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Posts posted by zippy
  1. Congratulations to the Gaz's

    Gaz let me know if the following comment rings true with you as well.

    I remember the birth of all my children. Each birth was the most incredible, beautiful and emotional time of my life.

    They brought my wife and myself closer than ever. The kids were just incredibly angelic.

    AND at the same time from a strictly spectator viewpoint, it was also the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed.


    Enjoy your new daughter, they are only young once.

    Get used to the smell of dirty nappies and vomit, it don't go away for quite a few years.

  2. copemech Posted Yesterday, 10:13 PM

    It is a very attractive bike(never liked the white) a good performer, and bikes in good nick are sometimes hard to find.

    Not to mention, a good rider on this bike will still kick your butt! rolleyes.gif

    Yep what he said and think about this, half of the Sherco Economy bike is 5 yrs newer than my current bike and the other half is 9 yrs newer. :beer:

    But in my current situation still too expensive. :(

  3. OK here is some "food for thought" (pun intended)

    If being fat is so bad, evil, contrary to societal values and gonna make you die early..........why are there so many of us (yep I big dude..well round anyway) that ride trials, ride mountain bikes, cut wood, play recreational sports such as volleyball etc..... that have perfect blood pressure, plenty of energy, perfect sugar (not diabetic) and basically told we are healthy in every way except our weight is too high?

    I am not trying to sound like being 500 lbs is the new norm for weight, I just want to know why if it is so bad why are there so many that are healthy? (except for weight)

    Admit it there are a lot of riders on here that fall in the overweight category but still ride regularly and have plenty of energy and just well feel good most of the time.

    I just think the BMI scale may be a bit low for what is normal.

    This should get somebody somewhere fired up. :(

  4. copemech Posted Yesterday, 10:51 PM

    QUOTE (biffsgasgas @ Jan 27 2009, 10:51 PM) *

    If Zippy is not riding with skulls he is usually riding with this shirt.


    He He, thats a good video he put up! And a good gap he jumped there, it would scare me a bit! Did you get him over the pyrimid of doom?

    Did he have to go change undies after all that? huh.gif

    Damn straight I beat Anorexia, it was a hard fought battle but I think the donuts, cupcakes and ice cream gave me the edge I needed to really put me on the winning side.


    Thanks for the compliment, I sorta went over the Pyramid, rode up it with Biff playing catcher. Took a few tries to get the throttle right and courage right, but I did get on top, put my foot down, slowed my breathing and then gently rolled down the other side. Upon which I decided "Once is good enough"

  5. copemech Posted Today, 12:05 AM

    QUOTE (ZIPPY @ Jan 26 2009, 09:47 PM) *

    So basically they are condoning self medication.............."Throwing up"


    There is no cure but it can be managed.


    Have you tried this,,,,, Zippy? rolleyes.gif

    Have you seen pictures or video of me?

    It is quite obvious that I have no trouble placing the food in my mouth and keeping it down in the tummy.

    somewhat shaped like this guy :(

  6. bmclrev3 If you don't mind me asking What did ya pay for it?

    Oh I am in US. so if you can convert to US dollars that would be great.

    Because like most 'Mercans I are too lazy to do it meself. :(

    As far as I know we have no importer or dealers in the states as of yet. I am just curious.

  7. From the article that is linked.

    "Concern over the obesity epidemic seems to be throwing up a whole load of off-the-wall ideas but the message remains the same, that sensible eating and exercise are the major components to get your weight under control."

    So basically they are condoning self medication.............."Throwing up"


    There is no cure but it can be managed.


  8. redneck Posted Today, 03:12 PM

    QUOTE (copemech @ Jan 18 2009, 08:55 PM) *

    Did you guys manage to fend off all the muslems immigrents? I seem to recall something from the PM telling them to FO?

    Seems to me they are a bit thwarted with them in the UK and France!

    Hell, most everything here is currently written in Spanish(Mexican) as it seems we must become bilingual to accommodate them, many(read most) whh are or were illegal to begin with! Then we must support them with tax dollars!

    You cannot have medical here unless you pay extra! All the tax dollars go to the illegals! And deadbeats! huh.gif

    i know what you mean. i used to live in california and EVERY thing was in spanish. if your gonna live in a country, SPEAK THEIR language.

    Yep that's right!!! If I moved to the U.K. I would have to learn English!!

