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Posts posted by zippy
  1. My little 1985 Toyota MR2 is a BLAST in the snow. Admittedly there is like zero ground clearance so more that a few inches and she's trying pretty hard to push through. I put non-studded snow tires on it, and 50 pounds of kitty litter in the front so I can turn easier. With the car being Mid-engine there is plenty of weight on the rear tires for traction. I also find manual transmission easier to gain traction in the snow. (that whole clutch thingy us trials riders do)

  2. I learnt the unicycle when i was about 9 or 10 yr old took me a couple of months to get properly compitant at it and im sure it has helped with my balance.

    Also a good one is rock climbing as it involves a lot of weight shifting and balance (believe it or not) also good for building up strength in muscles that don't usually get a workout.

    ROCK CLIMBING!!???? You trying to kill me. That sounds like a HUGE amount of work. :biggrinsanta:

    But now that you mention it, Rock Climbing would definitely work the core muscles which I think are very important to balance.

  3. Yeah i like that answer. That will help any one balance :rotfl:

    Ok here is what i did to learn how to balance. dead motor balancing the bike on various angles and terrains learning my center of gravity on the bike. First starting with brakes on and then one at a time no brakes in those locations. I have now gotten to where i can balance on the bike with no hands no brakes at all in all sorts of areas. I taught my Fiance how to ride and this is how i taught her how to balance and she can balance better on the bike than she can walk. no joke she even admits to it. From what ive learned finding the center of gravity and maintaining that is the key to balancing anywhere. These are pics of her after about 2 weeks of learning to ride.

    You are a better man than I, I go riding to get away from my wife.

    Sounds like you got the balance thing figured out and my hats off to you for being able to teach it to someone else

  4. It is discussions like these that make me happy I ride in the MOTA series of events in the USA.

    We also do have 5 (sometimes 6) separate routes in each section, to accommodate our 7 classes. So that sometimes gets to be a bit difficult to set up.

    Personal opinion:

    Stop and balance = no penalty (it is a skill)

    Stop and foot down = 5 (you are now a kickstand, takes no skill)

    Leave the rules able to stop and hop but set up the sections like a no stop = all happy. No stoppers can still ride no stop (if they happen to stop and balance then no penalty, see an advantage) and hoppers can bounce around like rabbits to their hearts content. Let's face it the sport has progressed, as we age or our abilities do not keep up we may have to drop down a class and still have fun. (I know it is a hit to the ego)

    Just my opinion,

    Of course I know basically nil about trials in the UK.

  5. If the oil pump and shaft are left in place, but the plastic gear and associated washers/clips on other side of clutch cover are removed. Would that be basically the same as removal and a plate put in place?

  6. No Beta love? Jeff S. has been talking about one.

    Nope I personally don't like Beta

    Not going to radically attack the frame. Why do you think pulling gears would weaken anything?

    UMM I was supposed to be thinking?? :dunce:

    Yep. :thumbup: Outside of beer for the Wgasa team, the only money I'm going to spend is on new tires, bars, chain, some gaskets (perhaps) and maybe some pegs. All the other not so crazy stuff is either stocked or freely available and will be subject for discussion over refreshments at Milford Trials Team Garage and Bar :guinness:

    Team WGASA would definitely enjoy free beer, but I am Certain the Milford Trials Mafia can drink more of it than us. Well gee, you are starting to sound sensible. That is totally different than how this thread started. :lol: Enjoy the tinkering time in the garage. See ya in the spring if not sooner.

  7. Hmmmmmm Something tells me that all of this overtime and hard work this past year may pay off in terms of trips across the US. Glad to see a D6 event this year. PA can be a real challenge. I need to start preping now.


    You Deserve the fun trip and trials time. Take some time off next season and just RIDE!!!!

  8. cater section difficulty to the competitors that routinely finish in the middle of the class. This will give them a decent challenge and keep it fun. Those at the bottom of the class will have something to practice for but not so difficult as to scare them away. Those at the top of the class would soon find it too easy and would consider moving up a class.

    Personal opinion is that "gate trial format" would be good for a fun day out. But Observed Motorcycle Trials is about riders competing on the same course with the same obstacles that must be ridden in the same order, and the better skilled rider will win.

  9. That would be the ideal but you'd lose the bottom end as a pump. Well, you'd get lots of oil being pumped into the cylinder through the transfer ports. As far as I know marine 2 stroke deisels do it by blowing the charge into the cylinder so crankcase compression isn't needed.

    No transfer ports. All oil stays in bottom end and transmission like a 4 stroke. Basically just mix fuel and air in the compression chamber. All that would be there is the intake port direct to cylinder from carb and exhaust port.

    Hold on, I may have found a flaw in that theory. As the piston goes up the cylinder does the piston completely block off the exhaust port. If not then there would be a "hole" directly to the bottom end where the oil is and it would all go into the exhaust pipe. But if piston seals the exhaust port this should work.

    Somebody let me know if this makes sense or if I have had too many :beer: I can tear down an engine, replace what is broke and put it back together..........but some of the actual theory and design is a bit lost on me sometimes.

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