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Posts posted by zippy
  1. As someone who runs a website I understand the frustration on both sides but....

    I once tried to pass my site on to someone else and found it plastered with I hate AOL graphics and wonderful features such as "My collection of hats". Apparently he only owned two hats and he even spelled one of them wrong. Needless to say I regained control of the site ASAP.

    When your site is representing an organization it's important to, at least try, to appear as professional as possible.


    Hey now no advertising in the forums!?

    yep I are a smart :moon:

  2. What about conrod & bearing? If was doing job i would split crank! And are gearbox bearings ok?

    I have not split the motor yet, but so far all indications are that those are all okee dokee,

    I will know more after I actually split it.

    Just trying to get a little more info before tearing into it.

    Thanks all.

  3. I am going to be changing crank bearings and seals on a TY80. Before I tear into it I would like to have my parts together, the only thing I am unable to figure out is if there is a center gasket or not. Did they just use RTV silicone or Yamabond and not an actual gasket?

    So far this is my list of parts I will need: (if I missed anything please let me know)



    head gasket

    base gasket


    crankcase cover gasket

    Reed cage gasket


    on edit: I did do a search here, but was unable to find the info.

  4. Now THAT made me laugh, and I tend to agree with it pertaining to non-AHRMA events.


    Glad I could provide a chuckle.

    Why not pertaining to AHRMA events?? :blink:

  5. First I will preface my statement with this one:

    I am not totally familiar with the exact situation.

    Trials is about the ability to control a motorcycle, not how long you have existed on this planet.

    So any tie breaker should be based on ability to control the motorcycle. I.E. section ride off, Wheelie contest, bunny hops, balance contest, being able to urinate into a gas can 5 feet away while doing a nose wheelie. etc. etc.

  6. Just what does the mod kit fix?

    If I remember correctly :lol: It was a "Cold Start Kit" For the 1986 and 1987 TLR200 Reflex that was imported to the USA that was a "Dual Sport" model of the TLR 200. It was supposed to make it less cranky to start.

  7. ;) Holy sheeet..that bit where he kneels at the top then takes both hands off to work the karabiner :rotfl: ...I'm not good with heights;5/6 rungs up that ladder and I'm locked on :lol:

    This is very topical for me as I've got a mate (young and daft) who's currently into free-climbing buildings ,I think it'll all end in tears.

    I dunno whether to show him this vid ...or not.. (to act as a deterrent).

    It may give him an idea for a career change. :D

  8. Hopefully this is the same vid? Mad, mad, totally mad.......

    Long way to change a light bulb eh?

    GJ :lol:

    I want to see how they climb down, As mad as this next statement may sound think about it, Climbing up is the easy part. On the way down it is harder at those "Transition points" from ladder to ladder and platform to ladder.

    Truth be told I was nervous sitting in my little chair watching it, ain't no way in hell my fat ass is climbing that.

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