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Everything posted by zippy
  1. Sounds like a cool feature, some riders do some really nice things to their bikes. I tried to access and got this message Do I need to create another account?
  2. AAAAH New slogan VIAGRA! ...... you don't have to need it to ENJOY it! Or at least your partner will enjoy it.
  3. I have heard that on occasion a minder has lost body parts. i.e. fingers Which brings on the following question. Are all trials riders and minders just one foot away from the loony bin? Who else would look at some of that impossible stuff and think "Yep I think I can get the bike up there." and his buddy says "I'll hang onto a rope and lean way out from the cliff so I can catch your bike if ya don't" Totally mad lot we are.
  4. It may have been at a commercial operation but there are some similarities. In MOTA We do pay a fee to a non-profit organization in order to participate, also we sign wavers before competing, (both adults and for minors) In the legal realm the Wavers are going to be considered the same if there are injury claims taken to court. Although I have not met anybody in trials that would consider their injury to be the fault of somebody else. Can you imagine the court case. "Your Honor this land owner has this huge rock that I just Had to ride over. I crashed and broke my leg. It is the land owner's fault that he had such an inviting rock. There was no reason what so ever for me to use common sense that I did not have the ability to ride that rock." Sad thing is mr. fictional guy would probably win a few thousand dollars.
  5. Excellent Vid Yes it is ok to Laugh. I like the guy Zapping onto the rock and then skillfully "kissing" his front tire on the tree, and then proceeding to have the front end tuck under and down he goes. The next guy on the railroad tie boxes takes a hell of a fall though. There are a few nasty crashes, how many of us have done the "phantom" dab? (put your foot down and there is nothing there to put your foot on, and then you just continue down mucho scary for me)
  6. Most of his shows were inane and asinine with very little substance or worthwhile plots....................But they usually had some good Eye Candy!
  7. Personally I believe the current "mass produced" frames from GasGas, Sherco, montesa, Beta, Scorpa, and yes even Xispa, and Greeves, are just fine for the average club man rider. Even those that ride Local "Expert" class and Lower classes at Nationals. But there may be a market for lighter, stronger frames in the realm of U.S. Pro class and Expert class Nationals, The top 2 classes of European National Events and of course the World Rounds. But is that enough of a market to justify start up costs, taxes, labor, etc. etc.....? I think I would enjoy a skid plate made from Titanium...........AAHHH the beautiful sparks when skidding across a rock.
  8. zippy


    OOOOH! a nipple! ain't seen one of those in years. So is it a weekly drawing, how many parts to a Xispa? When someone finally gets that last part it will be just in time for the official release of the Bike.
  9. ALRIGHT NOW YOU HAVE GONE AND MENTIONED THE UNMENTIONABLE ACTOR!!! I am going to straight away to my settings and make it so I never have to see any posts by DGShannon!!! Of all the things he could have posted, he went and put that name on my screen!!!! Yep I am being a twit. Good one DGShannon.
  10. nope 29r not daft just properly paranoid. Too many people want somebody else to take responsibility for the actions that they willingly took. In this case yes it is tragic that a child has died. But look at it this way there are few children that participate in motorsports that do not want to. There has been growing regulations to "protect our children" from motorsports. I.E. certain size motors (cc) for certain ages. irregardless of the physical size of the machine, there are a lot of 12yr old boys too big for a 50cc bike or quad. There is a growing trend to slow or remove off road motorsport (quads and motorcycles) as an option. oddly enough it seems to be socially acceptable for snow mobiles to go wherever they like, even through your yard without permission. These motorized activities are considered to be outside the norm. The norm being team sports, Football, baseball, basketball, etc..... My son had 2 teeth broken playing little league baseball. Should I sue the organization for our dental bill? No we knew going into it there is a possibility of getting hit with the ball. How many high school kids have irreversible knee injuries from football? Make a law or regulation that affects those team sports to the extent of kids not being able to participate and stay way back cuz the crap will really hit the fan.
  11. Alrighty then, first you need to get a couple pints of your favorite adult beverage. Next get out the BFH (for those that prefer to have things typed completely out that would be the BIG ****ING HAMMER) Fit a standard brass drift pin to the offending giggle pin. Now the tricky bit.... Simultaneously hold the spraffle shaft between your big toe and next toe. (extremely important) whilst applying a large amount of force to the drift pin with the BFH (again I shall type this out completely BIG ****ING HAMMER) After repeated attempts and multiple swear words and......... VIOLA!! it is removed. note: two of my words probably got the ****** treatment and that will really cheese somebody off that prefers proper spelling.
  12. I personally don't play Football or much care for it, (Never understood the Quarterback reaching between another guys legs from behind ) I watched the commercials during the Soup eer Bowl, does that count?
  13. TOUCHDOWN!!! Or is it supposed to be Sock her? Be careful she might hit back just as hard as you!!
  14. zippy

    09 Natc Season

    ishy, If you pre-register prior to the deadline for the round of the national that you are riding the entry fee is $75 riders, $40 minders. If you show up on Friday per your scenario and register for the rounds on the following Sat and Sun then the late fees are in effect. Taken from the 2009 NATC rule book in the "Technical Inspection" section. "I. TS-Class: Twin Shock design, Air-Cooled engine, No Hydraulics, Must have Drum brakes" Hope that helps.
  15. OH that is horrible Andy... He got no arms and legs, he can't help how tall he is. OK as the saying goes "I'll get me coat"
  16. I was using sarcasm. it can be argued that all bikes can be traced back as copies to the first bicycle with a motor. Although I do find it amusing that now there is a British manufacturer making a modern trials bike and there are all sorts of comments on how they can make the product better, that having another manufacturer can only be a GOOD thing for the sport and how everyone hopes they can pull it off and have a production bike that is successful. But when Xispa was first mentioned there were a multitude of comments on how another manufacturer will make things financially difficult for the other existing brands and possibly put them out of business, How the bike is total crap, and that the bike will never hold up in a trial. Geez make up your mind, Is another brand of trials bike good for the sport or bad? or does it matter what country the main office is in.
  17. HMMMMMMMMM! Never wear what? And only put the honey on if she says it's ok.
  18. zippy


    Hey Cope, Maybe we can revive that Sponsorship you mentioned so long ago.
  19. HMMMMM! Sherco started as copy of GasGas Xispa is accused of being a copy of Sherco Greeves has been accused of copying Sherco. So all the "New" bikes are just a copy of GasGas?
  20. Leave it to Cope to come up with a cheaper and easier fix. Yep I would try that first.
  21. Has the engine been ever been rebuilt? I have a 2000 sherco 2.9, when cold it used to start one kick, I just never knew which one, could be the 3rd kick or the 30th. After I changed rings, crank bearings (crank shaft would shake if I hit the handlebars with my hand) and crank seals, at cold it now starts on the 2nd or 3rd kick. sometimes 1st. Or it may not be that extreme could just be the ignition timing is needs checking.
  22. OW! My forks are currently in a many pieced puzzle, hopefully to be resolved before spring. 20F would be an improvement I think we are averaging about 14F for highs right now. Couple weeks ago the lows were -13F
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