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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Injuries always hurt in more than one way.
  2. Is that where the rider was at the top of a stack of spools and the front tire tucked in and he essentially went over the bars but ended up falling to the cement landing with hands first?
  3. zippy

    Budget Trials Build

    AAhh Machining on a budget. I also do similar things "Any engine will fit any frame, but it may need to be convinced a little" Hoping the liquid metal works for ya, but you may want to invest in a puller, may need it for future maintenance.
  4. zippy

    Budget Trials Build

    what is the engine you are using? And do you know why it has those gouges/holes in it?
  5. zippy

    18 GG?

    My wife calls it the "Front Room", even if it is not in the front of the house.............. and my GasGas is in the garage. (but the garage is heated)
  6. I may be wrong, but I think if the center bolt is installed and properly tightened the clutch basket should not be moving in and out. The bolt should be an allen head with a hole through the center of the bolt to allow oil to pass through. Some run without the bolt.
  7. Well the hair in your avatar is a bit Troll looking.
  8. Woo Hoo first "TADAAR" is @biffsgasgas Dude you're famous now.
  9. Looks like rust to me, I believe the Exhaust gasket at the cylinder is a soft metal "crush" type gasket. Most likely the problem you will have getting the exhaust bolts out will be stripping/almost stripping the heads not breaking them.
  10. I would imagine there is more strength with the middle fingers for pulling in the levers, and a more "balanced" grip for the fingers.............. but feels weird as all hell when I try it.
  11. I am about 5'8" tall and we will just go with a little north of the 250 lb mark...... I can do an ok splatter, a decent zap, can finish a trial without dying, hop the front and hop the rear around. I do have bar risers, mainly because it was cheaper than buying a new set of bars with a high bend. (low back was sore leaning forward) My biggest difficulty, sadly to say, is getting my boots buckled, damn belly gets in the way. But I can find traction pretty easily with all this gravitational pull. I ride a 300 because I like how they perform/react etc., a 250 will do the same stuff, just may use slightly different throttle inputs etc.
  12. Of course, and stare longingly at it as well
  13. Whoa, what the hell, all of this weight shaming is getting out of hand.
  14. What is your secret to getting the wife to clean the helmet?
  15. On those two day events where an evening campfire is the norm, make sure you store the helmet well away from the fire. I wonder if there is something particular to vodka that does this or if it is just the alcohol killing smelly things?
  16. Well, you could go at any time if you wanted to, it is open 24/7. But why would you want to go? seems like hard work is involved.
  17. zippy

    txt burns an oil

    Well, I am not sure about 100% , but I would say that if those parts are changed you should be reasonably confident that the usual ways for gearbox oil to get to the combustion chamber are fixed. Be sure to take note of the location of the outside hole of the main bearing when you pop it out to change 41, it needs to match up with a hole in the cases to allow the gearbox oil to lube the bearing. Good luck sir, and may your oil troubles be fixed.
  18. zippy

    txt burns an oil

    the O-ring part number 20 in your pic may be a source of issue, but that O-ring may be integrated into the new style bearings that eliminates the need for the collars that I have on my bike. the O-rings and collar I was referring to are Part numbers 1 and 2 in this Pic: It appears to me that according to your parts listing for 2008 you have the "new" style main bearing. (pic below) this has the O-rings number 20 sand 41 built in. I am not sure if these O-rings can be purchased separately. Pic of "new upgraded main bearing" Note the internal and external O-rings.
  19. zippy

    txt burns an oil

    Test it this way, from cold 1. Start your bike, let it idle for a bit and note how much it smokes, in Neutral rev it up as though you are about to hit a 4 ft splatter. Does it smoke the same as idle or more. If more you most likely have a seal of some type leaking. If smoke is the same go to step 2. 2. Go for a blast in 5/6 gear getting exhaust good and hot. Does it smoke more now, if yes probably just oil build up in exhaust burning off. You mention losing gearbox oil so I am betting step 1. will smoke more. common Locations of oil getting into cylinder: crank seal / associated O-rings on clutch side, center gasket, Depending on what year GasGas Pro you have you may have the new upgrade crank bearings or you may not. If you have the old style like I do there is a collar on the crankshaft, this collar has an O-ring between the collar and the crankshaft. I had that O-ring go bad once and the bike was consuming oil. It is a right Bas*ard to change and I changed the O-rings and collar. Old collar comes off hard.
  20. I am ok with hopping causing a rider to move back a couple of inches, but I also believe that attempting an obstacle, keeping both feet on the pegs and failing the obstacle, but backing up and attempting again is a 5. due to the fact the rider already failed the obstacle the first attempt. Using more markers and tape is half the fun of setting up a section: "How can I force them to ride this the way I want them to?"
  21. Personal opinion, can't remember where I first saw this but I believe ITSA (USA) runs with these rules. This makes sense to me for how the sport and riders have progressed. Stop, balance, feet up, no other support = 0 stay moving, feet up, balance, no other support = 0 Stop, foot down, or other support (ex. leaning on tree) = 5. This allows for stop and hop, or no-stop equally, but penalizes the rider for the "all day dab". But you better be able to stop and hop without putting your foot down. If MOTA went to these rules I would have to drop a class in order to not get maximum points. I would be ok with that. Section severity would not need to change, in order to make it harder. Just need to have better control of your bike.
  22. I only mentioned "keyboard warrior" because I wasn't sure if I was explaining what people already knew and I may have mis-interpreted their posts.. But from the sounds of it we are all on the same page of what the issues are with Nubsey's bike. and what the repairs should be. Oh this is getting needlessly messy... I am going back to my coffee. I would rather not discuss Trump, "Fake News", or the Sabre rattling that is occurring on social media, too much drama and anger there. Nubsey, Keep us informed on the performance of the bike, and hope you have many hours of fun with the grandson.
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