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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Well he met Chuck, got the correct RMTA and ITSA info. He is almost in a trials hot spot compared to most in the USA. He also started the same thread in another forum, And I have yet to hijack that one!

    ummm so that would be a yes, he feels included. :rotfl: :rotfl:

    Hey SlimJim WELCOME TO TRIALS!!!

  2. Ok......now that you got the nerdy stuff over with...

    I think all Schmorgas wanted to know is, Can he change the oil on this theoretical machine

    What I want to know is, does it go vroom vroom or ring ding ding

    1. Yes but he will have to switch over to mineral oil

    2. neither, it will go BUZZZ POP POP POP BUZZZ POP POP POP

  3. This is what I prefer to use.


    In an emergency I made up a block for a buddy that was riding at the house. I have a sheet of teflon that I cut a strip out of and had to sandwich 3 pieces together to get it wide enough and then a little quick "machining" with a router, a dremel, and a drill and viola he had a rub block and we could continue to ride. I think he will be using that for quite some time........

    • Like 1
  4. Cope is more used to the over 100F (38C) weather. In which I would melt........

    16F (-9C) at 0700 here. A little more normal for this time of year. but I think it was just 3 weeks ago we had a day at 55F (13C). So we have quite the swing in temps around here. (at least it don't get as low as some places in Canada and Alaska BBRRRR)

    But still we only have an inch or 2 of snow, 2 hours drive south of me has 6 inches of snow.

    It is quite amazing the differences in weather, temp., etc.. the human body is capable of getting used to and functioning in.

    OK enough philisophical crap.

  5. I'm sorry Zippy but come the day when that big fella says ''I need your clothes your boots and your motorcycle'' he's only getting the first two, I'll put up a fight for the last one :stupid:

    I agree, I like my motorcycle too much! :thumbup:

    It is funny how Science fiction actually starts to become reality or something close to science fiction becomes reality. It makes me wonder which happens first. Does somebody base the books and movies on some bit of technology they saw and expanded on it or does somebody read the book or see the movie and decide that "yes, in fact we could do that"???

    HMMM now I will go and ponder other wonders of the universe. Read that as "I going to drink some more :guinness: "

  6. Unless someone knows if the stock flywheel comes off w/o a puller? Doesn't look like it to me......

    Beat it with a very LARGE hammer..........................won't come off but you will get your aggressions out. :D

    Actually though it sounds like you are on your way to having your bike sorted out to how you want it. Good luck, hope it works easily and enjoy the new characteristics of the bike.

  7. thats a great idea! never thought about it before :hyper:

    no... they dont do 35 but they do 40 so ill cut it down.



    When cutting bolts down it is a bit tricky to get it straight and have the threads on the cut end perfect. So sometimes I will take the cut end of the bolt and grind just a bit of an angle on the end to smooth it out and get past the "rough" end.

    Yes I know if I was any good at cutting the bolt then I would not feel the need to "dress" up the end a bit.

  8. I had no problems with the clutch on my 2011. But lots of trouble with the 12 for the first few weeks, till I took a saw blade to it.

    How did chopping the frame in half help the clutch action??

    Sorry, having a :beer: and feeling :hyper: and in a little while I will probably :chairfall:


    (Don't matter much I guess because I can come in last place whether the rules are Stop allowed or No Stop) :P

    (personal opinion is stop should be allowed because either tecnique can be ridden if you desire, you may have to drop a class if you prefer to ride no stop)

  10. They are fair questions, is it a open forum and should the public know of a genuine concern?

    Will users want to know?

    Will it be allowed?

    Yes those are Fair questions about whether it will be allowed and if the other users would like to know.

    What is unfair is the immediate jump of comparing the owner of the site to a dictator.

    (As far as I know Andy has not had much to do with potatoes :P )

    • Like 1
  11. I walked past my new to me 2003 300 (as I understand first year for the 300) in the garage and gazed lovingly at her and imagined all the things I wanted to do while riding her. And like Mr. Neutron 5 minutes later I was tired and breathing heavily, went back in the house.

    I have ridden the bike twice as a put put around and in a 2 day event that was very rainy and I loved the way it rode. Of course going from a 2000 Sherco 2.9 to a 2003 Gas Gas 300 pro I will have some adjustment time, but I love the motor. I may gear down my sprockets a tooth or two when I need new chain and sprockets. Things seem to happen just a hair bit too fast. I need to figure out why the rear tire is loosing air way too fast. (I suspect I need a new rim strip) Change some fluids, clean air filter and I am good to go. I am considering putting on short levers, I had some on the Sherco I really liked them on that.

    • Like 2
  12. Thanks folks, it does seem to be a "win" for the chest mount, other people have said the same. This was the first time I've used it, and as is typical with a Gopro, you can't really tell until after the fact if you have it pointing the wrong way! I'll try to tilt it up a bit further next time, as you do see too much of my knees in this clip.



    But those are some perty knees! :wub:

  13. Good job editing out the boring bits of standing around between sections and waiting in line. But I did like that you included some shots of other riders also, gave another type of perspective for the camera locations.

    The helmet mount seems to have a "downward" view of the terrain and gives a slight distortion (flattening) to the obstacles and angle of the hills. But it also gives a wider of the area around the bike.

    Chest mount has a more "straight on" view of the terrain and seems to eliminate much of the distortion (flattening) of the obstacles and angle of the hills. But it seemed to include a large amount of the tank/bars of the bike and not the area around the bike.

    I think the chest mount has the better angle of view, now if we can get a slightly different angle to include more of the terrain around/in front of the bike it would be the best of both.

    Just my opinion.

  14. "High performance" petrol is needed if it is needed, so to speak. I run my Beta on V Power as that cured the rattling under load on a correctly set up motor. I certainly would not be using it otherwise.

    yep the 2000 Sherco 2.9 I had ran best on 93 octane "pump gas" 110 octane race gas had no positive effect on it.

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