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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Taken from http://www.whatgas.com/data/journalists.html Fuel Duty and VAT (back to top) In the UK there is a fuel duty that is applied to all Hydrocarbon fuels, including unleaded petrol, diesel, LPG, bio diesel, bio ethanol and other fuels that are used in cars. The rate of the fuel duty is usually set during the budget, and consist of an additional tax that is applied to the petrol before it is sold. This fuel duty is applied before VAT, so whenever the fuel duty rate is raised, additional VAT is placed on top of it. In the March 2011 budget the government announced that it was reducing the fuel duty by 1p per litre, instead of increasing it by an estimated 4p (inflation +1p). To fund this reduction they have increased the tax of oil companies from 20% to 32% in order to create a 'fair fuel stabiliser'. Time will tell what this mean exactly, but with the oil companies paying more tax, will the price of petrol just go even higher??? Type of Fuel Total cost at pump Fuel duty VAT %tax Unleaded 132.7p 57.95p 22.12p 60% Taken from http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/gdu/gasdiesel.asp Taxes/gallon of unleaded is 12% (shown in a nice graphical representation of a gas pump on the right side of screen) We in the US are not responsible for another government's huge taxation of fuel. So if the total unleaded price in the US increase say 33% higher than 1 year ago (which they are)this means Oil Company receives a much larger profit than they will when total unleaded price increases by 33% in the UK. This is part of why we complain because this makes it appear as though the Oil Companies are spewing rhetoric that the US unleaded is sooo much cheaper than the rest of the world and that we need to be "brought more in line" with the rest of the world, but basically they are just jacking up profits quickly. Again Just my opinions based on information I could find.
  2. zippy

    TR 280

    Good Idea, I'll get a trip to Australia and i will send her to...............well anywhere but where I will be.
  3. New chain and sprockets have arrived!!

  4. zippy

    TR 280

    I would love to but...........How do I explain the plane ticket to my missus?
  5. That was a great Fooken read!!!
  6. Worse case = Crankshaft seal bad on the flywheel side and sucking in air, with choke on more fuel is delivered and less air, sorta evens out the extra air being sucked in the crank seal.
  7. Got my Alpinestars Mid-season last year. Comfortable right out of the box. I wear ankle braces, more as a security blanket now than actual need, and they fit in the boot nicely. Light weight, grippy sole. My foot stays on the pegs nicely. The Alpinestars are slightly taller than the Gaerne's that I had and this changed the placement of my knee brace slightly but is still comfy. I do not feel any vibration, I also ride a sherco.
  8. zippy


    That is entirely possible. After the stupid bone heals it is possible for us to reinjure it, and them it will eventually heal again. And then we do something stupid again and again etc....
  9. zippy


    But it will heal............eventually
  10. Riding is on my mind.......

  11. zippy

    Whither Xispa?

    Watch the tumbleweed roll by......................
  12. I wouldn't mind taking on a Spanish speaking Lass, Should be a good time
  13. Totally MENTAL!!!! But great to watch.
  14. suppose I should finish greasing my suspension

  15. Them guys are REALLY good on those twinshockers!
  16. OH for Christ's Sake..........buy a damn bike you like and ride it, and people have said that U.S. trials is confusing.
  17. When I was a youngen my dad made a kill switch similar to that out of a set of points for when we did parades. The points were held apart by some non-conductive material and that was attached to our wrists by a string. All pretty low tech but very effective. Not sure how well it would work at high RPM's.
  18. zippy

    290 for newbie

    2 ways: 1 don't ride it. 2 spend much time and money to keep it all pretty. Welcome to the wonderful weird world of trials. It is a bit of a mental adjustment when one realizes that this slow speed sport is more difficult than it seems. But it is OH SO MUCH FUN!!
  19. I assume this is a puncture in the rear tire. There should be a couple of tools with the kit, a sharp pointed poker thing and a hook thing. Basically what I did is use the poker to kinda ream out the hole. put a dog turd in the the hook so the whole unit looks like a T. Slather the turd with rubber cement that came with the kit. insert hook and turd combo into tire (the "sides" of the T will fold back so it looks like 2 turd sticking out) so that about half is sticking out. pull out the hook and by magic the turd stays in. trim the turd flush. worked for me, there may be other methods.
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