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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Andy Posted Today, 02:29 PM

    I've just posted and interview with Vito Ippolito, FIM President to the front page of TC. With regard to Trials he says:

    "In the case of Trial, the work of our Marketing & Communications Department has contributed to improve media coverage but the industry is suffering from a lowering market, which has an impact on these championships. We have consulted all the parties involved and we are currently working on important modifications of the technical and sporting rules. Moreover, we must continue our work with the National Federation and the governments concerned in order to create spaces reserved for Trial riding. "


    Did he have a lawyer write that response for him????

    Can we Dumb that down a bit..........................

    Not much media coverage, doing our best to get some.

    Rule changes coming.

    Having issues concerning land use.

    Andy, am I close?

  2. Quick update.



    Left Original Right Fan from Helixparts


    Fan blades direct swap

    The new one had threaded mounting holes. so I drilled them out to 6.5mm like my original fan. Also slotted the holes like the original. (made inserting the rubber grommets easier)


    Bolted directly on with the original hardware.

    The electrical connection is exact same as the original, just plug and go.

  3. Hmmm..........seems I may have been speaking from my relatively uninformed :rotfl: about trials across the pond.


    working on removing foot from mouth.


    I thought the World round riders did get cash for the 1st 2nd 3rd place finishes.

    If they do not then there is a problem, this would make trials the only motor sport (I think again could be wrong) at that level that does not pay the winners.


    I understand that you mean that no stop is not keeping people from entering. I am suggesting that the same sections are used but stop and hop allowed. Don't make the sections harder keep them as is.

    There is talk of it being skillful to choose a line and hold to it and be smooth through the section, That is very skillful I agree.

    But there are statements that the stop and hop crowd can "correct for mistakes made" Actually in my limited experience those that can hop about like Jack Rabbits actually plan where they will stop, where they will hop and how far over etc. etc. so they are not correcting but sticking with the line that they planned.

    Both styles of riding the better riders are able to correct if they make a mistake.

    In my opinion these are just two different styles of riding trials.

    unfortunately we can all find things that make observing difficult no matter what the rules are.

    Also, I think I may be mixing club level events in with WTC opinions.

    I can sometimes be an :D

    Maybe that is the problem with trials "Too complicated"

    Motocross first across finish line wins.

    Enduro Fastest time wins.

    Formula 1 First across finish line wins.

    Drag racing Fastest time wins.

    Nascar most beer drank and pushed opponents out of way wins.

    Trials lowest score----------scoring has multiple factors

    Golf lowest score------------relatively easy scoring strokes = points. (I know there are other penalties available also than just the stroke to hit the ball.)

    I should just shut up now.

  4. Easy fix

    Stop balance = no foul perfectly acceptable.

    Stop and foot = 5

    Stop and lean on tree = 5

    Stop on log on Skid Pan = 5 at world level, OK at club level (it's for fun do we really care?)

    backwards motion = 5

    (eliminates the multiple attempt at same obstacle.)


    Use PAID observers for WTC, Correct me if I am wrong but all other sports that have been referenced through these various Stop/ No Stop threads have PAID officials. If the Observers are paid then they are doing a job and can be fired and banned from observing, maybe that will help them stay consistent with their calls, (although they are human).

    "It also says something that virtually all of the high profile non-stop trials are over-subscribed or nearly so. "

    2 reasons,

    Nostalgia and prestige for the events and bragging rights that "I finished"

    and easier sections. I can be classed as Top Class in NO-Stop but in Stop allowed I am classed as 2 classes down. (big hit to ego)

    WTC is so much different than club events.

    Club level needs to find a set of rules that allows both styles of riding and the participants need to accept whatever class their skill level is.

    IE I wanna hop about like a Jackrabbit on Crack never put my foot down and clear all my gates I get a clean.

    My buddy rides the same class same section but can smoothly ride through without ever stopping never puts foot down and clears all gates he gets clean.

    Same result two different "styles" of riding.

    Biggest reason not many riders in WTC.....MONEY!! Their ain't enough of it from sponsorships (either for riders or the series itself) to assist young up and comers to join in the fray. Changing the WTC rules will not change that. And let's face it Trials on TV only attracts those of us that already ride.

  5. Obviously Zipper is praying for early snow! Kick his ass, Biff!

    NO NO NO

    ZIPPY HATES SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am merely comparing my God-like physique to that Jolly Ole Elf of the North.

