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Everything posted by zippy
  1. I have watched that really interesting show "Flip this house" and thought the people on there from California were/are completely NUTS!! $300,000 - $400,000 for a shell of a 2 bedroom house that has to be gutted and started over with, oh and a postage stamp sized yard. And then when they are done it is a beautiful home but the price tag on it is now $800,000 - $1 mil. Total insanity. The funny thing about houses is they are only worth what somebody is willing to pay for it. Oh and the whole stack market thing, I don't claim to understand it much at all, but it seems to me that it is run by a bunch of women. Allow me to explain.........it is all based on emotion, A company that has done well for 20 yrs all of a sudden makes an announcement that the CEO is retiring, oh god the investors get all nervous and scared about who will take over, what will happen and stock prices drop or the CEO had an affair and is now getting a divorce, oops the investors are upset about his indiscretions and they pull out, stocks drop, etc. And this is what the value of our dollar is tied too??? It's all a bunch of hooey. Not sure if I explained myself properly but hopefully you get the idea.
  2. You must really be hit with financial hard times.......The retirees I know have a pool boy AND a Valet to take care of the parking. It is so hard to find good help these days. I am convinced the missus hates our 21yr old perfect bodied female maid. Oh life is rough.
  3. Being in a box...............maybe you will finally get some sleep!!
  4. zippy


    graphics can be changed by the owner on a whim........... I.E. My bike 3M spray adhesive and fabric Biffs Bike........well whatever his demented mind can come up with. I am more interested in Function, Durability and Competence. (the bikes not mine, we know what mine is like) So a basic graphic is not really a big problem. Imagine it is much cheaper to buy just a black rear fender and have it looking back to original, then it would be to buy the rear fender and the extra graphics kit to get it back to looking original. How many fenders can you destroy learning a new technique? Oh and heard much about the 250cc, are the 125cc and 280cc available yet?
  5. Nope ain't nowhere near being a manager!!! I am a lowly hourly employee that is told what to do on a regular basis. I am a production employee that takes pride in what I do and try to do my best at it. My manager ain't perfect (they are all human anyways) but he does know what kind of employee I am. So maybe you should consider what kind of employee you are. If you weren't looking for sympathy, what were you looking for..........a donation?
  6. Don't ask me I am the idiot that wears shorts when he rides!! Boils down to: How much protection do you want How comfortable do you want to be.
  7. Just a couple things to say 1. I had an absolute BLAST of a time. GREAT FUN, I rode like crap, Had a GREAT time. (normal for me) 2. Pre-registration was awesome: walk up, say hi, pay money, walk away with score card. Could not have been easier. Biff and I went down there on Friday to hang out, have a good time. But unfortunately I went to bed a little early. This is what I woke up to on Saturday morning. VERY HILARIOUS!!! (and this is my bike) Well Biff went to a hotel on Saturday night. This is what he found when he got back to Sam's on Sunday morning. (I had nothing to do with it, honest Biff it wasn't me.) Sam, Ya done a good job, Clean out your inbox I am trying to PM you.
  8. Hey Graham, You are supposed to KISS the frogs looking for a prince, not **** them!!!!
  9. Andy T., Did you actually expect to get sympathy from posting on the board an obvious "Oh woe is me, my life sucks cuz I'm not rich and my boss is a Dick" whining and belly aching post. If you want sympathy complain to your significant other or the lads at the pub. I too did not receive a raise, Also my overtime has been cut dramatically, But hey I got a good job, I can pay my bills, I can still go ride. I got nothing to complain about. I also know of people taking pay cuts. If you want advice on what to do write to "Dear Abby"
  10. Well if it is your brother's bike then he is paying for the parts right? So just order all new plates (friction and metal) and give him some story about "optimum performance and just replacing friction plates will actually wear them out faster as they will have to bed in with the old metal plates." That way it's easier on your brain and you don't have to do much research just order and throw in. Just a thought
  11. zippy

    Who Saw Lane?

    I am assuming you mean physically cause that dude is already mentally crippled. That had to hurt when street bike tommy came off that bike and landed on his back on the concrete.
  12. I wish we got that in the States.
  13. zippy

    Who Saw Lane?

    Thanks No Jive Dang it I must have been blinded by that Jolene lady again!! See Lane on Nitro Circus Can be seen at 00:38 Of course there is the mandatory commercial before the video plays
  14. zippy

    Who Saw Lane?

    Hey No Jive, I saw an episode recently with Gary Coleman, they did some car crashes and the air springboard launch. Is this the episode you speak of? If so, at what point did you see Lane?
  15. One name comes to mind and only one for the best in the world ever..........Lane Leavitt. OK I had one to many this morning I need to sleep now.
  16. Embarrassing for you yes, but hilarious for us. You did have a good sense of humor about it, I didn't even hear one swear word!! On the serious side Sam, I would like to thank you for all your hard work, and to thank all of the event workers for all they are doing to provide a couple days of fun for the rest of us. (did I just kiss enough to get a couple of cleans punched on my card??) I am so looking forward to this event. I WANNA CRA..........I MEAN RIDE!!!
  17. zippy

    Car Sale

    DOH! I should look a little closer.
  18. zippy

    Car Sale

    HMMM the car is real................but the seller's name is kept private............. so is this real car actually owned by the person that sent the E-mail? Probably NOT!!
  19. YEA!!!!! Biff can come out and play a week from Saturday!!!!!!!
  20. Found some super secret footage of what to expect. Excellent Sam totally superb!!
  21. Too bad the damn thing comes with a cover and makes it difficult to find in the dark.
  22. Yep know of a gentleman that had MANY stitches in his upper shin, right between top of boots and knee, from having a footpeg scrape up his shin, went down to the bone. Tough and crazy that he is, he finished the trial without a complaint.
  23. Reminds me of Biffsgasgas out at our club grounds, there is a creek (stream) that flows through the property, it was early spring so the water is still quite cold. He decides to splatter the opposite bank, first time made it fine, then the famous "Hey ya'll watch this". Second time rear tire landed in water and he gracefully fell over sideways, one side of his body was just soaked. We were too busy laughing to help pull him out, (such nice guys that we are) he was fine and finished riding out the day, all be it quite chilled....
  24. First, I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Super Sam for the use of his property. Secondly, I think the cooperation between MOTA and TI for this event is truly great. Thirdly, Yes watching Biff ride is definitely an Exhibition!!! Last year was great fun and I believe the Michiana Club (I think Sam was the only member) did an excellent job with sections and handling the unexpectedly HUGE turnout. This year with planning ahead for a HUGE turnout and with using the TI computer scoring I am certain that the Michiana club (well I think it is still just Sam) will pull off an awesome event. It does sound like there will be a mess of "behind the scenes" stuff, sign up, scoring, computer glitches, etc.... that the rest of us may never see but I say thank you to those that have to deal with that to make a fun event for us. Hey Sam was that enough butt kissing to earn a few cleans?????
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