to have 1 at each section. But time limit at Nationals makes sense, Nationals are a step above club events and should be run as such. and should be able to get a minimum of 2 checkers per section (but probably still difficult to find them)

    I wouldn't expect time limits to be enforced at club level events. If a rider is planning on riding nationals, that rider needs to prepare him, or her, self for time limits.

    At our clubs next annual meeeting I will propose, foot down and stopped=5. I think the result of such a rule in our club will be either an easing of section difficulty or some riders (myself included) moving down a class. I don't see that as a bad thing. A benefit would be quicker loop times and less time waiting to ride a section.

    Other benefit would be riders will learn how to ride better, because the stop and rest with foot down will be taken away.

    This is why I like stop w/ foot down = 5

    I watched an Expert rider stop at the bottom of a short, steep hill with big log at top. Put his foot down and proceed to discuss with someone outside the section what would be the best tactic to tackle the hill/log obstacle. This discussion lasted no less than 2.5 minutes. (we do not have a section time limit) I just found this to be absurd!

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  13. So would, stop with a dab=5 points, make everone happy? I don't think it would be hard on observers. The benefit of the doubt goes to the rider so if the rider makes a good effort to keep moving, and doesn't roll backwards, it's just a dab. The stop and hop riders would just have to deal with their time limits, but if a foot comes off while they're stationary, they better let the clutch out.

    that is stop with penelty...and thats how it should be..that, and timed in section.

    I could go either way on time limit in a section at club level. Nationals and World Rounds Definitely section time limit.

    (seems difficult for a single observer to watch rider and accurately keep track of time. May be difficult at club level)

    In my opinion: Problem fixed and more focused on control of the machine which is what trials is all about.

  14. :hyper: If I get one of those helmet stickers like Bou at the beginning of the video, I could ride like that too?? :hyper:

    Nice vid, good camera work. Excellent riding.

    Sometimes when watching indoor Xtrial I keep thinking they are playing a game of "The Floor is Lava" like I did as a little boy jumping around the living room on the furniture. :D

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