    (We look quite a bit alike, except he has more hair)

    To kick my ass I believe Biff would use his trusty method of merely stating "Don't be a pansy, you can ride up that 16 foot vertical cliff, just give it more gas" And the :huh: that I am would think "Well, Biff says I can so therefore I can" And when I crashed he would just say very simply "Not enough gas, try again" :)

  6. B40RT Posted Today, 01:35 PM

    QUOTE (copemech @ Sep 15 2009, 05:23 AM) *

    I suppose in a way it seems(to those on the other side) odd that we here still have the right to bear arms. Suffice it to say that is a responsibilility upon itself!

    Although I would highly recommend that anyone considering doing damage to my home or family consider otherwise! We do not wait for the police to do the body count! rolleyes.gif

    What if it's your family thats doing damage to your home ?

    than that would be either an annual family reunion with much :huh: and "Hey ya'll watch this!" being the phrase of choice for the day.

    or the usual antics of teenage children. (Of which they pay for repairs)

  7. Firstgear, I am overwhelmed at the amount of concern you show for my well being. :)

    I know you made at least one Advanced section that you said "Zippy can clean this one and will make all the other 5's worth it." :(

    Sounds like the sections were reminiscent of when I was a youngun in the early 80's, sections that the really smooth riders would excel at.

    I am still alive and kicking. I have a new fan on order should be here in a few days. Basically my competition season is over for this year. (I am using the economy as my standard reason)

    Really sucks that I am done competing this year, but next year I expect will be much better.

    When I get the fan put in I will at least be able to practice and have fun, and stay in some semblance of shape. Still that shape is mostly round :huh:

  8. GasGasben Posted Today, 07:28 AM

    sales were down 87% this year

    let's see bad global economy, an over priced piece of Trials Iron, Might have helped if they were selling them in the US. (probably not much in reference to first point of economy)

    Would it be horrible if Honda did absorb montesa? The Montessas are Hondas with a different name anyways. About the only reason to retain the montesa name is nostalgia from "The Hayday of Trials"

  9. Those have got to be THE STUPIDEST spectators in the world...........................Hey let's get a group of about 40 of us and stand on the track at the bottom of this hill, and when the race car comes we will all try to get out of the way!!!!


  10. ZIPPY Posted Today, 06:22 AM

    I just gonna be happy to ride the silly thing again. (Until I break it again)

    Well I was happy for 20 minutes. :D

    Apparently the computer fans are not quite robust enough. Biff had it on his bike for a while and then I transferred it to my bike. Took it out for a test ride today and about 20 minutes later it was fried.

    Guess I will have to just have to break down and buy the proper fan. but it was a fun experiment.

  11. uhoh7 Posted Yesterday, 11:23 PM

    What I want to know: what happens when you toss a cup of water on it?

    Not sure yet.

    The owner of local bike shop says that some of the off road KTM's do not come with a fan for the radiator, and the woods riders (slower more technical type riding) outfit their bikes with computer fans.

    I just gonna be happy to ride the silly thing again. (Until I break it again) :D

  12. gate system as I understand it. So may be a bit off.

    There is 1 section.

    At different spots in the section you are given different options. (let's just say 3)

    Easy, Hard and OH ****!!

    Each option is given a point value.

    Easy = 1

    Hard = 3

    OH **** = 5

    for each gate (option) you complete you are awarded the corresponding points.

    For instance there are 4 spots in the section where you have the 3 gates (options).

    You choose Easy, Easy, Hard, and get real crazy and do OH ****!!

    You have earned 10 points for section 1.


    one dab and you lose it all.

    Same scenario but you dab on the OH **** gate (option)

    you now have a 0

    but if you would have done the Hard maybe you would have cleaned it and earned a total of 8 points for section 1.

    So some strategy comes into play.

    And he who has the MOST points wins.

    Hope that is correct and clears it up.

  13. I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to my good friend Biffsgasgas. :D

    He put in the time and effort of Research and Testing of the Computer Trials cooling fan.

    And then he was kind enough to hand one over to me. He took it right off his bike after a very fun day of testing it. And it looks really cool when running with the red led lights on it. (maybe I will get a vid of it in action.)


    Attached it using welding wire wrapped and twisted around the fan housing and radiator


    Now to finish up the other cleaning and lubing things and go play.

  14. GIZZA5 Posted Today, 12:30 PM

    QUOTE (AtomAnt @ Aug 31 2009, 05:17 PM) *

    is use the Gate system. I really don't know why this hasn't been seriously considered ?

    That could be next but does anyone use this system now to give us any feedback? I think ishy has talked about this before.

    But we would all have to get used to "The guy with the most points wins" and that would totally destroy my explanation to people that trials is like golf............ :lol:

    Yep I being a smart :D

    I kinda like the gate idea, opportunity for big reward if rider does it right, but if make 1 mistake all points for that section are lost.

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