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Everything posted by zippy
  1. zippy

    2001 2.5 Issues

    And here I thought it was just installed incorrectly....apparently the plates had worn enough to cause a problem, slipping went away after putting the plate in the other groove. and it shifted the same as before.
  2. All of you are riding just fine and I enjoyed the video quite a bit, had a good chuckle when the camera got sprayed with mud and when the young gentlemen laid his bike over just so nicely and stood there looking like "well, that's a good spot" Looks like a good group of friends having a fun day out on the bikes. As you get older and ride more that part does not change. Keep riding boys and keep having fun.
  3. zippy

    2001 2.5 Issues

    I had an issue with my 2000 2.9 clutch slipping in 4th and 5th gears. Turns out the top fiber plate was installed one set of grooves off. There is a set of grooves in the basket that goes all the way to the bottom and then there is basically a notch between the grooves that does NOT go all the way down. my top plate was in that notch so the top plate was not being fully pressed against the rest of the plates. Also had the 2 piston front brake and it worked like crap I changed pads, brake line, bled it a million times. but when I did a rebuild of the caliper it worked AWESOME after that, replaced seals and pistons and was just like new. When kickstarting take up the initial little bit of slack (kicker won't move much) and you should feel the kicker engage and then it is just a strong smooth kick and it should go.
  4. I agree that stop with foot down you are now a kickstand and have failed = 5. But I personally believe trials is about "CONTROL" not balance or motion exactly. stop feet up = control stop foot down = no control. But I disagree that we should go to no - stop because we have lost something along the way. I personally feel that modern trials riding is a mix of styles both stop and hop and no stop. both styles have their roots in control of the machine. So far I have seen 2 videos of supposed no stop riding Caby and Bou. Both riders stopped. difference for bou is the first time through he hopped on rear wheel and second time through he stopped with both tires on the rock. http://www.photobysergio.fr/cabestany-non-stop.html http://www.photobysergio.fr/non-stop.html running no stop now eliminates the use of tight 90 degree turns and immediate obstacle after that. In my opinion sections will now need to be "opened up" in order to allow a more fluid flow to the section making no - stop possible and basically turning it into an extreme enduro course. Personally I don't think either set of rules will bring in more spectators. Main reason I think we don't have spectators is because as a spectator you cannot just look and instantly see who is winning. Other forms of racing whoever ahead of the others is winning. With trials you have to wait until the scores are counted. (yes I know about golf - scores are constantly posted and most ppl watch on the telly, Freestyle MOTO-X is a big show anyways) Trials will always be a small niche sport populated with some of the nicest, most talented and wierdest riders out there. Just my opinions from a guy that rode TY's as a kid in the early 80's and now tries to stop and hop and other times ride a flowing line.
  5. If it ain't broke, you ain't trying hard enough!
  6. Well the FIM has stated 2013 World rounds are no-stop. So this means you must continue moving the entire time you are spectating. Do NOT bring any folding chairs they will be of no use to you.
  7. I work with a guy like that....................always stand to the side of him, Neither end is safe..........
  8. Maybe it is an FIM Oficial and needs to be more puffed up, all full of how important they think they are.
  9. zippy

    Pro Silencer

    I just recently purchased an 03 Gas Gas and my silencer has the same indent. I thought it a rather good idea.
  10. That is an awesome quote! that should be used in conjunction with a Tubby Trials Team type video for advertising.
  11. I have broken that shaft also on a Sherco I just sold......twice. apparently those shifter shafts don't like being used as a foot peg on a drop off. (Disclaimer: of course I fixed it each time and sold the bike in working condition) ivanski, This may help http://www.vmtc.at/Technik/Sherco/sparebook_07.pdf Pages 45 and 47 show exploded view of transmission gears, may help with locations of all the washers and such if it is something out of place.
  12. Don't count if he did not go to the Hospital!! Just trying to help Dave
  13. zippy


