What do you say to explain the white color?
water bed is filled with curdled milk?
Wait a minute, wouldn't autocross cost me $$$$......................I know I would enjoy myself, but I am positive MRS. Zippy would be not amused.
Also truck is going to be used for many truck like things, firewood hauling, log positioning, ditch driving through, helping friends and relatives move (we never want to but you know it is going to happen if you own a truck), also can tow my MR2 the next time it decides to stop running
OK here is the final decision,
I now have the MR2 running totally SWEET!!!
I am going to leave it alone, no mounting racks on top or trailer hitches on the back.
It also helps that I just bought a decent used truck to replace the leased one that will be going back soon.
And the 2010 Sherco frame resembles the Gasser,
Agreed great improvement over previous models in the "look" department. It looks like a capable machine, 295cc should satisfy the power hungry of us. Also agree that if reasonably priced and holds up well, rides well. Should sell a few.
If XPA would like to send me a couple free bikes for Team WGASA to test out, we would GLADLY put them through the paces of some really crappy club level riding.
Super Sherco Sam is BACK!!!!
Excellent job by the Amish Welder.
I would go with the street legal plate then.
If memory serves me correctly I was getting 80 MPG with my Reflex. Think I got 120 miles out of a tank. But this may be wishful thinking
Rather fun game, but Flash player gave me an error and stopped working. will try again later.
Do you really want us to answer that question?????????
Could be some of
or even
Maybe some
Ride on man, Ride on. Enjoy it to it's fullest.
It's good to hear that there is still trials (observed) after getting the Chop, Cut, Rebuild knee. I assume it is like anything that is modified on the human body, results are dependent on The skill of the Doc in performing the operation, the skill of the parts makers so they fit properly, and how well your own body heals and takes the addition of foreign objects in the body. Of course as any of us that have been injured knows the physiotherapy is VERY important in order to get back to normal.
(We ride trials so we are not exactly normal)
I had my TLR200 Street legal for a while as a back up for my Ninja. Then my Sherco died and I had to ride trials with something, My wife said I had to take off all the lights so I did not destroy them. I am moving away from riding on the road and have decided I want to set up my TLR200 Reflex for trials competition.
My impressions of the TLR200 on the street.
Is so much easier to balance at stop signs and traffic signals than my Ninja. (ya know trials riders like to keep their feet on the pegs)
I got really strange looks when it was 32degrees F out and everyone is scraping their windshields while I scrape off my seat.
Never used 1st gear on the street just too low, took off in 2nd all the time,
Top speed was 50MPH. (with a tail wind and going down hill )
Seat not very comfortable for more than about 15 miles.
Really tough to resist the urge to ride over rocks and in ditches that I saw on the side of the road on my way to and from work.
I think I have a 10 tooth front sprocket so that may have reduced the top speed, I think stock is 11 tooth.
The ride itself is actually rather smooth.
Don't know about the different plates you mentioned, what advantage would their be going with the ATV plate?
I think alot depends on which knee replacement surgery you get.
There is the basic "rebuild" which is where a metal cap is put on the end of one bone and a teflon like pad is put on the end of the other.
The other type is what my dad had done which is much more severe, The old flesh and bone knee is cut away, think sawzall through the bone a few inches above and below the knee. A new Knee (hinge basically) is then put in place of the original. There is a barbed metal spike that is POUNDED into the center of the bones into the marrow that holds it in place. I believe the possibility of riding again after that is greatly reduced.
I have Osteo-arthritis in one of my knees and the Doc says I will have a knee replacement in the future, I am doing all I can to keep it from happening before age 65 or 70 or 80 LOL, but I don't want to wait too long and end up with the second type of replacement. The rebuild type I believe they can easily replace the "Teflon" pad. But hey I could be wrong on a few of these things.
The lead is only a problem if the bike is manufactured directly to children...........they don't care if us adults chew on the frame and get lead poisoning. Stupid overboard use of the law. Really how many kids are gonna chew on the frame or remove the protective covers on the ones with batteries and take a lick.
So true So true.............lapse of thinking on my part.
And there are many of us that miss seeing Super Sherco Sam!!!
As far as budget goes just convince the little woman that this is a matter of utmost importance and that your life would be greatly enriched by the purchase of a new rear wheel. Yep I should have been either in advertising or a lawyer.
See ya at Vermontville!??
Dare I say a new Champion this year??????
How many rounds left?
Sounds like Webb is riding in Tip Top Form
Buy a new Rim setup like what is on the montesa. No more rim tape to deal with and it should come all true and ready to go.
Secondly, quit beating your bike to death, we want to see you at some MOTA competitions.
We miss you
Too bad he messed up on the gap. Musta been nervous. Hopefully he can do something HUGE in the next round, and maybe get Pierce to do the face.
The following is a link to another forum.
Scroll down a bit..........skip ahead to 40 sec.
On edit: love the looks on Howie's face.
It's a Sherco Not a GasGas, so the swingarm ain't gonna snap in half.
There is already a hole there and in my opinion going 1 size larger in screw would not cause a problem, any more than that might cause issue.
Or drill and tap to the next size screw. There is plenty of swingarm there, so a little bigger hole won't make much difference.
Ribbed for my pleasure!!!
And the Missus says I am too strict with our kids.
Marketing scheme??? No real advantage, just playing on the perception that lighter is always better for trials??
Of course being married with children, I don't get the opportunity to use them like I used to.
Rubber of choice?!!!