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Posts posted by zippy
  1. PA. Posted Today, 08:07 AM

    QUOTE (Slapshot 3 @ Aug 25 2009, 08:32 PM) *

    Short climb obviously.... rotfl.gif

    Bet she hasn't gone back down there for awhile.

    I like to say that I am so good with the equipment that I have that she only needs to come back once a year.


    OH JEEZ! Even I can't type that with a straight face!!!!!

    steveo Posted Today, 08:30 AM

    QUOTE (ZIPPY @ Aug 25 2009, 08:33 PM) *

    When we was younger the missus would climb my pole quite regularly......... biggrin.gif

    Yeah, same here. Since I tie her up it hasnt been such a problem! biggrin.gif

    HAHAHA Wouldn't it be easier if you tied DOWN not up?

  2. HAM2 Posted Today, 08:33 AM

    I hear there is an unofficial boycott of British goods in the U.S. now??

    If there is it won't last long........

    There are many that were becoming adamant that US citizens must buy goods made in the US............The only problem is We don't make very much in the US anymore, all our big companies moved manufacturing to other countries.

  3. Nigel Dabster Posted Yesterday, 11:53 PM

    QUOTE (trialsnutterman @ Aug 21 2009, 11:17 PM) *

    At the moment i.e. under the current rules no I wouldn't, if they changed the rules yes I would consider it but I'd prefer to ride as a competitive rider even if that meant riding the harder route, as I said before though I might be dreaming a bit (lot) and it may just be that rules won't make the difference in severity like I hope it might. Fingers crossed

    So its the severity thats wrong then?

    OOOHH great idea!!! let's make the WTC so easy that everybody in the sport of trials can ride it. That way it will TRULY be a world competition.


    Let's face it- it is supposed to be hard, so that only the best of the best are competing. If they had no competitors than I am certain the severity would be lowered. With no stop I think the size of the obstacles will stay the same and the section set up may give them 2 feet more run at it, at most.

    I will now go crawl into my hole.

  4. copemech Posted Aug 18 2009, 11:16 PM

    Thought I seen Zippie upstairs for a second! rolleyes.gif

    PERCE Posted Today, 07:06 PM

    QUOTE (HAM2 @ Aug 20 2009, 06:19 PM) *

    I really liked those condos 'till I saw there was a communal pool

    i bet it'd tek a good shot to p*** into it from the top condo.

    Not that difficult really, just gotta lean back a bit to get a good arc to your stream. And it goes right in.

  5. This may be a mistake but.......I will toss in my opinion here as well as the "Spin Off" topic.

    If you stop and balance no foul= takes skill

    If you stop and support bike with foot = 5 you are now a kickstand no skill

    If you want to ride no stop and motor on through the section with out putting a foot down so be it, but if I want to stop balance hop around like a jack rabbit on crack and not put my foot down in the same route as you then we should both be given a clean. Just using different techniques.

    Just my opinion.

    Or is it some of the "older" guys don't want to move down a class and be in a "intermediate" class and not "Expert" class like they used to be. Because the progression of bikes and techniques lends for the hopping and huge obstacles that some of us (Yep me too) "older" guys don't do well?

    That statement should stir some emotion. mad.gif

    I did ride in the late 70's early 80's TY80 and TY175 basically no stop/ don't touch clutch. But I like the hoppy hoppy bouncy bouncy stuff of current trials. But I may be in the minority.

    And being from the States I may have a totally different view than those from UK, Also unfamiliar with Trials scene in UK.

    Quick idea what rules I personally think trials should have as pertaining to control of the motorcycle.

    Foot down while moving = 1

    Foot down a second time = 2

    Foot down a third or more times = 3

    The following are failures = 5

    Foot down while stopped

    Traveling in reverse/backwards (makes it so there is only 1 attempt at obstacle)

    Riding out of bounds

    Missing a marker

    Dislodging a marker

    End of handlebar touches ground

    Crossing one's own path. (Only takes one tire to cross)

    The previous is not all inclusive but the major points.

    In MOTA we have 5 or 6 different lines in each section. Easiest line wide open, Hardest line tight hoppy hoppy stuff.

    All those "Traditional" no stop riders find the class that suits their ability best. The biggest hit is to the ego, whereas 20 yrs ago that same section was labeled "Expert" and now it is labeled "Intermediate" Because the bikes, technology and abilities of younger riders lends to the tight hoppy big steps. But I agree that there needs to be a variety I.E. great traction, super tight corners, and big steps. then next section a little more open with mud and slippy smaller steps. Then you are testing control of the bike under majority of conditions and the best "All Around" rider will win.

    Just the opinion of a 36 yr old fat ass that tries to hop and hit biggish steps. But also likes the slippy stuff that takes throttle control.

  6. If you stop and balance no foul= takes skill

    If you stop and support bike with foot = 5 you are now a kickstand no skill

    If you want to ride no stop and motor on through the section with out putting a foot down so be it, but if I want to stop balance hop around like a jack rabbit on crack and not put my foot down in the same route as you then we should both be given a clean. Just using different techniques.

    Just my opinion.

    Or is it some of the "older" guys don't want to move down a class and be in a "intermediate" class and not "Expert" class like they used to be. Because the progression of bikes and techniques lends for the hopping and huge obstacles that some of us (Yep me too) "older" guys don't do well?

