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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Shoulda seen the look on the faces of the kids I went to school with when I said "Dad is a member of the AMA" They all thought American Medical Association
  2. Possible that after the rebuild the Gearbox oil and Coolent were just a tad bit over filled and are now evening themselves out. With it only being a couple ml. that may be a real possibility. If continues to do it and the bike runs odd or performs poorly, definitely would need to be looked at. Just my 2 cents.
  3. I think the penguins with the red fuzzy hats to be the best part mmmmmmmm.....Penguins
  4. That is why there is a "Reserve" position on the fuel petcock. Get over it, it is not that big of a deal.
  5. Oh yea sure the word expensive is always used in conjunction with my name. Actually I called up RYP and installed what they sent me. So far so good (but I have not went swimming with it lately either)
  6. Never knew ol' Kenny was ill???? It's good to hear he is feeling better.
  7. She turned me into a Newt!! A Newt?? Well......I got better.
  8. but is there anywhere that one can purchase 100% unleaded gasoline????????? I don't think there is.
  9. zippy

    2010 Xispa

    Rosey, You may want to specify what type of model.........
  10. zippy

    2010 Nationals

    Oh ya gotta watch out for those Canadians eh. They are up to something.........Nobody can be that friendly of a neighbor and that quiet with out planning something...................... Lotsa friendly people I have met in Canada.
  11. I like the colors........not as seizure inducing as some past years..............although the yellow could be changed to black. Not real sure about the exhaust going out the side. Don't particularly like the gas filler cap, seems like it sticks out a bit and my scratch a leg, Fuel tank will get a few dents in it, Radiator does appear to not be very well protected from the sides. I like the shorter gear shift, makes removing the flywheel cover easier Frame itself looks good to me, I think (may be wrong) that the header pipe is a little longer with a larger radius to the curve around, this will be helpful for riders like me that keep hitting the F****ing thing and bending the two sides together and making it damn near impossible to remove the lower bolt. I guess the real test is put some in the hands of average Joe Rider and see what they think, Also would be nice if Caby would take one out and drop it off a 8 foot ledge and see how well it holds up. Provided of course Caby don't get hurt.
  12. zippy

    2010 Xispa

    Hey now, is that an argument FOR non-stop/dynamic observed trials??? That topic is just permeating all facets of discussion on this site. (Wow I used big, intelligent sounding words, I am so proud of myself)
  13. I am trying to find a cheap industrial vacuum pump. That Shop-vac just ain't cuttin it anymore!!!
  14. That is probably the main reason I have an air compressor!!!!
  15. zippy

    2010 Nationals

    How's about the format goes to 3 or 4 regional series, say 6 rounds. and the top 3 of each class are invited to ride a 2 day winner take all national. so 4 regionals = 12 riders per class. Sounds good to me in theory......but reality is always different. not sure of the viability of it.
  16. zippy

    2010 Xispa

    See, that's the problem for the US, we don't have an importer or dealer for the Xispa. Yes I know the Canadian importer/dealer is relatively close in physical distance to me, but then there is all the hassle and taxes for me when bringing the bike into the states. (not that I can afford a new bike anyways) Difficult for anybody in the US to make an opinion, good or bad, about the bike if there are no bikes available.
  17. Truck? what truck I did not see any trucks, but thought the vid was quite NICE!!
  18. zippy

    Radiator Fan

    Much discussion about fans here What I ended up finishing is on the last page. Good luck
  19. zippy

    2010 Xispa

    Cope, Do ya know of anybody in the States that has one? Either private owner or importer in stock?
  20. I should have been clear that all my bicycles have the front brake on the right and rear brake on the left. but on occasion I have ridden my sons' bikes (they don't ride motorcycles, not their thing), and rental bikes and those are standard with front brake on the left.
  21. Sure does sound like fun!!!! But as usual I never know if I can make it. Only if you have the legs for it....... Maybe we can get Laia Sanz to ride..........
  22. don't know how it came about, but it just makes sense to me that all the braking levers are on ones side, and all the shifting levers (gear selector and clutch) are on one side. I do get confused when I ride a standard bicycle, front brake on the left.
  23. 462!!!!! Disclaimer: I did cheat a bit, I have a mouse with the little ball inside. Remove ball and use finger to spin the appropriate shaft and viola!!! super speed without mashing hand into keyboard. edit: upon reading this statement a day later it really sounds a bit lewd.
  24. Next time tell her it is a 'baby' elephant in a petting zoo!!
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