    Sorry that would be "The Queen's English" and I would have to spell a little dyfferently. :huh:

  9. B40RT Posted Today, 07:46 AM

    How about a new forum devoted to the above as these question appear frequently throughout various bike specific forums, and alot of the solutions are general.

    I guess it could be added in the Technical Forums.. as a specific forum.

  10. biffsgasgas Posted Today, 09:33 PM

    So its like four outside in the garage right now....

    Yep about that warm at my house too...........but I got a furnace in my garage. :D

    Ordered chain, sprockets etc.. for the Sherco today. That's the most I have done with it since I was at the barn with you about 2 weeks ago.

    Had considered studding the Sherco tires and riding on the river with all the snowmobiles. Just think of all the riding that can be done on the banks, we got big tree roots, over hangs etc... But the infamous Mrs. Zippy :P said "NO!!!". I think she said something about not wanting me to fall in, get trapped under the ice and die. She's funny that way. :wub:

  11. copemech Posted Yesterday, 09:28 PM

    They said it was 17f at the trials camp last night and this morning.

    I would not know, as I slept in! That is just too cold for me! rolleyes.gif I had a bad experience once, when all the beer I had drunk froze on the ground just outside the trailer door!

    Going skating on the yellow ice. :thumbup:

  12. copemech Posted Yesterday, 07:23 PM

    It was cold here today, but mine started on the 4th kick, in the tennis shoes! rolleyes.gif

    Cold? did it get down to a chilly 60F?


    Starting to sound like a complete tear down is the only way to discover the problem.

  13. Sherco had a bad batch of kickstarts at one time, missed heat treat or something.

    can't remember what year, but that may be why it is bent.

    The stripped part sounds really bad.

    I have heard that a stripped flywheel key will allow the bike to run in reverse, is it possible that it may cause tremendous kickback?

    Or have I got my head in the snow? :thumbup:

  14. B40RT Posted Today, 01:50 PM

    QUOTE (The Addict @ Jan 9 2009, 05:07 PM) *

    If youve got a fancy tank breather take it off, might just be blocked and stopping fuel going into carb, if thats ok check the carb itself is flowing fuel and the floats arnt stuck, all this though assuming you have a spark. Sometimes its tricky to see a spark in the day, best way is to try at night it will soon show.

    The real mans way to check if theres a spark is to hold the plug, ease over gently, you'le soon know if its getting power !

    Saves on hair gell.


    remove plug from head

    keep plug in the plug wire

    have your very best friend (or is it fiend)

    repeatedly kick over the bike until you are good and fried.

  15. copemech Posted Yesterday, 09:13 PM

    QUOTE (ZIPPY @ Jan 2 2009, 07:06 PM) *

    OH MY there are a staggering number of jokes available for that post. Most involving fingers and boxes.

    ohmy.gif biggrin.gif

    Zippy, purveyor of packing! rolleyes.gif

    Mackinaw Island Fudge?


    OK this is really going in a bad direction.

  16. Blocky Posted Today, 05:19 AM

    Worst Christmas of my life...



    and now bikeless

    Things can only get better !!!

    Thank god I have my kids to help me through

    Blocky has something to complain about.

    You have my sympathy, but unfortunately that ain't gonna help ya much.

    agreed TOO MUCH news is constantly being reported and repeated.

  17. Alright I will start by saying that Halloween is my favorite holiday.

    (Also I am in the US)

    but I am fed up with Christmas decorations and sales starting the day after Halloween.

    We have another holiday yet before Christmas it is Thanksgiving.

    (not sure if rest of world celebrates the Harvest or something at that time of year)

    I say give every holiday it's own season.

    Christmas has become over commercialized and is all about how much stuff one can get.

    Now after saying all that.

    I really enjoyed Christmas morning and day with my wonderful wife and 3 boys.

    (yes the kids got presents) But that is what it is all about, spending time with family and being generous if able.

    (if religious you are celebrating the birth of Christ, but that is another discussion altogether.)

    I can't complain, I got a loving family, good job, house, cars, and trials bike. I may not be able to do a lot of "extras" in the new year, But hey things is still good for us.

    There are many that don't have as good an outlook for 2009, and many more are losing jobs, or will be losing their jobs because of the crappy economy. :rolleyes:

    Oh and rant over.

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