    That statement should stir some emotion. :lol:

    I did ride in the late 70's early 80's TY80 and TY175 basically no stop/ don't touch clutch. But I like the hoppy hoppy bouncy bouncy stuff of current trials. But I may be in the minority.

    And being from the States I may have a totally different view than those from UK, Also unfamiliar with Trials scene in UK.

  7. Alan Bechard Posted Today, 09:43 AM

    The kids Whine a lot if you don't feed them for two or three days smile.gif

    but it's only noticeable if you listen!!!!!!

    I have to limit my activitie because I have grown attached to living in a house and eating food.

    Yep know what ya mean, My fan went kaput on my sherco and a few other bits need replacing, sssooooooo my season is done until overtime picks up.

    Darn that economic downturn. :lol:

  8. Fivemeister Posted Today, 06:24 PM

    My Gaerne boots were carpet slipper comfy from day one, but I think this can be a disadvantage as despite looking after them they only lasted me a year before breaking down. Having said that, considering the conditions these boots are continually exposed to, that really isn't too bad.

    My latest pair are Novogar - which took more breaking in and appeared stiffer from new, but now they are just as comfy and seem to be more resilient and harder wearing than the Gaernes.

    Odd, A buddy and me have had the opposite experience.

    I have a pair of Gaerne boots that were old when they were given to me. (I get by with a little help from my friends) They seem to be holding up well there are a couple of places on the boot upper area that the stitching have come away. But the stitching for the soles is still going strong. The soles themselves are a bit chewed but still working well. These boots have a spot on the back that say "Dougie Lampkin no stopping anytime", any ideas what year?

    My friends Novogars after a couple months wore a hole in the sole, and now the sole has let loose at the toe end of the boot. some glue and screws later it's back on. But I think he has returned to using his old Hebo boots.

    I have heard that Alpinestars are the most comfy but look beat to **** after 1 season.

  9. copemech Posted Yesterday, 10:51 PM

    Is this rider named Zippy?

    Awesome work dude! rolleyes.gif

    As far as I know the rider's name is not Zippy, but I can understand how you may get confused. Primarily because of my excellent riding abilities, lack of fear, and overall trials awesomeness!!! (now which of these smilies conveys talking total B.S.) :huh:

  10. Quick background: Bike overheated on Sat. I noticed fan not spinning, tap it with finger and it spins. OK refill with fluid, keep tapping fan when I restart bike and finish the day. Sun. morning top off radiator and off I go making sure I tap fan to keep it spinning. 10 sections later and radiator is boiling over with fan running. Radiator fins are also clear, washed it sat. evening and saw water pass through radiator. I ended up quitting the event so as to not kill my bike. :o

    Monday evening. I figured fan running and fins clear means one of two things. I had air bubble and water pump was spinning in the air and not moving coolant. Or water pump is knackered. Remove pump cover, impeller blades look awesome, kick bike over and pump spins. impeller feels tight on shaft, only movement is slight play between gear teeth. OK better check fan anyways. Do some quick search on TC. Fan is 12v.

    Plug in 12V 500ma adapter into wall, hook directly to fan leads. Fan no spin, tap with finger and it spins. Touch blade with finger and fan stops will not restart on its own. Tap with finger and it goes again.........repeat yada yada.

    OK my thinking is not enough amperage. Next step is hook 250 Ninja battery direct to fan leads. Exactly the same thing happens. Fan no go, tap with finger it spins, touch with finger it stops.

    LONG story for this Question: Am I right to assume my fan is ****ED!! ? :):D;)

  11. I would like to congratulate the East Side Club Crew for setting out an amazing, wonderful, challenging and fun event. And then Mother Nature decided she did not like that event and gave us a HUGE amount of rain.

    So in the spirit of trials the East Side Club reconfigured the sections (Sat. morning I believe) so they would be rideable and fun, Taking into account what mother nature gave them to deal with they did very well coming up with a good event. It is just a shame that we could not ride on the hillsides.

    Slipping and sliding was the order of the day, I did at one point wonder if I was supposed to be laying on my back looking at the sky that much. Firstgear this is your cue to post that "this is what 2nd place looks like" pic. I had fun on Sat. was a good time.

    Sunday did not work too good for me, I had to DNF when my bike decided it did not want to have the coolent stay in the radiator. Doggone thing overheated with the fan running and the radiator clear through the fins. Well time to check the water pump.

    Trials riders are tougher than Baseball players........we don't quit for rain. And we get paid A LOT less.

  12. copemech Posted Yesterday, 11:34 PM

    And yes, I am pretty they use alcohol induced fuel all the time, same as here. Should be 10% or less.

    OH sure, I am not allowed to have alcohol and then drive, but my truck and bikes can have alcohol!!! That's just not fair!!


  13. spinner Posted Yesterday, 11:29 PM

    I'll help anyone who asks even direct competition in our class. thumbup.gif

    And that is what makes our sport so special and unique. Also what makes it so hard for the General Competitive Motorsports People to understand.

    I had a minder for the 2 rounds I rode couple of years ago and I am glad he was there. He not only carried water, tools and my broken shift lever, ( was stuck in 2nd gear for 3/4 of the loop ;) ) But he also helped me to relax, I was so nervous cuz I was riding a NATIONAL. And I am in my 30's and rode Sportsman class.

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