    We are supposed to wash these things???? what is this wash you speak of ????
  14. WOW you guys have all the same beliefs as Team WGASA Sure you can make it up that HUGE _________ . OH you didn't make it HAHAHA crash looks great on video, try again I am sure this time you can make it. http://www.motatrials.com/wgasa Safety???? I wear fashionable and protective shorts when I ride..................which incidently are neither fashionable nor protective....
  15. From what I have seen here in the States is that trials attracts 2 different sets of people. The older riders from Motocross and Enduro that are tired of crashing and getting hurt at high speed and the young kids that want to do the "trick riding" hopping and HUGE obstacles. (And then there is me...... grew up in the sport and love it. I try to do hoppy stuff and love the evolution of the sport to more balance and control, but still appreciate the choose a line and ride it, keep moving and adjust on the fly riding of yesteryear) I try to explain to as many people that will listen what the sport is all about and most average person just doesn't get it. We who ride the sport or grew up with it will see the minor nuances from rider to rider in something as simple as a turn before an obstacle and we will know which of the two riders will have made the obstacle harder by messing up in the first 1/4 of the turn. But like my wife says "they all look the same to me" MotoX, Enduro, road racing average person will understand these because it is he who goes fastest wins and they can always tell at any point in the race who is winning. With Trials nobody knows until the end who has won unless you go around to every section with your own score card and record everybodies score and keep track of what is happening. Personally I don't think demos do much to promote the sport of trials. Look at it this way. Watch a trials demo pretending you know nothing about the sport of trials. OK look at the cool "tricks" that can be done on a motorcycle, I have seen trick riding with BMX and Freestyle MotoX. Those competitions look like the demo and are scored on some arbritrary system of "style" and "difficulty". Then talk to somebody about trials and now they are telling you about dabs and points, sections, ribbons, markers and failures. There is a loop and number of section attempts....this sounds nothing like the demo I just witnessed, this sounds complicated and stupid. I will get on my MotoX bike and go fast in the trails or roost some guy on the track.
  16. Is this the video you refer to? Unless the stop gate is just before the final big rock at the top of the hill, I too believe he 5's the section every time when he stops on the rear wheel. Or is he not stopping because he is hopping? or moving forward a mm everytime he hops? http://www.photobysergio.fr/cabestany-non-stop.html
  17. Sounds like you got a fun group to ride with. I am a member of Team WGASA, we are a goofy lot, and are just in it for the fun! This is Myself and Biffsgasgas at an event earlier this year. Wheelchair - $5 (garage sale) Cooler full of "medicine" - $30 (I buy cheap ) Goofy looks and smiles from everybody that sees it - Priceless My winter time practice is usually spent in front of the TV with my kids' Xbox playing Trials HD and EVO. funny thing is there are squirrels hidden in the game to find.
  18. I see Somebody else also likes to play Trials HD and Trials Evolution on the Xbox
  19. I suggest if you need to change 1 sprocket that you bite the bullet and change both sprockets and the chain, also look at the chain tensioner block and swing arm rubbing blocks. that way they all wear together.
  20. Pulls up a chair next to Old Trials Fanatic and says " Hey you gonna share that ?"
  21. zippy

    Seized !

    I watched a buddies 2006 Gas Gas 300 Sieze at full revs on it's side in about 20 seconds. Full revs and zero load is bad combination. Sad thing was it was a lay over type of crash. Not even a big nasty fall. We did try to come up with a good story though.
  22. Found this http://www.scorpausa.com/?trigger=bikes&bikeid=SY250 but I could not find a year anywhere, I think that is a picture of the first year that Sherco took over Scorpa 2010 or 2011??? somebody will know what year.
  23. If memory serves me correctly, Modern bikes have a filter screen in the fuel tank at the petcock. My 2000 Sherco also had a filter screen on the inlet to the carb. Both of those have "bigish" holes. But a second in-line filter is not going to hurt anything and will provide more peace of mind.
  24. I rather like how this introduces trials bikes to kids. Kids like Hot Wheels and motorcycles.
  25. It's all about perspective ..................... and fun. Hope shed arrives quickly and puts itself together.
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