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Posts posted by zippy
  1. My first lap is always the worst because of the "first loop jitters", and the last loop sucks because by then I am tired.

    When reading this next statement remember 2 things 1. out clubs use ribbon/tape for marking and 2. I am old enough to remember when video recorders used VHS tapes.

    I ride AWESOME!!...........until there is tape involved.

    Yep it's a common problem, probably due to nerves and a desire to do really well in front of others.

  2. THEY MADE IT TO THE SEMI-FINALS!!! :thumbup::banana2::popcorn:

    While it is disappointing that the sport of Observed Trials or MotoTrials (whatever it is called now) is not mentioned, they are trying to win a contest. Would mentioning Trials actually help them win or just confuse people? You have to admit that all trials shows have really nothing to do with the sport of trials and just showcases the skills and stunts that can be done on a trials bike. Similar to what the FMX shows are like for Motocross and Enduro, maybe we need a sub-genre called Freestyle Trials???

    Something Howie told two other acts comes to mind, that they are in basically a popularity contest. The Smage Bros. are trying to win a contest and need to appeal to a very broad audience.

  3. You may want to check out Michigan Ontario Trials Association aka MOTA We have a great series of 14 events, I know some of them require quite a bit of travel for our Canadian friends.


    The Windsor Motorcycle Club of MOTA is trying out a new property this year in Wardsville, Ontario August 28th. Which should be closer for Ontario riders to get to than the other property near the bridge and we may get higher participation at the WMCC event this time around. These guys and gals really do put alot of work and effort into their events and I can't wait to see what they do at the new property. WMCC event Aug. 28th

    This information does not immediately help nickday1 but may give him something to look forward to, and maybe Borus and Canada315 could stop by and bring some friends Aug. 28th.

  4. Quite possibly posted before but I am too lazy to look:

    Boy catches mom riding dad. Mom says she's trying to flatten dads

    belly. Boy says it's no use, the babysitter gets on her knees and

    blows it back up again!

    Q. If your wife is yelling at the front door and your dog is barking

    at the back door, Whom do you let in?

    A. The dog. Why? Because once inside, the dog stops barking.

  5. A man texts his wife : ''Honey I'm just having one more pint and I'll be home...If I'm not home in 20 minutes just read this text again''. :beer:

    As his buddy calls and explains to his wife "Honest Darling I have only had one glass of beer all night......" at this point he turns to his buddy and says "they just keep refilling the same glass over and over. HAHA"

  6. In a Respect your friend is right,Trials is'nt extreme,Some aspects of Trials may of lost it's way by some people thinking it has to be Extreme to pull the people in,but it has'nt realy worked.

    The red bull freestyle stuff is extreme,but even that gets boring and dull to watch.

    The word Extreme these days has been well over cooked.

    Jumping off a motorway bridge in front of a lorry is Extreme.

    The word Extreme has become a marketing tool nothing more nothing less.


  7. I have a Beta waiting here for you Mr Zipp.

    Oh crap, he took me up on my challenge..........now how do I get to Australia really cheap?????

    Sure would be fun.

    OK I will make you a deal: (and I will try to remember it too) If I ever make it over to Australia I will look you up and we can go for a ride. Sound good? :thumbup:

    Fair warning though, I don't travel much so I have no idea when I will make it over there.

  8. I tend to think that just talent and ability will only get you so far in the WTC.......the rest of the way is achieved by not having any fear of crashing, You cannot extend or improve your skills if you are afraid of failing at a technique. I hope what I am trying to convey actually comes across because if it doesn't ........ then I will be seen as being an :moon: actually I am used to being seen as one of those, :P

  9. GA5 GA5







    BETA No 5's

    I believe that is a challenge sir, If you provide the Beta I will accept your challenge of no 5's in a trial. :biggrinsanta:

    (I will even seriously try not to get a 5.........won't help much) :stoned:

  10. Ok , Texas is 6 hrs behind us so it would have been approximately 1.00 a.m Sat morning for Copey when he posted :beer: :beer: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: I reckon he would have had a few Pina Coladas

    I just can't bring myself to believe that Copey would have a few :beer: before posting on here. When in the past has he done this to deserve such a reputation............wait what did you say? He normally has a few :beer: before posting. OH never mind then, I will sit back and enjoy the show. :popcorn:

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