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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Good job editing out the boring bits of standing around between sections and waiting in line. But I did like that you included some shots of other riders also, gave another type of perspective for the camera locations. The helmet mount seems to have a "downward" view of the terrain and gives a slight distortion (flattening) to the obstacles and angle of the hills. But it also gives a wider of the area around the bike. Chest mount has a more "straight on" view of the terrain and seems to eliminate much of the distortion (flattening) of the obstacles and angle of the hills. But it seemed to include a large amount of the tank/bars of the bike and not the area around the bike. I think the chest mount has the better angle of view, now if we can get a slightly different angle to include more of the terrain around/in front of the bike it would be the best of both. Just my opinion.
  2. yep the 2000 Sherco 2.9 I had ran best on 93 octane "pump gas" 110 octane race gas had no positive effect on it.
  3. Sting Take it one step further and figure out that E85 being 85% ethanol and costing pretty close to the same as regular gas with the 15% ethanol. You get even less MPG from a gallon of fuel than you do with the 15%. but the government and the auto industry push these Flex fuel vehicles as great gas savers. Sure they save gasoline but you spend more $$ to do it. In my opinion it is all a big shell game and somebody at the top just keeps getting richer. I have no problem with people making money, or even being filthy rich. But I have a problem when they do it by lying, cheating and basically pulling the wool over the eyes of the consumer. Sorry I kind of went on a rant there I use 80:1,race fuel 110 octane in my new to me 2003 Gas Gas 300
  4. Good deal. Some mechanics don't like to have anybody look over their shoulder, but this way you will remember the great customer service and refer others to them.
  5. zippy


    Paint pens are cheap and if it scuffs or chips just hit it again.
  6. Maybe try running a correct size tap in the hole to "clean" up the threads.
  7. Welcome to the WONDERFUL WEIRD WORLD OF TRIALS!!!! yes you should have done it sooner, but now that you have you will certainly enjoy yourself. One of the best kept secrets of trials is how much of a full body workout it is. One would think I would be thinner though................. must be the afterwards......
  8. I would bet the water pump seal got hot when the motor overheated and was dry with the shaft spinning in it and that caused the failure. It would be like a secondary failure attributed to the original failure of the hole in the radiator. Same reason the piston got hot, seized and needed to be replaced. I think the water pump O-ring they replaced is for the water pump cover sealing to the case and has no affect to the water pump shaft seal which would leak into the gear box. Check out pages 64 and 65 of this manual parts numbered 3 and 4 in the exploded view on page 64 http://www.trialspartsusa.com/manuals/Despiece_TXT_Pro_2008.pdf I just recently purchased a 2003 Gas Gas 300 and am trying to get familiar with the motors and where to get info. So far I am very pleased with my choice to switch from Sherco to Gas Gas.
  9. UMMMM the Exception that proves the rule? I did see that in the other forum I was hoping it was a rare occurrence. I know Sherco had frame troubles at one time, I know a gent that had to get one replaced. And Gas Gas had swing arm problems, saw video of rider doing a drop off and on landing the swing arm snapped into two pieces. But my point was Generally post 2000 bikes handle these things better and have better suspension etc.... but I also mentioned "Also you probably already know that the harder you ride a bike, the more stuff you will need to fix later."
  10. TY 175's are great bikes and great fun. When I was a youngster I would jump the bike off the top of a hill and land about halfway down. (hill looked huge to me at that age) older brother would land at the bottom. so the landing was angled on the hill, I assume not as much stress as landing flat. We never cracked swing arms that I know of. Dad did the maintenance. I did bust a foot peg mount on the TY80 I had before the TY175. But you must bear in mind like the other guys have said, The twinshock bikes were not designed for the more "extreme" steps and ledges that the post 2000 bikes will do with ease. Also you probably already know that the harder you ride a bike, the more stuff you will need to fix later. The motor is about bulletproof, and they are a good handling bike. Check out the twinshock and video forums on here or search Youtube and see some videos of others riding twinshocks and you should get an idea of what those bikes can handle. (one tip to remember if you watch "world round" twinshock vids, those guys were/are very very good riders) You may be able to find a post 2000 water cooled mono in decent shape for close to the same $ as that TY175. I don't know about prices and availability in your area. I also think scmbud being new to trials was asking a legitimate question of technique " Will she be cool if I huck it off or should I go slow and drop the nose down before letting the ass follow?" I think hucking it off the step would put great stress on the suspension and swing arm like the previous guys have stated. Depending on the ledge/step letting the front tire drop down first may have you going over the bars if the front wheel "tucks" under. So if you go the route of dropping the front tire first keep your butt as far back on the rear fender as possible, so your weight does not carry you over the handle bars when the front tire hits the ground. As for my comment on spelling, it was made partly for humor (suck them in with kindness and then get them on grammar. I have an odd sense of humor) and partly because I was able to decipher it pretty quickly, I also have seen posts from other countries that I had to read 3 times or more to understand because it read like it was sent through google translate to get it into English. I agree that text speak is banned from TC, but there is the occasional "fat finger" typing that gives bad spelling.
  11. the 2000 sherco I had the non vented disc and the front caliper was a 2 piston type, it had horrible stopping, so I bled the brakes multiple times, changed pads, new brake line, rebuild master cylinder and clean disc with super super fine wet sand paper (2000 grit?) then blast hell out of it with brake cleaner. When I finally rebuilt the caliper (new seals/pucks) Front brake was great. On a side note because the disc was non vented I cut an angled groove in the brake pads, using a dremel tool and 2 cutting discs installed to make it the right width and get a sharp edge on the pad. My reasoning was this groove would give someplace for water, dirt, gasses, and whatever someplace to go instead of between the pad and the disc. I have no proof whether it did what I thought or not. but it didn't hurt either.
  12. Well then I want to switch to indoor trials.............. only for the winter months because I hate the cold. Ya know winter and trials shorts just make for blue legs.
  13. OH give the new guy a break on the spelling. We need more people to get into the sport, don't chase them away. Besides there is always time to give em a razzing later after he thinks we are all nice people.
  14. We have all done something silly like that at one time or another........
  15. Obligatory name dropping time......... I know and have ridden with Aaron and Yuki both have been members of MOTA. Yuki moved for work/school and I don't know if he still rides. Aaron has been working on his house and it is looking AWESOME, I hope he returns for the 2013 season. I saw Chase at the combined TI / MOTA event in Indiana, He has grown a bit since that video and has improved his riding even more. Sadly I have not met Ryan, he really seems like a fun and down to earth guy to hang out with. (whole purpose of this post.............I got to post and be part of the conversation. I was like a politician said many words, but did not really say anything)
  16. OOOHH imagine the drama when the top riders can't remember which sections are stop and which are no stop. And the minder(s) tell them the wrong one!!! That could be a joy to watch.
  17. I was just thinking about chests............. Treasure Chests, Hope Chests, Chest of Drawers.........
  18. I like the suggestion of no arguing with the Observers. best way to keep observers. (note to observers please be fair and consistent that is all I ask...... that and accept my bribes for cleans) Good point about being able to see the best riders in the world come to our country!!!
  19. :rotfl: Don't ya hate when your buddies film you riding and only post the "blooper reel" and not the awesome 12 foot splatter that you made on the first try? yep Me too. Loved the Music, Loved the smiles. He is having fun!!! (I had to watch it twice)
  21. We have a couple of opinions mentioned at MOTA http://motatrials.com/forum/trials-news/330-fim-trial-world-championship-goes-non-stop.html#409
  22. LINKY to Channel!! then views go up more!
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