mr neutron,
Good luck with the knee replacement hope all goes well. just remember "Chicks dig scars"
Maybe you should keep your skills up to speed with the Trials HD/EVO (No I have no financial stake in these games. I just really enjoy them and want others to have a good time as well)
On a side note a handful of revs and quick release of the clutch will assist you in finding the ground.
I have seen (and also done this) guys in upper classed (advanced, expert) ride up some hard, gnarly obstacle and then take points on a tight turn. The basics are not too exciting to watch, but very very important to your final score at all levels.
Thank you for the kind words, I am a blessed man. I also have the legs of a swimsuit model, for those looking to purchase swimsuits made for the Buddha body type.
Hope you enjoyed the Team WGASA website, we are working to make it better. But it is mostly a bit of silliness that goes along with how we ride.
Shercoben12 is a teenager and those lads could wear a T-shirt in a blizzard and look at us old farts and say "What? it's not cold out."
You may want to pop that clutch cover off and find the source of said noise. Does it make the noise at idle or just when reving? does the sound change with the revs (speed up/slow down) Does it make the noise when the clutch lever is pulled in or when clutch lever is out? I just recently got my Gas Gas so I have not gotten real familiar with it yet. Sorry no tips as to what it might be.
Heal up quick, as much as you want to ride DON'T go back to it too soon!!! A few weeks of healing is better spent then years of irreversible damage. In the meantime I suggest an Xbox 360 and Trials HD and Trials Evolution as a substitute.
Pics of Zippy's Trials Bike. Currently it is a 2003 Bad Ass GasGas 300 pro. (OLD B.A.G.G.)
From the album: Zippy's Bike
This is my Trusty Good Luck Penguin mounted on my 2003 300 Gas Gas Pro
Trusty Good Luck Penguin!
My 10 yr old son gave that to me last year and I just HAD to use it!
Also check out http://motatrials.com/wgasa/ Not exactly a great website, but it has it's silly moments.
I fitted my Trusty Good Luck Penguin on the handlebar pad.
Then proceeded to pump the clutch lever a few times.
ummm so that would be a yes, he feels included. :rotfl:
Hopefully it has made the gentleman feel included in the trials community.
1. Yes but he will have to switch over to mineral oil
2. neither, it will go BUZZZ POP POP POP BUZZZ POP POP POP
This is what I prefer to use.
In an emergency I made up a block for a buddy that was riding at the house. I have a sheet of teflon that I cut a strip out of and had to sandwich 3 pieces together to get it wide enough and then a little quick "machining" with a router, a dremel, and a drill and viola he had a rub block and we could continue to ride. I think he will be using that for quite some time........
Cope is more used to the over 100F (38C) weather. In which I would melt........
16F (-9C) at 0700 here. A little more normal for this time of year. but I think it was just 3 weeks ago we had a day at 55F (13C). So we have quite the swing in temps around here. (at least it don't get as low as some places in Canada and Alaska BBRRRR)
But still we only have an inch or 2 of snow, 2 hours drive south of me has 6 inches of snow.
It is quite amazing the differences in weather, temp., etc.. the human body is capable of getting used to and functioning in.
OK enough philisophical crap.
I agree, I like my motorcycle too much!
It is funny how Science fiction actually starts to become reality or something close to science fiction becomes reality. It makes me wonder which happens first. Does somebody base the books and movies on some bit of technology they saw and expanded on it or does somebody read the book or see the movie and decide that "yes, in fact we could do that"???
HMMM now I will go and ponder other wonders of the universe. Read that as "I going to drink some more "
Stop letting the garage drink so much.
Just remember: first ride is free, then you are hooked and now must feed your newfound addiction.
Do join the rest of us wierdos and enjoy a very unique sport.
AAAAAHHHHH SKYNET is already here!!!!
Looks like a flying spider. but way cool that he used that for you guys, got some really interesting shots.
HOLY CRAP COPE!!! You guys have more snow than we do!!!
AAAAHHHHH it must be a sign of an impending apocolypse.
A little more Christmas music.
That's more than I have done to mine in a few weeks.
Beat it with a very LARGE hammer..........................won't come off but you will get your aggressions out.
Actually though it sounds like you are on your way to having your bike sorted out to how you want it. Good luck, hope it works easily and enjoy the new characteristics of the bike.
oooh good idea on threading nuts on ahead of time, never thought of that.
When cutting bolts down it is a bit tricky to get it straight and have the threads on the cut end perfect. So sometimes I will take the cut end of the bolt and grind just a bit of an angle on the end to smooth it out and get past the "rough" end.
Yes I know if I was any good at cutting the bolt then I would not feel the need to "dress" up the end a bit.
How did chopping the frame in half help the clutch action??
Sorry, having a and feeling and in a little while I will probably
Welcome to the Wonderful Weird World of Trials!!!
I totally mis read the title of this thread.
I read
"Beating Off the Winter Season Blues"
Potato reference explained for those that did not understand it instantly.
What do you get when you cross a penis and a potato?
A Dictator
Like I tell my kids: My house is not a democracy it is a dictatorship. And I am the one with the potatoes.