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Everything posted by zippy
  1. It is unfortunate that he is injured. Some of the things them PRO class riders go up and down, all I gotta say is they got a mighty amount of Testicular Fortitude. I wish Will a speedy recovery, (well as speedy as this injury will allow). All I hope is that he allows himself to heal COMPLETELY before resuming riding at that level. Don't rush yourself Will. I think it is pretty common for trials riders to get about 90% healed up and then we start to think "I feel pretty good....and geez it has been soooo long since I rode my bike".........But we as a group just ain't quite right in the head anyways.
  2. Sometimes the easiest fixes drives one the craziest...............My riding lawnmower was having all kinds of weird problems, stalling, would stall if brake was released, stall if tried to use the blades........after 3 days of fiddling and swearing, it turned out all it needed was a new battery!! Good to hear it is fixed ENJOY!!!!!
  3. like Copemech suggested pull the vent hose off and see if that makes a difference. I am not sure if yours has the vent valve in the gas tank cap like mine does. But if that is not working properly may cause frustration. If pulling hose off does not work try loosening the tank cap to allow pressure equalization. OR BFH (won't help the bike but you will feel better)
  4. I assume much is dependent on $$$$$$$$. So if somebody can convince a major sponsor that it would be worth their time and $$$$$ to get their product name on a trials bike and rider that would definitely help. Red Bull loves the "Extreme Sport" thing maybe a little $$$$ from them could be sent the way of US trials riders.
  5. If it was the Woodruff key you should have seen it sheared off when you had the Flywheel off.
  6. zippy

    Rear Brake Locked

    Good luck Hope you get it sorted, My 2000 2.9 is was bought second hand, sometimes the worst part is getting the bike set up for the way you ride it.
  7. try disconnecting the kill switch. Then just use rear brake to stall out the bike when you want to shut it down. It will at least help decide if the switch is the problem, cheaper than replacing CDI.
  8. zippy

    Rear Brake Locked

    I am assuming that this bike has been purchased used. Is it possible that the previous owner removed the positioning bolt on purpose and then adjusted the push rod that enters the master cylinder so that the brake functions properly? If that is the case when you put the positioning bolt back in you have in effect pushed the engagement rod farther into the master cylinder causing the brake to be applied. After you get the pedal in the position that you prefer for your foot, try adjusting the engagement rod that goes into the master cylinder to see if that will fix the problem. Just a thought.
  9. zippy


    Use zip ties (plastic cable ties) to secure mudguard to bike instead of bolts. when crashing the zip ties break and mud guard stays nice. Unless of course it is big crash, then ya just gotta hope. My $.02
  10. This would be the reason I married my High School sweetheart. I found a pretty lady that would pay attention to me and was also dumb enough......cough cough I mean kind enough to look past my faults and love me for the good things I have to offer. So I stuck a ring on her finger and kept her. (she really is basically an angel to be able to put up with me) As for the bikes......Hmmmmmmmm. I know some swear by the Gassers others Shercos. Buddy has an 04 300 Gasser, he has had some bits and pieces break but I am not sure if that is bike related or rider related. The Sherco may have been given new tires just as a selling point. I would lean toward the Sherco if you can swing the cash. But in your budget range I think the gasser would be a good choice also. I just don't personally like the Beta's, I don't know why just think they are weird, also cannot remove fuel tank to work on engine or radiator.. All trials bikes have their quirks (read different bits that tend to break) but if they are all looked after properly then generally they are all pretty robust. Just my 2 cents,
  11. I think it was Bill...............Listening to George W. speeches I would not be surprised if he inhaled
  12. That was REALLY FUN!!!! The campground was nice to have right next to the trials property. It was nice that showers were available, When I went to dinner Sat. night I am sure the other customers appreciated it also. I actually took 2nd place in Advanced on Saturday, (there was even more than 2 riders that day) On Sat. I had a really cool looking "over the bars moment" So Sat. night I celebrated my 2nd place achievement I strongly suggest not riding a trials event with a hangover. Sunday started out a bit rough for me, but halfway through I started to feel better. Sunday I lived up to my usual points accumulation and took 4th place. OK there were only 4 riders in Advanced on Sunday. Good Event Mid-Michigan
  13. Yea like that's gonna happen.............we all know my feet are allergic to footpegs.
  14. I know amazing isn't it. I am still in shock
  15. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! ZIPPY WILL BE THERE SATURDAY MORNING AND STAYING FOR SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am a little excited....can ya tell?)
  16. zippy

    2010 Sherco

    Well, I think it will be just "10". Just like every Sherco ever made was a 10!!!
  17. Two-Strokes have been used in musical composition before. 2 smoke rockin Love the solo at 1:39 OK in a typical WTC section riders are allowed 1 minder now, is that correct? so if you add a Pianist that is one more available minder!!!! Great now the debate is not going to be "No Stop vs. Stop and Hop" it will be "Baby Grand vs. Keyboard/Synthesizer" It's all GOOD!
  18. And hopefully you will make it to "Old and Dumb", and still riding!! OH and I know you can make it up that 12 foot vertical cliff with no run at it.!!! I'll catch your bike for ya!!
  19. oh you were referring to THAT Michael. You see here I am showing my complete inability to stay updated with any current events, I thought you were referring to a friend of yours whose name was Michael, not the famed Jackson. I will now crawl back into my dark corner of the basement where the only contact I have with the outside world is TC and whatever the Wife tells me. I are a real Doofus some days. I really should not have a and then reply to anything on here. On Edit: He was one REALLY STRANGE man
  20. It is unfortunate that Michael has passed on. The Tatt looks well done. I am curious Cope as to the meaning behind the said Black Flaming Balls Of Cherries! As usual I are confused. Also how would it p*** off others?
  21. Well, the trials project bike is taking shape. Good luck hope it works out. Too bad about the Bandit.
  22. Biff, Yep definitely an EXCELLENT story!! Hey I resemble that remark. That was a fun day..... I still have one of those 4 wheelers, little 1986 Yamaha YFM80, no suspension, 4 speed no clutch, only has rear brakes. Goes over a good size log, I have ridden a few Novice lines with it, Way more fun than a 36 yr old should have. (oh I think it has an oil leak now......go figure) Biff, I need help getting the Chevy truck to do a wheelie, any suggestions?
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