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Posts posted by zippy
  1. I can't!! I have a shed full of fat pigs that need a new home


    I never said I could get those old bikes to do that stuff..............just that someone could. :)

    But hey Ishy, I could store some of those old bikes for you. The only fee I would charge is that I can ride them if I want to........... :D

  2. Probably a stupid question , but, on average, how long does a full fuel tank last on different types of trials bikes?

    All depends on whether you are doing trail rides, road rides or just riding sections. I did notice considerably higher fuel consumption once I got new piston, rings and barrel. Now it's not blowing past the rings and "recycling" the fuel. :D

    Generally when I go practice (section riding) I can run for a couple hours starting with a full tank.

  3. Ironing... IS a woman's job!

    Simple science tells us that women should be ironing.

    The difference between 'male' and 'female' is obviously the 'fe'.

    If we look up 'fe' in the periodic table it stands for iron.

    Science 1 - Women 0


    I need a scientific explanation for my wife as to why in the balance of things she is supposed to bring me a sammich.

  4. That would be my brother Neil :chairfall: . Man is he old. The geritol is scored by the older you are and the older your bike the better your chance to win. He must have rode my Dads old bike to improve his chances.

    That does sound like a fun and interesting way to score an event, but at 38 yrs I don't think of myself as Geritol age yet, but my teenagers think I am old as dirt. I guess it is all a matter of perspective.

  5. Pete and Jon have done so much to increase my confidence,and Jon often calls me a "pussy" which gets me to do mad stuff.

    Sounds like you have the same type of friends I do. I go riding with Biffsgasgas and he gives me some of the same encouragement. I REALLY REALLY enjoy when I go riding with him. Not only does he give me that extra "push" to try something he is also willing to catch my bike for me when it goes bad. He will also video it all and laugh his head off at me as well. Great riding partner, everybody should ride with somebody like that.

  6. You been drinkin too much moonshine boy?The price is to the right :beer:

    After looking again, there is no price in his posting on TC, after clicking the link there is a price in the description on the right of the pictures..........Now HAM2 did you really think I was going to actually read something when there were pictures I could look at.........oooh look a shiny object.

    Actually I am surprised this thread is still here. :bouncy: :bouncy:

  7. only americans could think up a law as dumb as that.. how many kids you see licking there bikes clean doh.. no brainer.. now just a 12.5 trillion dollar debt to sort out.. by borrowing another 2.5 trillion..

    Hey now, we have our best people working...............Oh sod it all, You have a very good point there.

    But I must amend your statement a little bit. It was not the Americans that thought up the law or think that borrowing makes debt go away, it is our idiotic lawmakers (that unfortunately we elected) that are thinking all this crap up.

    Even so, I do love my county!! Not necessarily all the people in it though.

    OK rant over.

  8. Zippy,

    That is exactly what I was thinking. There is not a lot of tension on kickstart to return to the starting position. Also, if I hold the kickstart lever forward while running, the noise will go away. Was thinking either the spring has lost tension, or a gear is rounded, chipped...

    I'm would consider my mechanical skill set to be above average. Is the spring replacement an easy fix? Its been years since I've had a bike motor apart.


    Hardest part was getting the end of that #$%^&*ing spring in the hole. The rest was pretty easy, but I gotta say what Copemech says makes sense also.

    This winter I may need to pop off my clutch cover and investigate my buzz as well.

  9. The first thing that comes to mind for me is the kickstart return spring is "tired" and not returning the kickstart shaft all the way up and that is causing the gear to stay engaged a bit and making the noise when running. Not exactly sure what is making the clunk sound when you shut the bike off.

    I broke the return spring a while back and have fitted a new one, everything has been fine for a few months of riding but recently there is a "buzz" while running that goes away if I push the kickstart forward just a little bit.

    Maybe a bearing going bad on the shaft?

  10. Thought Clarky might have bought it of you cracking wee bike

    I bought an 2010 gasser kept it a couple of months , way to light and powerful for my skill level so punted it at a great loss. There are people who are genuine sellers.

    I agree that there are some genuine sellers that only had a bike for a short time, but remember I said I am a pessimistic sort and have to wonder if the seller is genuine or if there is big problem with the bike. One just needs to be careful is basically what I was saying.

  11. The best comment so far is the vertical sewer pipes and backup popup females.

    you don't like fart jokes???? :D

    It is difficult to win over the masses with only a couple minutes available to "awe" them.

    I like the idea of adding ladies to the show, vertical sewer pipes, ramp to ramp thing and fire all sound good to me.

    Maybe have Smalls come out on one of the bikes and be chased down by the boys and told "no, no, no" and that he has to "sit there on the bench for a bit" (All in exaggerated hand and body motions) Right after he sits and starts "pouting", Pat flies over his head doing HUGE splatter onto a platform.

    More rear wheel hopping. ^_^

  12. My personal opinion is to shy away from anything (car, bike, camper, etc...) that somebody is selling after buying it used and only having it a couple months. The paranoid part of me tends to think something is really wrong with it if they want to get rid of it that soon after purchase. Or it is a "flip" and trying to make a quick profit.

    But I am a pessimistic sort anyways. Seems a bit odd that the seller has not ridden it since purchase.............

  13. FIRE!! everywhere, a fire pit, vertical flame, flash pots!!!!

    8ft Splatter over Smalls, while Smalls bends over to pick up something and Smalls releases methane from his exhaust into a vertical flame causing a fire ball that the guys go over during the splatter.

    AH HAHAHA juvenile fart joke!!!

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