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Thank you Gentlemen. My experience of Gas Gas (trial and enduro) is not to go anywhere near it with anything stronger than a feather duster. Fastenings in particular seem to be made from the softest steel known to mankind. I'll start with a very gentle tap..... Richard
That drains the bowl and gives access to the main jet but doesn't release the bowl.
Can someone tell me how to get the bowl off the carb on a 2006 TXT. There aren't any visible fastenings. Or am I missing something? Thanks
I have a 2006 250TXT and also had a problem with the fan not coming on. It turned out not to be the thermostat but the fan sticking in a certain place. When the bike is hot enough for the fan to operate try pushing the fan on with your finger and see if it starts running. If this is the problem then you need a new fan unit (about
Gents Thanks for all your thoughts and views. Having picked up a new rear caliper from BVM on Saturday I decided to just fit it. At the bottom of the hole where the nipple is fitted there is a small steel piece against which the bottom of the nipple sits to form a seal. In my over-exuberance with the drill on the original caliper I had ruined it. If this ever happens to you, you mustn't drill any deeper than 8mm or it's 'new caliper time'. (There may, of course, be a way of fixing it yet but I really don't have the time right now). I was a bit surprised that the new caliper came complete - even including pads! A simple case of fit it, connect the hose, bleed it and away you go. I would rather have been able to buy just the piece I had ruined and then fitted all the bits from the original caliper and thereby save myself some money. Anyway, I shall now be adding nipple greasing to my maintenance regime - every six months with some copper grease should do it. Cheers Richard
Hi I have a 2006 250TXT and recently tried to bleed the rear brake but broke off the bleed nipple when trying to undo it (damned thing must be made of the world's softest steel). No problem, I thought, a little heat and an ezi-out will sort that out. And then the ezi-out broke off. The nipple thread was seized good and proper. To cut a long story short I have had to drill it out. I think I may be able to re-tap the thread and fit a replacement standard (M6) nipple but if not I'm going to try to fit an M7 or M8 nipple. Does anyone have any experiece of this? Any do's and don'ts worth mentioning? Any help would be appreciated as a replacement caliper is
Hi I'm replacing the bar clamps on a 2006 250TXT. There's no access to the rear bolt in the existing clamps as the hinge is in the way. How do I get the hinge pin out? Drive it out? Or is there some other fiendish way of getting the existing clamps off? Thanks Richard
Ian For Aggs Hill put GL54 4ET into multimap and the ground is approx 400 yards due west of the red circle. If you click on arial photo you can see the ground. For Kilkenny put "Kilkenny" into multimap, click on "Kilkenny, Gloucestershire" and the ground is approx 100 yards west of the red circle. Again, the arial photo will show you the ground. There's a car park just east of the ground where you can park up but I'm told it's best not to ride in the car park. For the ones near Broadway, firstly Top Farm, click on http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p184/sc.../TopFarmMap.jpg To get there take the B4632 from Broadway towards Cheltenham and take the left to Buckland, follow the road until it turns into a track which will take you up to Top Farm. Ask when you get to the farm. As for the other one, having looked at the map I can't find it - I only went there on Saturday for the first time and I wasn't driving. When I speak with my mate I'll let you know. I hope that helps. Enjoy! Richard
Ian I live near Evesham and recently did a trial at Earl Shilton - a very good ground and the cost is
I would like to raise the bars up on a 2005 250Pro. Does anyone know of any products out there that are any good. I'd like to get the grips at least 2 inches higher as I'm 6'3" and am finding the bending isn't doing my lower back any favours!! Will raising the bars affect the handling? Thanks Richard
I see. I didn't read that bit in your profile. You could contact http://www.hctravel.com/html/airfreight.html. They run a 'drop of at airport service' but it's only to North America. However, they might be able to help or know someone who could. Maybe your mate could drop it off or arrange a man-and-van? Richard
I've shipped a bike from Nepal to Thailand by air and from Malaysia Lumpar to Southampton by sea. By air is the way to go as sea is too slow and often they wait until the boat is full before it sails. By air is more expensive though. If you go by air you'll need to make the bike as small as possible before crating (take off handle bars and front wheel) as the fare is calcluated by either weight or 'volume weight' whichever is the greater. Find yourself an agent who knows the score and who preferrably knows an agent in UAE to deal with clearing customs. If you're bringing the bike back to the UK check if the bike needs a Carnet de Passgae for UAE (a kind of passport for the bike which involves bonds or bank guarantees to cover the import duty if you don't take the bike back out of the country). For advice try Horizons Unlimited - http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/tripplan/transport/ This is the main website for overlanders. There are links to shippers and details of how to crate a bike. Another option is to buy a copy of the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook by Chris Scott which has a fair bit of information. Good luck
The fan on my 2006 250 runs a lot too but, like tombo, only after the bike has run a while. I'd agree with the 90% estimate. The fan on gg's seem to get a lot of posts on this forum - either running too much or not at all. Does the fan run constantly? There is a small wire on gg's that runs from the earthing point (on the bolt that secures the rectifier) that allows the thermostat to be bypassed if it's defective. Has the previous owner bypassed the thermostat? Richard
If you go to http://d-mis-web.ana.bris.ac.uk/personal/H...f/media/gasgas/ you can download a short film on clutch bleeding. This comes from the Gas Gas owner's DVD manual.