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Everything posted by zippy
  1. My riding mower does REALLY good wheelies!!! got a hydrostatic drive basically I just do a reverse slammy! drive is done with one lever push forward go forward pull back go back. So for wheelie go full speed reverse then slam the lever forward and instantly looking at sky!!
  2. Atom, I like the way you think regarding the paintwork. HMMMMMMMMm,,,, I think a pic of mower rolling over and chopping me to bits might be gruesome enough. Now Who wants to take the Picture to put on bike?
  3. Atom, now you have seen the most current Graphic scheme. Oh and I do the lawn mowing, gets me out of house away from kids. Riding lawn mower is loads of fun doing the banks of the ditch. Neighbors think I am nuts leaning half off the mower on the up hill side to keep from rolling over.
  4. Then it would cut itself very stylish
  5. Good Luck to the Lad, Hope he has a very positive experience.................. And HAVE FUN......
  6. Ummm........You're Welcome
  7. I am hoping the US has a world round next year. I am pretty sure it does. If travel time is the concern Just how long of a trip is it for you? US is HUGE in physical size and we only get 1 venue for the World Rounds. For me to have driven to the Tennessee venue for last years World Round I would have spent approx. 12 hrs in the car of non-stop driving. I am WAY closer to Tennessee than those that live in California, so imagine their travel time. (I assume flying would be in order) So the US should get 3 stops in the World Trials Competition to make it more convenient for us to attend. Maybe that would help spark interest in trials here.
  8. Knock Knock Who's there? Cargo. Cargo Who? No....Car go Beep Beep!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish my lawn was Emo. Why? Because, then it would cut itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. HAVE FUN!!! Go riding with a great friend. Good friend says "Keep practicing you will get it." Great friend says "Give it more gas, I'll catch ya if ya don't make it"
  10. zippy

    Two Stroke Oil

    If that is a good quality synthetic oil........then yep should be fine. Generally the ratio run is 80:1
  11. The Canadian is the dude in the background with the white hat and white shirt. You can see him between the 2 ladies on the left of the picture. The rather light lady in the middle is the only one of the group that has straight A's in all her college courses. Spent her time studying instead of at the tanner.
  12. Another punk kid beats me. HAHAHAHAHAHA Good un,
  13. Sweet Web site setup Paul. I checked out the online registration, pretty cool. Only problem the pull down list for riding class is missing the one I ride..........."STUPID" Hope to be there should be a hoot!!
  14. Good luck with the build Should be interesting to see the finished product.
  15. I had a blast!!!! I rode great (my score does not reflect this) OK I rode great at certain points in the day But I am VERY happy with those points in time. Great Event. And if my information is correct I am the ONLY ADV rider to NOT go over the bars on the first log of section 8. (I know amazing ain't it)
  16. Hey Ham bout time somebody started mentioning the good music!!!
  18. Sam, Please take the following comment with the utmost respect........ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  19. The more riders the better!!! Hope they have fun. So is the snorkel in reference to the swim taken with the Unicycle or did something happen at the Training session in Niles that has yet to be reported????
  20. Biff buddy I will bring ya a snorkel
  21. zippy

    Tdn Shirts

    Considering the Skull and Crossbones on the shirt I may have to beg the Wifey to let me buy one!!!
  22. Might be easier to just buy a complete bike and have it shipped.
  23. OK here goes I am gonna try to stick with facts. Sherco 290 is actually 272cc with 5 speed gearbox Gas Gas 280 is 272cc with 6 speed gearbox Beta Evo 290 is 290cc with 5 speed gearbox? Now I will go with personal experience and opinion. I have a 2000 Sherco 2.9 I really like it but I hear it is a totally different animal than the 2007-2009 models. Sherco has Plastic fuel tank Gas Gas 280 OK I really have no experience with one of these but the 300's are more popular. Gasser has metal tank. Beta Evo 290 has a harder clutch pull than the others, and The rider I know with one has complained the gas tank capacity is a bit low. (many fill ups) Also the fuel tank is a welded in part of the frame, makes motor and radiator maintenance a little more difficult. In the short test ride I had on his Beta it felt well balanced the power was very nice and predictable, had very good low end (just a little throttle and it would torque it's way up) At higher revs would jump to the moon. ALL bikes require maintenance, the amount usually is directly proportional to how much you beat the hell out of it. All 3 of those models have linkage rear suspension so lubing that on a regular basis is a must. Hope that helps.
  24. HMMMM..... Wonder if Wifey would allow me to fill that vacant Miata seat????????
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